
21. Toilet duty...

"But you saw me yesterday., and you let me in. So why won't you let me in today?? Isla queried as the security in front won't let her through.

" Miss., that was during working hours. During working hours various people come in. But right now, it's not even seven yet and you expect me to let you in.

" but I'm a worker here., I just started working yesterday.

"then show me your workers ID and I'll let you in. The man said firmly.

" I just told you I just started working yesterday., I don't have a workers ID yet. She desperately explained to the man., looking at her wristwatch, it was just eight minutes to six. At this rate, she'd end up going in late even though she actually came in early.

"Good morning Bale... A familiar female voice greeted. Isla looked at the lady and was grateful to God for sending a last minute helper to her.

" Thank God. Please can you tell him I work in this company so he can let me in. I've been standing here for over ten minutes. She pleaded with the dark-haired lady.

"Good morning Miss Osborne., you look as splendid as always. The man was grinning from both ears. Isla had been here since and hadn't seen a single gleam of smile on his face.

" oh Bale you never seize to be a gentle man. But is there any problem here. She raised a brow directed at Isla.

" oh., this lady claims to work here., but although I've seen her maybe once or twice., I don't think she's an employee here. And I told her to show me her ID, but she says she ain't got any. So do you perhaps know this young lady?? Isla turned to look at Jennie so she could see her face clearly.

Jennie stares at her for a while., looking intensely as if trying to figure out who was front of her.

"No., No I don't think I've seen this face before. I think you should send her away. Isla was beyond shocked how could she say she didn't know her. Did she have early morning blindness or what?

" Miss I'm sorry., but I'm afraid you'll have to leave this place right now. Leave or I'll be forced to rough handle you. The man threatened. Isla could not believe what was happening now.

She had arranged herself extremely early to make it to work on time today., not wanting to repeat her mistake. But it was obvious the devil had other plans for her. She could see the disgusting smirk on the face of Jennie as she walked into the company with her heads up high.

"Miss., Leave now. Bale commanded again.

" I'm sorry sir, but I cannot take a step from this place. I work here and you can believe me or not I work in department 25 and I'm the assistant of Mr. King., and I have to get into that building before he does. Isla said trying to push her way through., but the man was not joking when he said he would rough handle her.

"Ouch.. She shrieked as he gripped her arm tightly., for a man as thin as he, he sure had a bricklayer's hand. She fought and fought, but the man still dragged her out.

" look miss, if you know what's good for you., you'd stay out for good. He screamed at her. Her eyes had become wet with tears., and they threatened to trickle down any minute soon.

" What do I do now., why is everything just so hard... She looked at her watch again and it was already five minutes after six. Looking at the time, made the tears that were gathering in her eyes to burst out.

" How am I going to get inside before Damon arrives., she says sniffing in the fluid that had quickly found it's way to her and nose. Just then, her phone rang. It was Jerry calling. She cleared her throat, and wiped her tears before answering the call.

" Are you all settled down already??

" I wish I was., this crazy security guy won't let me through because I don't have an ID. She explains.

"well don't you have anyone to call from your depar...

" BEN!!! she suddenly screamed with joy... Oh Jerry, what in the world would I do without you. I gotta go now., but I'll call you back later. She hangs up. How could she had forgotten. Ben would have been in the office. Thank goodness she collected his number.

"Isla., why aren't you...

" Yeah., just hold on Ben., I need you to come pick me up outside the building. They won't let me in because I don't have an ID. She explains as swiftly as she could., and in some minutes, Ben was already downstairs.

"Thank you so much Ben., you really saved my life this time. She said as she settled down into her seat.

" Not really., because you're still late. You walked into this office around 6:15., I'm afraid when the Boss comes you'll still be in trouble. She knew he was right. All she could think of now was how was the Demon King going to punish her for her late coming this time.

"Damon, don't tell me you're still sulking over the fact that I won."

"Marcel why are you here? I'm leaving for the office.

" come on man, it was just a simple bicycle race., and I beat you fair and square. So I really don't know why you're still angry. Once in a while they both went on bicycle rides as part of their morning exercises. And most times Damon wins, but the few times when Marcel would win, Damon would become grumpy from the movie snow white. And today was one of those days.

"I'm not a child to sulk over something like that. So Marcel if you don't have anything to say to me, then get out of my way.

" okay., I want you to give me a ride to the office. Marcel said with a stupid smile on his face.

"why what happened to your cars??

" Nothing., I just want to go with you today. Marcel was still smiling and for what reason, Damon just didn't know.

"Marcel take your car, I'm not giving you a ride. He walks over to the driver's side and opens the door, but then he pauses right before entering the car. Or better still., since you're so good at riding a bicycle, why don't you ride a bicycle to work today. He flashes a weird fake smile at him before entering the car.

"See., see., I knew you were still mad because I beat you. You're so cheap for a grown man you know. Marcel yelled, pointing at the car as it drove out of the parking lot.

"Good morning Mr. King

"Good morning... Marcel walked into the building, still complaining to himself about his cousin. I can't believe that guy. He will never grow up., ever. Just as he was walking in., he saw a lady walking out in tears.

" so you were his early morning prey., I feel kind of bad for you, because I know he's already in a bad mood for losing, so he wouldn't have gone easy on you. Take heart. May the lord guide you. He said as he watched the lady go.

"Good morning Mr. King. The three witches echoed as soon as he walked into the department. It was like they were on standby waiting for him.

" Good morning ladies., you're looking as fabulous as ever. Shelley you're looking particularly stylish this morning. He compliments the lady., and you could see she was imploding with joy. Marcel King just complimented her personally. This was definitely going into her diary. But there was a sudden gloom over her face.

"But I won't be looking all stylish when I'm done with toilet duty. She grumbled.

" Toilet duty?

"yes., Mr. King put those who came late on toilet duty. Angie explained. And Shelley here, got to work around 6:30. So she's washing toilets now. She said mockingly.

"Wow., that's got to be tough. So you're the only one doing it?

" No., me and that stupid new girl. She also came late. Mr. King, could you maybe talk to your cousin for me., I mean I can't just see myself washing toilets with these nails. She points her very sharp and neatly polished fingernails almost poking the man's eyes.

"I'm sorry Shelley, but you all know him. If I go talk to him, it might just make things worse for you. I'm sure you don't want to be on toilet duty for a month do you?? The ladies eyes widened. There was no way she was going to do that. Even a day was giving her headache.

"I guess I better go now. She says walking away.

" well you ladies should also get back to work. I've got things to do too... He says passing through their midst.

Jennie sees that Isla was already getting ready to go do her duties, and a nasty idea came to her head.

" Shelley., you don't want to do toilet duty right??

" of course I don't want to., is that even supposed to be a question??

"well then., you don't have to. Jennie's words were starting to confuse the lady.

" What do you mean?, I don't want to get fired so I have to. Shelley reminded her.

"Well no you don't., what if someone else does all the work and then you'll just., supervise. Jennie said. And no one will know that you didn't do your duty.

" but where would we find someone stupid enough that would do it instead of me??

"We already have someone... Jennie pointed at Isla, and Shelley could suddenly understand what she was trying to say. And it all made complete sense now.

" So what you're saying now is., we're going to make her do the whole washing and cleaning., and I just have to be the supervisor. Jennie nodded with a devilish smirk on her face.

" I like this plan.
