
Arming Maids and Going for a Trip

"Hi" Regular Speech

'Hi' Thought

"(Hi)" Marcus's mechanically synthesised voice

[Hi] Quinella/Aurora talking


"You two, step into that circle," I said to the pair. Hippolyta and Jeanne are the two girls who will be participating in this field expedition.

Honestly, I would prefer if those fools hand the girl over without any need to exchange blows… Well, more like, beat them up, as the loadout I've prepared for them will kill them off without any much of a hassle, and most importantly, I will be going there in the middle of the day.

Still, the possibility of them handing over that Tepes girl is small to none existent, mainly because of their pride. Quinella did several million calculations on this and there is around a 87% chance of them saying no.

"Okay…" Both Jeane and Hippolyta stepped into the circle. Soon enough they started to get scanned.

"So...umm… What is this light?" Jeanne asked curiously as she looked at the light starting to rise from the circle.

"I am taking your measurements. After the scan is done you will receive your S.P.B.A. army gear," I said to them as I checked the readings on the two girls.

Quite simply learning their three sizes and checking their weight too… I am using any opportunity I can to learn those.

A few presses later and I realised that they were going to look like Mandalorian bounty huntresses.

Kinda hot on its own.

"You mentioned this before but what is the S.P.B.A?" Hippolyta asked as she looked at her hand, seeing the light washing her over. Going up and down her whole body.

"Scientifically Prepared Biological Army, S.P.B.A for short, are my soldiers who will be doing the grunt work for me. Their job mainly consists of collecting stuff for me. From Sacred Gears to samples. Depending on the situation." I clarified what my grunts do for me. Nothing much, just some handymen.

"Wait...you didn't mention war… you are not planning for them to fight your wars?" Artemis asked with some confusion as she heard my explanation.

"Have you ever heard of something called 'precise orbital bombardment'?" I answered her question with another question.

"Why lose soldiers' lives when you can just shoot the enemies from space… as expected of my Lord Husband." Hippolyta instantly understood what I meant. It took some time for Artemis to process what I meant but she eventually got it nonetheless.

"The gun-shaped station in space… but, it can't shoot everywhere, can it?" She asked with realisation. There was some fear underneath that question.

"It can… even the Underworld or Heaven… or any smaller dimension linked to Earth… I can shoot anywhere. Even realms connected to other Pantheons…" I said with a shrug as I looked at the final product of the armour.

My gaze went to Hippolyta who had stars in her eyes while Jeanne looked slightly baffled hearing me talk about my Apsos-class Station capacities.

Artemis and Atalanta looked pale like paper realising that I could most likely nuke Olympus with nothing but my word.

Only Le Fay had a poker face. I can assume she is the only one in this place apart from Latia and Quinella who checks the logs on the projects…

"Well, the armours are done. Check them out." 

With a hand motion, I showed them the full 3D image of the armours. They looked like classic Mandalorian armour only the difference was that it's a female version. Meaning the chest piece and the armour itself is much more slender.

The left shoulder plate has the regular S.P.B.A. letters on it, while the right shoulder plate has the original emblem I've prepared for them.

For Hippolyta, it was a Greek female warrior with a spear. There are also some different colourings on the armour. A third colour of red has been added to the original dull silver and blue.

For Jeanne, it was a symbol of the original French royalty used back in the hundred years war. Symboling her identity as the reincarnation of Saint Joan.

Her extra colour is a golden yellow which fits quite well in my opinion.

"Oh...OH… my gosh… I am gonna look like a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter!" Jeanne clapped her hands in happiness.

"Wait… you only now realised that Master's Army is based on the Mandalorians?" Le Fay asked while facepalming.

"Hmm? I never paid much attention to them. I only realised it now that I saw myself in this." She shamelessly shrugged her shoulders. I could only snort in amusement.

Jeanne reminded me of those gal girls who only care about certain things. The rest can just go fuck itself…

Kind of makes her perfect for me and perfect to be a Saint. Assuming in her very first life as Joan of Arc, she was a devout Christian who only cared for her country and religion.

Now in this one? Well, she only cares for me. The signs are already there, that she is quite in the hots for me. And of course, having fun… I bet she won't even bat her eye when we are going to lay waste to the entire Vampire nation…

"And who are these Mandalorians you are talking about? They sound quite similar to Ares' pet project…" Artemis said with a sigh.

"Pet project?" Everyone except Atalanta looked curiously at the Moon Goddess. I included as she mentioned the word 'project'...

"Yes. Back in the day around what you humans call the Bronze age. Ares 'descended' in one of the cities which you all call Sparta. He created a society around the whole martial prowess and war." The Goddess said with a shrug.

Well, it's good to know that Sparta was a pet project of a war god… 

"So my dad was the one who created Spartans? Good to know…" Hippolyta said with a not caring shrug herself.

While the rest like Le Fay and Jeanne looked on with some disbelief. I too, to a certain extent, after all, Spartans are part of humanity and its overall culture. So, knowing that Ares did something akin to a research or test project is something else entirely…

"Right… So yeah, you can say that the Mandalorians are based on Spartans which are in the fictional world of Star Wars. A famous franchise in western culture." I explained to Artemis.

"So your soldiers are indirectly based… once again, from my pantheon… good to know…" The Moon Goddess said with a twitchy eyebrow. She was quite annoyed... Most likely on the fact that it was not related to her in any way… again…

"Yes. The best kind of warriors." I said with another shrug. Honestly, Mandos are cool, especially the true bounty hunters. With the Jetpacks, flamethrowers…

Right… I need to note this one down. Since I have the Rangers, let's make bounty hunters too…

I quickly pulled out my phone and typed it down, saving it in the notes. And with a quick swirl of my hand, it was back in my lab coat pocket.

I then pressed on the hologram and the ground slightly opened. The gears came out, placed on a pedestal.

"Here it is. Your gear has been crafted." I said to them as I walked over. Both of my hands were in my pockets as I looked at the gears placed in front of me.

"...How fast was this created!?" Hippolyta asked with wide eyes.

"All of my facilities are automated, sweetheart. Aurora runs everything. I stopped making things with my own hands just around the time I beat you three." I said with a shrug. I don't recall past inventions that much, but it was around the time when I finished Freedom Mark I… that was the last time I did something with my own two hands.

"I see… this… well…" The redhead, from the looks of it, was speechless, so were the other two newcomers. Only Jeanne quickly approached, almost leaving an afterimage of herself as she appeared in front of the armours.

"Sweet God… this looks almost exactly like the armour the Mandos are wearing!" She lifted the helmet and checked it out. She could see her reflection from the helmet showing just how polished it was.

"Try putting it on, and check how superior it is to any Mandalorian ones." I said that with a proud tone. Hell, the Star Wars tech level was already quite lacking towards holograms!

The girl listened to what I said and she quickly put it on.


"You put Realitus tech inside!? Damn this is like not wearing a helmet at all!" She exclaimed realising what was put in the helmet.

"Precisely. I know that neither you nor Hippolyta like helmets, so I improvised and decided to put some of my Freedom tech inside the helmet." I said with a shrug.

"Freedom tech? Is that your winged armour that you had?" Hippolyta asked with a curious look as she inspected her helmet.

"Have, not had. The Scale mail you saw me in before is mark II. The one I have at the moment is Mark IV… the final edition."

"Whoa! Mark IV? When? How? I remember Quinella just bragging about Mark III like it was yesterday!" The blonde removed her helmet and quickly called a holographic window with her finger and went through several menus until eventually found something.

"...Damn… I only checked last week! You already have the model done!? And this one… you removed all the safety features?" She asked with disbelief.

"Well, yeah. All the systems which were to keep the wielder safe were converted into offensive capacities.

According to the simulations, I could circle the globe in less than 10 minutes."

"That's nuts… that kind of force could turn a regular human into flesh paste…" Jeanne said with a weird look. She couldn't believe that I would create something like this…

Well, this was me taking all the limiters off and checking just how fast the energy wing technology truly is without any limiters placed on it.

This is my final Freedom. Before I fully switch to my Strike Freedom. The next generation of Scale mails.

"Indeed. So, it's not meant for regular people to wear it." 

"The...files says that even Ultimate class beings are not recommended to use for more than 2 hours. How is that even possible? Does it drain magic or something?"

"The OS. Aurora Borealis works with the armour for maximum response time. In other words, it would drain magic as the body would need to keep up with the response time. I had to upgrade the Triangle Diamond reactor for that kind of response power."

"...I see… this is nuts… officially, this is nuts…" She said while shaking her head.

"It is for my use only." I clarified to her. No regular human could even push this thing above 1% of its maximum performance.

"Do you even need a scale mail in the first place?" Artemis asked me from the side. She was just behind Jeanne reading over the same thing the blonde was.

"For the first run? Yes. After that? No." I simply said to her,

"Adapt to it? I see…" Hippolyta said with realisation. She probably knows my ability to adapt the best.

"Correct. After that, I will switch to a different model."

"Still? But, you are like the 3rd Strongest Being… maybe even 2nd… why do you even need this?" Artemis said with a baffled tone.

"I could ask the same… Why do you need a bow? You can just punch the wild animals out? Or why wear clothes if they offer no augmented protection?" I said with a snort.

"The answer is obvious… preference. Do you think I will fight someone again like Superman? Quinella goaded me because she knew what I disliked. Someone I wouldn't mind punching the very face out of, and erase an entire celestial body underneath its foot.

So far no one else exists in this world that would make me do it again. That's why I will be switching into something else or even sending someone else to do the grunt work." I explained to her. She slightly paled. Nonetheless, the Moon Goddess got the message loud and clear.

"Now, go and change your clothes into this." I motioned with my chin at the armours.

The girls quickly grabbed the armours and rushed to change into them. Leaving us in quite an awkward atmosphere.

While it's amusing to watch them squirm under my gaze. I decided that it's time for me to do something entertaining. And that is to play with my cat.

With a few steps, I was in front of Atalanta who was looking at me with some nervousness and alertness. She wasn't expecting me to just out of nowhere start paying extra attention to her.

"I wasn't able to say this before. But, the maid uniform looks very beautiful on you." As I said that, my hand went onto her cheek and gently stroked it.

The lion girl slightly lowered her guard. She tried to take a deeper breath and relax but she wasn't able to do much on that front.

"M-My thanks…" She softly said with a nervous tone. From the looks of it, she is completely out of her element and doesn't know how to behave.

"Don't worry. I am not going to bite you. Or hurt you in any way."

Her mouth slightly twitched hearing that. She most likely wanted to clarify why she was so nervous. Which I can bet is her blunt honesty.

Before long, I stopped stroking her cheek and lowered my hand. I turned around and my gaze went to the silver-haired Goddess who was looking at me with a neutral poker face.

I inspected the uniform on her. She looked gorgeous in it. Her legs looked amazing with those stockings. 

Without wasting much time, I walked over to her. There was no reaction to my approach. She already expected that I would come over to her.

In the end, I walked past her and got myself behind her. My hands wrapped around her waist as I pulled her into my hands. 

At one point, I could easily smell her hair and she was just smelling delicious. A smell of wild nature that no shampoo could replicate.

"Tell me. How are you faring?" I asked softly, directly into her ear, her whole body just twitched for a second. My voice has tickled her.

"...S-Strange. This is very much new to me… I am still learning a lot of new things." She said in a nervous tone. Not fitting for a proud and noble huntress. 

"I see. I suppose it is quite a change from your previous occupation as you barely stayed in any form of civilization. I suppose I could spend some time and teach you some things." I said that as my hand gently stroked her cheek. At this moment I could compare the skin of Atalanta and the skin of Artemis…

All I can say is that more research is needed.

"Y-You would do that?" Her voice had an unnatural amount of happiness. Which has raised my curiosity. After all, the Moon Goddess herself is...happy? To spend time with a male?

"Why of course. I am more curious to spend time with you just as much as you are with me." I said honestly. And it's the truth, she is a treasure trove of information. Just now, I had just learned the truth about Sparta. Now, I would like to learn the truth of some other events and how much Greek Gods have interfered in them.

"Yes… it would be very interesting…" She spoke with a fascinated tone leaning towards suggestive… which is curious on its own. Was she trying to seduce me?

Well, that's just more interesting. Because it's quite hard to resist her as it is. But, if she is trying to seduce… well…

Pulling her more into a hug, I could see her ears turning more pink-ish. She was getting more embarrassed but she was still holding on quite well.

It's quite fascinating seeing how she and Atalanta got into this… well, it would seem some of the demonstrations were enough to get them over with.

That moment I moved in and kissed her on the neck. Her whole body shuddered hard. I quite easily tracked her sensitive spots. The girl is quite stiff, as one could expect, she is a Goddess of Hunt. Someone who is always serious.

This means she is quite stiff, all over her body. And that means I will have quite a good time making her into a gooey mess. The massage I learned with Hippolyta will serve me quite well. I guess studying biology is quite useful not just for genetics.

For the next few minutes, I enjoyed entertaining myself with Artemis before Jeanne and Hippolyta returned from their changing.

"Well, what do you think?" The blonde reincarnation of the Saint said with a hand on her hip. While the other hand was holding the helmet.

Same with Hippolyta, she was slightly posing for me. Still though, her eyes went onto the Moon Goddess I was hugging.

I could see how she was looking at her. Funny how things change…

"Very nice. It fits the two of you like a glove." I commented on the looks. Both of them slightly puffed. Easily taking in the compliment.

"Well, it should be obvious… Master, they were built according to the measurement." Le Fay said with a smug smile immediately deflating the pair.

I could only chuckle for a bit. Before releasing my hold on the Goddess and getting back in front of the two.

"Right. So Jeanne has her weapons covered, her Castor & Pollux as well as Blade Blacksmith; it's enough to run around those vampires."

"Umm...Master… I still need cartridges as ammo." She said with a nervous tone. Right… cartridges come separately when one buys the stuff from the shop. Since they are universal.

My gaze stayed on her for a bit. She started fiddling with her combat gloves…

"Fine. This one's on me." I sighed and with a few presses of a holographic window, another pedestal came out from the ground, on top of it was a pair of cards that were emitting holy energy.

"Yay!!!" The girl happily collected them. Quickly calling forth her pistols and inserting the cards into them.

"Umm… can I get a cartridge holder?" She asked cutely…

"Right…" I rolled my eyes at her.

With another few presses on a holographic window, she got her cartridge holder. She put it on her right hip. At the moment it was nothing more than an aesthetic piece of equipment…

"Yes… now I need a jetpack, a flamethrower, a knee missile launcher…" She said with a happy tone. Imagining herself being a proper bounty hunter.

"Hmm. Maybe. If you are going to be a good girl. I could make a set." 

Hearing that she quickly rushed into me. Hugging me in the process. 

"Oh, this is going to be so cool!" She said with an extremely happy tone.

I patted her back while looking at the other's expressions. Everyone had a poker face. But, I could see that their eyes were not that neutral. It was amusing to see someone like the Goddess of Moon or the Chaste Huntress be… jealous. 

One would never mention those two girls with the word 'jealous' because historically it should be impossible.

And now this is happening… it's going to be interesting…

"Speaking of weapons… I am not used to… guns… can I get a spear? But, I do promise to learn how to wield them in future. Since you have such a large selection of them." The Queen of Amazons said as she got over another awkward situation.

Her eyes were on the racks in the room. There was the mark II of Castor & Pollux… which can be called the Glock version, and the hand cannon version which is the Mark IV… of course, there were also some GALAR rifles here too… while I kept the sniper rifle AMBAR locked up… the thing is quite dangerous after all.

Her words reminded me that she doesn't have a weapon. And by this point, she can't use her old ones anymore. Because she was not part of the hunt for obvious reasons.

"Hmm let me help you with that." I gently let go of Jeanne who slightly pouted when she thought I wasn't looking. I went over some designs and quickly drew a spear. It was made from some combined alloys. It was not a Sacred Gear since for that I would need some preparations done first. A core prepared and stuff like that.

"For this mission, it will be enough," I said as I pressed on the holographic window.

Soon enough, another pedestal came out and a dull silver spear came out from the ground. Place in a weapon's rack.

The redhead slowly walked over and her mouth was slightly open.

"This is insane...how quickly can you craft things!? And it's even beautiful looking!" She said as she quickly picked up the spear. She quickly went through several stances.

Moments later she had a very satisfying look. I could see how uncomfortable Jeanne and Le Fay looked… assuming they got reminded that this redhead woman is a Minor Goddess. And the way she was wielding the weapon most likely could have killed them…

"Perfect… this is perfect… the way it was crafted… It even has a Holy attribute in it. To fight against Vampires. You even added ornaments on it! Though you only intended for me to use this weapon for one battle… it doesn't feel like a temporary weapon!"

With the amount of happiness in her voice for the simple metal stick. It's hard not to smile.

"Well. Now that you have the battle gears we can move towards the Confiscator." I started walking towards the doors saying that.

"You named your airship the Confiscator?" Artemis asked with a baffled tone.

"It was built for that purpose. So, it will be named like that." I said with a shrug as we left the armoury and started walking towards the station.

"I suppose that makes sense…" She nodded with a shrug.

Seeing a perfect moment I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. Yep, it's a good time to do that…

Artemis didn't fight. She even moved closer into me.

"You're going to sit on my lap on the train," I whispered into her ear. Waiting to see her reaction.

She slightly twitched and a small blush appeared on her face. The silver-haired goddess slowly nodded in agreement.

~~~~~~~Space Centre~~~~~~

"Hundred and twenty Starscream Jet Fighters, 5 thousand S.P.B.A. infantry, 1 thousand S.P.B.A rangers, 1000 crewmen, 32 anti-ground turrets, 64 Anti-air turrets. 4 Diamond Core Reactors, 4 Nova Thrusters, 2 second-generation energy wings. A pair of hundred-metre long Main Railgun cannons, 4 assembly lines, 20 bio-chambers for extra S.P.B.A creation."

Marcus explained to the girls the specifics of the Confiscator as they were passing through the crew docking tunnel.

"Do you even need this much firepower?" Artemis asked him as she already got used to him holding her hand like that. It gives a certain amount of satisfaction to her and him.

"Honestly, I don't care if I need it or don't. It's about me progressing my tech further more than anything. I would appreciate it if someone smacks the Confiscator down just so that I could make a superior version of it." He said with an honest shrug. Making Artemis realise that he wants this monstrosity brought down… so that he could make an even bigger monster…

"Apart from those specifics, the Confiscator can fly at Mach 5, I haven't worked out fully how to get over gravity just yet. But at this point, I am studying space instead of gravity. And there is no gravity if space doesn't exist. Still though, I am utilising the latest G-Force Max technomancy, small barriers are deployed to cancel the drag. Apart from that, it has several sets of barrier casters that are used to work as shields. Apart from that, there are 4 drone 'towers' installed in the back area just behind the runway. While the energy wings themselves release Realitus particles for camouflage." Marcus pointed at the folded wings.

"Meaning that I can quite simply drop on top of someone with the airship and they would not even realise it unless I release the effects of the particles." He smugly explained.

'Simply put… a pantheon...level thing which has unprecedented stealth capacity.. ' Artemis gulped down realising the full specs of this thing.

She has heard about the so-called 'Realitus' particle… developed through studying biology… talking madness… how can studying one's body achieve this!? 

Nonetheless, she has not experienced this thing in person but she saw Marcus fight… the simulation of reality was incredible, to say the least … she hopes that she, somehow, can make him not unleash this monstrosity on her birth Pantheon otherwise her family is gone…

"Quite… something else…" The Silver head said with a fake smile. Internally she was nearly crying from fear…

"I know. Anyway, girls. I have transferred some of the S.P.B.A to your command so that you two can get used to them over the 2 hours or so. We won't be flying at top speeds; it should be enough to get accustomed to them." He explained to them as they entered the ship.

"Oh… okay, that's a good decision," Hippolyta said with realisation. And Jeanne nodded at her; she had the look of realisation too.

"Yeah…" The blonde nodded at the redhead.

"Good, then put on your helmets and the HUD will show you where to go," He told the pair who quickly nodded at him.

Putting on their helmets. Jeanne, for this one, had her long hair done into a bun. Similar to Hippolyta's one. Once they had their helmets they saw where to go.

"Right. Girls, I will see two later." He waved at them as he started walking towards the bridge while the pair went in the opposite direction, towards the main lift.

Soon enough the airship started to power its systems…

~~~~~~In the Bridge aboard The Confiscator~~~~~~

The first thing the maids noticed was that the bridge was run by females… They were all dressed in military uniforms with the same colour scheme as the soldiers.

Though, what stood out was that they were wearing short skirts… in other words, quite a lewd version of the military uniform…

Another thing was that all of them had the same length of hair. The only difference was that they were different in colour… and of course, they didn't share the same face…

In other words, you could not even pass them off as clones. No, they were pretty like dolls. It's even hard to see the difference between this Biological model and regular humans...

Moments later, polygons gathered in the middle of the bridge and Quinella appeared in all of her glory. Only the difference this time was that she was dressed in the same style uniform as the rest of the girls and her hair was done in a high ponytail. She looked more professional than ever. Of course, her uniform had a bunch of medals. Which looks very professional but if you look closely those medals have something different written on it…

For example one of the gold ones has 'Head Assistant of my Master' with a star on it…

While it's silly... It's extremely realistic… one of these medals could even pass through in an army without a proper checkup…

The Silver-haired assistant turned around and faced Marcus giving him a military salute before starting to talk.

[Master! The Confiscator is fully powered. We can start the leaving procedures.] 

"We are good to go." The teen said with an amused smile seeing her playing right into the role of a ship captain.

She nodded at him and started ordering the girls. While she could fly the ship herself. There is a certain amount of satisfaction to ordering people and because her Master wanted a fully crewed ship in case… Well, there are a bunch of possibilities…

Soon enough, the airship started to rise. The ceiling above them started to open and the rays of the sun started to fall inside.

[Begin dispersal of Realitus particles.] Quinella ordered. And soon enough the entire airship started the dispersal of the particles, making it disappear before it even left the Space centre.

By this point, all the maids alongside Marcus walked to the very front of the ship. Seeing the majority of the body of the Airship in front of them.

It was enormous to them. Since, before this… this kind of thing only appeared in science fiction movies.

A Massive flying ship. Sure, any given pantheon could do it. But, could it float forever? Produce an infinite amount of Transforming jet fighters? Armies of soldiers. In the end. While they could, they have not reached a plateau where they can produce it without the issues of logistics… Even then… could it face the Confiscator in a frontal battle?

As Marcus and his maids were watching the airship rise above the ground, it was time to unfold the energy wings.

[Unfold the wings!]

Soon enough the wings spread in their full glory.

Marcus enjoyed the awe the girls had because the wings were enormous and looked like they were from pure gold.

"H-How wide is this thing!?" Artemis asked him as her eyes never went away from the wings she was looking at. There was no doubt that people could have seen this thing from space if they tried to look at its location! That's just how wide this thing was!

"600 metres fully unfolded," Marcus spoke with crossed arms, he is more than willing to tell things to her.

"Isn't that too much? Why so big?" She asked with a frown. This is far too wide!

"Nope. Not at all. First, it's for speed. Second, it's to keep the airship afloat. Third, it's for the dispersal of the Realitus particles and Solomon's magic." He instantly gave her three reasons for this size.

"With this… the radius of that man's magic…" She said with realisation.

"Solomon's magic? Yeah, but it's just to keep the supernatural tame. Realitus particles are dropped there too… which will mess with any humanoid being's senses." 

"So...not only… can they not use energies...they can't even trust their senses?" Artemis and Atalanta looked at him as if he was Death itself… this man...he was nuts… no sportsmanship in fights… no respect for other species… this guy… he doesn't care at all and would use any advantage he has…

This was what the pair understood about him…

~~~~~~~~~Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Confiscator

A Daedalus-Class Airship and The flagship of Marcus Goldman. A 250 metres long airship. With its fully unfolded wings, the massive ship is around 600 metres wide.

While the wings make it a large target it's another trick to attack those wings because they would need to overpower the power of 4 Diamond Core Hearts.

The airship's primary colour is dull silver, nearly white, while the secondary colour is gold.


This vessel can be classified as a Moving Pantheon because of the ridiculous amount of magic it has…


Several layers of Alchemical medal used for Sacred Gears. Making the ship's durability equivalent to the four Diamond Core Reactors powering the vessel.

Airships specs:

2x 100m Revolver Railguns (Main Cannons) for frontal and Ground Bombardment

32x Anti-Ground turrets: for shooting enemies on the ground.

64x Anti-Air turrets: for shooting any flying enemies.

2x Second Generation Energy wings

6x Barrier Casters

4x Diamond Core Hearts.

4x assembly lines

4x Nova Thrusters

20x Bio-chambers

1000x active crew for flying and maintenance.


5000x S.P.B.A infantry

1000x S.P.B.A rangers

120x Starscream Jet Fighters

20x Gunships


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

Chapters are coming out Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 9:00 AM British time.
