

When she heard the words 'Through me first', Louisa, who had cited what she wanted to say as Urgent, swallowed her spit. Berating herself in her mind, she thought, what was she thinking to begin with? How could she ever tell Rochester that; not with whatever state he was in?

However, Louisa knew better. She knew that she hadn't intended to straight away tell him she wasn't pregnant, matter of fact had never been, that was merely an excuse—cleverly thought up she'd hope to have Eloise grant her access to chat with Rochester… If only for a little while… Even if he could only listen to her talk and not say anything, himself. Louisa felt like she would be content with just seeing him for herself.

"I'm sorry," she softly muttered. "It's something I can only tell to Rochester."

"What did you say?" asked Madam Eloise, looking away from Samantha who was next to her.
