
A Nice Death Match in the Enchanted Forest

It took us a few moments to reach the battlefield.

As soon as we did I flew up to the face of the dragon and we stared each other down. We then flared our auras, the two of them clashing like a battle of Conqueror's Haki.

We both did this to size each other up, and to make one thing perfectly clear.

In this battle unless you fought with the intent to kill, you were most certainly going to die.

Which is fine by me. I've been itching for a battle like this.

The two of us stopped clashing our aura's and reigned in our power.

Then as soon as we did the battle officially began.

The dragon opened his mouth and a magic circle formed. Then in the next second he unleashed a tornado blast of wind directly at me.

But I dodged it at the last second.

However the dragon got me with his next attack. He used his right claw to slam me into the ground.

But I quickly picked myself back up and re-took to the air.

That was entirely my fault. I usually don't train to fight air battles with my wings. I will need to rectify that immediately once I return.

Regaining altitude, I saw multiple magic circles form around the dragons head. He then unleashed several blasts of water at me.

Using my speed I dodge them all, closing the distance.

Then once I was in striking range I raised my left hand and a magic circle appeared. A second later a wave of thorny vines exited it and wrapped around the dragons body, digging into his skin, causing him to wince in pain.

I saw blood, but not a lot.

'His scales are tough, just as I suspected.' I thought.

Dragons aren't feared across the supernatural world for nothing after all.

But that doesn't mean they're invincible.

I waved my right hand and the second I did roses bloomed on the vines wrapped around the dragons body and then exploded.

This time he did scream in pain.

"Agh!" The dragon shouted as blood sprayed his body.

I stole that little number from Mard Greer. His Thorn Curse is perfect with me being a devil and all.

The attack caused damage to the dragon, but he didn't fall out of the sky. On the contrary his aura rose even further. Once it did he unleashed a fire blast from his mouth directly at me.

Seeing it I countered using my own blast of demonic power, the two attacks clashing and canceling each other out, creating a massive explosion in the process.

Flying out of the dust cloud I flew straight at the dragons head and punched him right in the jaw. My attack sent him barreling through the sky, but he corrected himself almost immediately.

He then started flying through the air trying to strike me with his massive body.

But using my smaller sized I dodged his attempts with ease.

Seeing this the dragon started flying around in a circle, and before I knew he had created several tornadoes, sending them straight me.

Now I understood how he could create this zone of scorched earth. He's like a living natural disaster factory.

Even so, I won't lose.

Raising my right hand I formed a magic circle and wood sprang out from it, wrapping around me in a protective shell. I then hunkered down and waited for the attacks to pass.

The moment they did I dissolved the shell and flew away from the dragon to get some distance.

As soon as I had enough I summoned another magic circle connected to my personal dimensional storage space. A few seconds later my personal weapon appeared.

A dark black bow that I forged using Mithril and Orichalcum. It can fire both physical arrows, and those crafted from magical and demonic power.

I have named it Conquest. After the first Horseman of the Apocalypse from the Book of Revelations.

Taking Conquest in my left hand I pulled on the bowstring and a demonic arrow formed in the notch. The second it did I let it loose and the arrow rocketed in the direction of the dragon. But right before it reached him, the arrow split into a couple of hundred all aimed at the dragons giant body.

Seeing this the dragon condense the energy around his body and simply tanked the shower of arrows.

When the smoke cleared he had only superficial wounds.

Meaning it's going to take a lot to bring him down. I grinned at this.

This is exactly what I wanted.

"Fun. This is so much fun." The dragon spoke.

"I couldn't agree more." I said.

Our auras rose once more.

The dragon opened his mouth, but this time he unleashed a powerful storm blast in my direction.

Pulling back on Conquest bowstring I condensed my demonic power into a powerful arrow and then released, our two attacks clashing once more.

The force of the shockwave created sent me flying back a bit, the same with the dragon. But both of us quickly steadied ourselves.

The moment we did I directed my right hand toward the ground and a massive magic circle 50 meters (164 feet) appeared. A few seconds after it did multiple trees sprouted from the ground and grew 100 meters (328 feet) tall. Once they did multiple roots moved and ensnared the body of the dragon.

I then snapped my fingers and those roots exploded, engulfing the dragon in a sea of smoke and flames.

Fairy Tail strikes again. This time it's Azumas' Great Tree Arc magic.

When the smoke cleared the dragon was bleeding heavily in several places. But he still hasn't fallen out of the sky.


Releasing a roar he summoned multiple magic circles of his own around his body. He then released multiple water bullets and wind blades at me.

Waving my right hand a number of the trees on the ground sprouted numerous roots that moved to protect me from any damage.

In the end I didn't take a single heat.

Once the assault was over I flew over to one of the trees and landed on it. I then condensed my aura and unleashed [Tower Burst] releasing a massive explosion that shot up straight into the sky, engulfing over half the dragons body.

When it was over the dragon began falling from the sky.

Seeing this I decided to hit him with one more attack, just for good measure.

I summoned vines from the ground and they wrapped around his body. Roses then sprouted and exploded once more a before. This time across his entire body.

When the attack ended the dragon crashed into the ground, completely unconscious.

Delivering me victory in this battle.

One that I admit was really fun. I got to test out my re-created techniques on an actual opponent without having to hold back.

I felt a sense of bliss from doing so.

I took a moment. Then once the moment passed I receded all the trees and walked over to the dragon.

"How long are you going to lie there?" I asked him.

I knew he wasn't dead. I can still sense his energy.

The dragon opened his eyes and looked at me. "Give me a moment. Thanks to you my body is aching all over. But damn if that wasn't a good battle." He mused.

"I was thinking the same thing." I said.

I then waited for the dragon to recover enough to be able to move on his own. Once he did we returned to the cliff where the others were waiting for us.

The dragon looked at Treyni. "I lost little Dryad. So I will leave this place as promised."

"About that." I spoke up. "I have a proportion for you." I told him.

"Oh." The dragon mused.

"Eh?!" Treyni cried, completely shocked.

I ignored her of course.

"What do you want from me?" The dragon asked.

"I want you to come back to the underworld and live in the Belial clan territory." I told him.

"So you want me to be your familiar?" The dragon asked.

I shook my head. "No, I want one of the Dryads to be my familiar." I explained. "The reason I want you to come back to my home is because I want you to act as a guard for it."

This guy is strong. Any ordinary high-class devil could never hope to take him down. And with a few more decades of training in the right manner not even an army will be able to bring him to his knees. It'll be the other way around.

That's why I want him to come back to the underworld with us. He will be the perfect stop-gap for enemies during the Civil War. Not to mention he's one of the few people I can go all out against without worrying if they're going to live or not. Sparring with him will do me wonders.

I also like his personality.

"Interesting." The dragon mused. "Ok, I'll do it." He said.

"Just like that?" I questioned.

He nodded. "Yes. I hear that the underworld is teeming with strong creatures to fight. And if I come with you that means we can fight any time I want. It means I can get a re-match just by asking. So yes, I'll come and be a guard for your territory."

"Excellent. Welcome aboard...Ah actually what is your name, I never got it?" I said.

"I don't have one. My parents didn't give me on." He revealed.

"Ah hello." Ryogun spoke up. "The name is Ryogun Belphegor. Asterius's fiancée."

"Nice to meet you." The dragon said.

"Thank you. So I was just wondering, who are your parents?" She asked.

"My mother is a wind dragon. As for my father he is Ryujin." The dragon revealed.

The moment he did I finally understood that strange energy I had been sensing. It was god-class energy.

Since Ryujin is the god of the Sea in the Shinto Religion. And although he looks like a dragon he is not.

Anyway, that makes this dragon in front of us a demi-god so to speak. Explains why he was so tough to take down.

"Oh a demi-god." Angelica mused.

"Yep, that's me." The dragon spoke. "But anyway I don't have an actual name."

'Well we can't call you dragon, so how about we come up with one?" Ryogun suggested.

"That's fine by me." The dragon said.

Meanwhile Treyni has short-circuited so I'll leave her alone until she reboots.

"Ryunosuke." Ryogun said.

"No thank you." The dragon said.

"Aqua." Angelica said.

I had to keep from laughing when she did.

"No." The dragon said. "For some reason I felt really disappointed when I heard that name."

"I have a suggestion." I said. "How about Kaido?" I mused.

The dragon nodded his head. "Yes. I like it. From now on call me Kaido." He said. He then grinned.

"Ok. Welcome aboard then Kaido." I said. "Also do you have a human form? Because you showing up in dragon form in our territory would cause quite an uproar."

"Yes. I do." Kaido answered.

His body then started to glow and shrink, until eventually it stopped and then a handsome young man stood in front of us. "Is this better?"

"Yes, thank you." I said.

I then walked over to Treyni and waved my hand in front of her face." Hello, Earth to Treyni." I mused.

"Ah, yes." Treyni said, coming out of her daze. She then looked at me. "So the deal has been complete. You have honored your end of the bargain, so I will hear out your request." She said.

"Thank you." I told so. "So like I've been saying I would like it if one of the Dryads would become my familiar. But more than that I would like a few of them to come and work and live in my family's territory."

I then explained the reason why.

Treyni nodded.

"I see. Well that won't be too difficult." Treyni said. "In fact I think a great number of my sisters would enjoy such work. Maybe even a few of our brothers as well, if that is ok with you?"

"That's fine." I said. Having a few Treant's won't hurt us. Actually I can have them guard the Dryads and be spies across the territory.

A two for one special.

"Now then, what about the matter of one of you Dryads becoming my familiar?" I asked Treyni.

"You have shown honor and bravery. Because of this I would be honored to become your familiar." Treyni said. "That is if you'll have me?"

"But of course. Turning down the request from such a pretty girl wouldn't be right." I said. I then flashed Treyni a smile.

She blushed and looked away from me.

Looks like my charms even work on Dryads.

Good to know.

Moving on, Treyni and I sealed our contract. But since she already has a name I didn't need to name her. I simply needed to speak her name out loud during the ceremony and we formed our pact.

Once that was done Treyni guided us back to her sisters and brothers and explained the situation to them.

After she was finished 50 dryads and 100 Treants agreed to come live and work in my family's territory.

As soon as they did we bid farewell to Treyni and the others and returned to the underworld.

Ending the day on a rather good note.
