
He Was Summoned To Kill Her

Anne, who was still having difficulties in opening her eyes, whispered softly. She was in between consciousness and unconsciousness but her desire to save her sister was still strong.

She winced and her whole body trembled when she started to move again. 

The demon held her tightly in his arms and brought her closer to his chest as if he was trying to assure her and protect her at the same time when the girl took a shallow breath.

"You are not in a condition to use your powers. It is already a miracle that you are alive. So calm down and rest, we will find a way!" he tried to assure her.

And though Rafael was not happy with the predicament, he pursued his lips and said nothing. 

He knew that if something happened to Anne, Hazel would never forgive herself and neither would him. He did not want to be hated by her.. again!
