
Little Swarm 3

Jay had a regretful, pitying smile but he was soon bothered by something - he wouldn’t know how strong this spell is, or what it did, until he actually experienced it.

This was the least of their problems for now though, as there was another dilemma facing them: do they wait to see if the dihexapedes can thin out the stone guards before entering the battle - or do they enter now before all the dihexapedes die out, taking some pressure off themselves while fighting the statues?

It was clearly a different pack of dihexapede’s too, as the one they fought in the mist only had about fifteen left; the number of them fighting this battle were in the mid forties.

Jay squinted at them for a moment. It seemed like the dihexapede’s were doing well and the battle would be equal - yet there was one problem: each time a dihexapede died, they would all get weaker.
