
Chapter 35: Before The Celebration

After I left the store where the blacksmith worked, I was literally skipping along the roads with joy! This moment was probably the first time in my life where I thought that I did something that no one else I knew could brag about.

I actually achieved something that might even go down in history! Plus, I get to have a pretty cool weapon that is very powerful. It will become one of the most valuable, if not the most valuable, piece of equipment I could ever own.

I even said that it should be based off of Luke's sword, to pay respects to him. I also gave the name of the metal I found an amazing name, if I do say so myself. It was another word from my old language that inspired it.

The word 'adytum' means the innermost reaches of a temple during my time as Zeta. It is fitting as I actually did discover them in a place that is similar to a temple. I just added an 'ium' at the end so that it actually sounds like a real kind of metal.

I also told the blacksmith to make a locket out of any metal that was left over. You might be thinking, 'Why did you tell him to make something that you might not even need?'. The answer to that is pretty simple.

I just remembered the conversation I had with Luscia when I first reunited with her. She said that I should give her something, and that it didn't have to be anytime soon. I thought that giving her something on the day last day I stay in this village would leave a much bigger emotional impact than on any other day.

If there is no metal left then, I will just get another gift for her. Though, it will be much harder to get her an amazing gift as I only have 2 Gold Coins left. Everything else was just used to pay for the forging of a new sword. That is why, I am really hoping that there will be at least some left. Maybe I should buy something small for her if that happens...


(Switches to Luscia's point of view)

I haven't seen Alex the entire day, except the time when he suddenly asked me to do something in the morning. He asked me to tell the knights and the adventurers that there were entrances to the volcano that had to be sealed.

He told me that he just thought that there could be deaths if people just carelessly walked inside. When I told them that any sensible person wouldn't do that, he responded by saying that children might do it and that there were even some adults who were stupid enough to do it.

I tried to refute him but, I realized that there really were some people in the world who would do that. I agreed to help him and notified the respective parties. I was still a bit suspicious as to why he just suddenly told me to it.

When I asked him, he said that he just recently thought of it only after we were deciphering the passages from a book about the Divine Beasts. I guess that it makes much more sense when he says that as I was the one who told him that the volcano described in the passage could possibly be the one next to the village.

Even after that, I remained a bit suspicious and just checked his secret base 20 minutes ago. When I checked, there was nothing that rang an alarm. But, I did have a feeling that someone or something was watching me the entire time.

I didn't find out who it was and just left. Tomorrow will be Alex's birthday celebration, also being the last day he stays here. It is a good thing that the present I will give him was already finished and prepared.


"Welcome to my store! What would you like to buy today?"

"I will buy the most valuable piece of jewelry you own."

"I see. How about you have this piece of Recollection Glass then. It is small compared but, it is the most valuable item I have. Plus, if you buy it now, I can sell it to you with a 80% discount. So, what do you say, Mister Customer?"

"What does the Recollection Glass do?"

"So that is your question. It is usually the item of choice for people who want to give their loved ones something nice, but not too expensive. It is made up of sand grains from the Desert of Time located on the Anteo Continent. The sand grains are then melted by the Dragonman race and sold across the world as one of their specialties."

"I am asking what it does."

"Yes, yes, I am almost at that part. The Desert of Time is an isolated desert near the Crocyti Mountains that stretch across the entire southern edge of Anteo. Legends say that those who get lost in the desert could probably get lost for all eternity. There is even one that states that one person traveled to a different time from this era and was never seen again. Now, lets review its effects. When the sand is melted, it creates a special kind of glass. It looks ordinary at first glance but, when Mana is poured into it, the glass will then project an exact replica of the memory the person using it is thinking about. There are even colors present and what that person was thinking about at that moment."

"Wow, that sure is amazing. How much is it with the 80% discount?"

"It looks like you are willing to buy my product now! It is cheap as this is made in huge amounts. A shard this small will probably cost only 15 Bronze Coins. It would usually cost around 3 or 4 Silver Coins."

"Then, I will buy it."

"Thank you for your patronage!"


(Switches to Genesis' point of view)

After hearing what Megiddo did with my own ears, I felt a bit exasperated that he was able to do all of this without any of my fellow Divine finding out. If I did not possess the ability of omniscience, I might have been just as surprised as the others in my room.

Apocalypse looks pretty shaken that his own disciple was able to do this without him knowing a thing about it. While Aurora looks... let's just say that expression contains what looks like a mix between indescribable shock, blood-curdling rage, and a great amount of anxiety in her eyes. If I was his sibling, I would also react harshly. Still, she should have stop babysitting him as he is a Divine as well, though not a high-ranking one yet.

I then look at Megiddo and begin speaking.

"It looks like everyone here is shocked by what you did. Let me summarize everything you did. You selected the soul of a random inhabitant of OW#10 and told him to try to handle the problems that we are struggling with by making it release all of Divine Beasts that reside in his realm, all done without the permission of me or any other high-ranking Divine."

"That is... definitely a simple way to say it."

"Plus, you gave him a clue as to where one of the Divine Beasts were sealed and even reincarnated him right next to the place. The only way you could have known about the Scourge is if you eavesdropped on one of the meetings I held. You probably didn't hear about the fact that time is warped in this place. The Scourge's attack on OW#10 could happen in only a days for us, but it could happen in thousands of years from now in that realm."

"No way! I thought that if it was sudden here then, the invasion should happen pretty soon! Then, should I tell him to stop?"

"... No. He has already unsealed one of the Divine Beasts and fused part of his soul with it. It you make him stop know, he will never be the same. Besides, having a few insurances shouldn't hurt our chances."

"Z-zeta already unsealed Ignis Drakonis and he fused his soul with it!? Hmm, I guess that I can't pull him out now."

"You should congratulate him and give him a clue as to where the next Divine Beast is. Just don't say where it is outright as we are in no hurry. Also, don't tell him that the urgent mission he has is actually too early as it will kill his motivation. Promise that you won't break the rules again."

"I-I won't! Excuse me, please!"

Megiddo turned around and was about to leave when I asked him one last thing that has been weighing on my mind and I needed to confirm it.


He then stopped right in his tracks upon hearing my voice.

"Why did you choose him, of all the people you could have given this task to?"

Megiddo turned his head to look at me and seemed to think about his answer before he opened his mouth.

"I think it is because I just felt a connection between the both of us. Both of us want to prove ourselves to someone we greatly admire and want them to think that we are useful. I thought that I should choose someone who I could understand so that I can maintain a good relationship with him without it feeling like I am forcing him to do it. Authority Release!"

After saying that, Megiddo cloaked himself in energy and disappeared from my vision. I then sighed and muttered to myself.

"A Divine who chose a champion, not by judging with strength, but with relatability in mind instead. He is certainly an odd one out."

I stood up and left from the room.

"I am happy that I saved him from the destruction of his realm and gave him the title of 'God of Death."

No chapters on Sunday, of course. But, on Sunday, I will be working on a different kind of surprise that will be released on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Stay tuned to find out!

KrystaliteRadiatescreators' thoughts