
Chapter 3: Reincarnation

I open my eyes.

If I can open my eyes, then that must mean that I am alive right now.

That means, I have successfully reincarnated then. Still, it is kind of weird. I guess, a small part of me wished that the meeting with the Death God was some sort of weird vision I got right before dying.

But, the fact that I can move confirms that I really do have to save the world. If I save the world, wouldn't I technically be called a Hero?

No way. I'm still inexperienced. I am not going to tarnish the good name of Luke by becoming a half-baked Hero.

Anyway, let's try to check on what is happening right now. Oh. I see a beautiful woman who looks to be in her mid-20's holding me up. I am pretty sure that she is my mother in this life. If my parents look nice, maybe I look cool too, right? Now that I think about it, I was a homunculus created by powerful magic.

I didn't have any parents but I considered the other Generals as my siblings. I think I kinda considered Luke as a father-figure, even though we were far from being related.

That means, this woman is my first mother. I should be respectful towards her and always listen to her instructions.

But, where is my father?

I turn my head around, scanning the room. I don't see anyone who looks like father though. It's just me and my mother here. Maybe he has an important job he is supposed to be doing right now?

Ok. So, what should be my plan of action?

I was just born a few minutes ago. I got my entire lifetime to defeat the Scourge. I don't think that I need to hurry the moment I am born. Maybe I should get used to talking again first. Yes, that should be my first objective. Learn how to talk first. Yes. Oh, and get closer with family.

Also, if I see a man who gets close to me, I should conclude that he must be my father. If not, just ask him after I learn to talk.

Huh. What is my mother doing? She is pulling me closer to that bump on her chest. What? Are you expecting a baby like me to cure it or something?


What the heck am I supposed to do!?

Umm. I never had any prior experience in this sort of field. I mean, I studied diligently and I was the next smartest after Sigma, but, I am stumped in what I am supposed to do.

Wait. Maybe, just maybe, she is telling me to drink from it. I think it is a pretty far-fetched idea on my part. However, if I strain my eyes, it vaguely reminds me of the water containers that we used to drink from.

Oh well. Here goes nothing.

Glug. Glug. Glug.

Hmm. This tastes pretty good. It's not tasteless like water. Rather, it tastes a bit, how do you say it?... Ah. It tastes kinda sweet. It's also warm. It makes me feel a bit sleepy~.


Don't fall asleep yet.

This is quite a discovery. I didn't know that human mothers were able to create a liquid that is able to induce sleep. I should research about this a bit more when I am able to read.

Good night~.


Good morning.

Hmm. That was a very refreshing nap. I guess that liquid is very effective in bringing sleep to the drinker.

Huh. Wait a minute.

Where am I?

It looks like some sort of containment box. There are some differences to the ones I am used to though. There are numerous gaps in between the walls and there is soft padding at the bottom where I am. The most significant difference is the opening at the top.

I move towards the walls.

They feel like wood.

So, my conclusion is that this 'box' is some sort of living area for a baby and is designed to make sure that they will have a safe and comfortable residence.

This is pretty smart.

I applaud the humans of this age for thinking about the safety and preservation of their future generations.

Hey, talking about age, what year is this?

I should learn to talk, walk and read as soon as possible. As soon as I was thinking that, a man enters the room. This man is wearing full-body armor and is coming closer while having a gentle smile on his face. I suppose this man is my father. He has black hair and brown eyes. Come to think of it, my mother had red hair and crystal-blue eyes.

Wow. Both of them look very handsome and beautiful, respectively.

No, wait. The important thing here is that my father is wearing armor. That must mean he is either a soldier or a knight.


My father is a protector of order and justice.


Never mind that now.

You know, maybe I should be a knight or a servant.

I could try to find a house of influential people. In other words, a house of nobles.

After that, I could use their name in my search for information about the locations of the ruins where the Divine Beasts are being sealed. However, the ruin of Ignis Drakonis comes first.


Let's go with that.

This journey is only just beginning. I've got a lot of time.


It has been 4 years since I was born.

There has been some progress on my end.

I learned how to walk, read, and talk. I also learned the importance of a name.

This was a crucial information because, in my past life, there were soldiers who only had one name while others also had a surname. I am pretty sure that having a surname either means that you are a noble or you are related to someone who is great and famous.

So, I asked my mother and father what my name was during dinnertime.

"Mother, Father, what is my name?"

Their faces became shocked when they heard me. I am pretty sure it is because I suddenly talked to them. But then Father rose from his seat and declared my name to loudly.

"Your name? Your name is Alexander Noxien Zetranos!"


But, at that time, I didn't know that there would be an even bigger surprise waiting in store for me in the form of one of the things I was aiming for.


"So, Madam Roscelto, where do you plan on going on vacation and who will you bring with you"

"I'll let my daughter decide that. Rest is for the lazy. I still need to assist the King in preparations for the rebuilding of the Agricultural Section. Really, those monsters were savage."

"I presume that you won't be going?"

"Yes. I'll send my daughter to the place she wants to go and hire some knights and attendants in that town for her. Oh, can you please call her here?"

"Yes, Madam."


"Mother, you called?"

"Yes sweetie. I want to ask you where you want to go for your vacation."

"You won't be coming with me?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, Mommy has to work, so I will be hiring guards and attendants to take care of you. I will also enroll you into the local academy for children so that you can supplement your studies, ok? Now, where do you want to live? This is important because you will have to live here for at least 2 years?"

"...Carros, can you get the map of the Kragstelo Continent, please?"


"Here is the map."

"I'll live here in this town."

"Are you sure? It is a bit dangerous there because of the volcano."

"It's okay. The volcano is inactive. Plus, the descendants of the 1st Hero live here."

"Fine. I'll let you stay there."

"Thank you, Mother."

The name of the town where young Luscia von Roscelto has chosen to stay for the next 2 years was called Vulcan. Probably the most famous fact about this town is that the descendants of Luke Alexander Zetranos all live here. A small detail that no one knows is that in the deepest area of the inactive volcano lies a ruin of a long forgotten Divine Beast.

Thus, the wheels of fate have turned.
