
010 Sweet Lies

A knock sounded at my door. I flinched in surprise. "Come in!" I called out gaining my composure, fixing my attire.

"My Lady, your carriage is ready." A young maid said in a foreign accent, which sounded somewhat Hungarian.

She had chestnut hair, short pigtails on either side of her head, and green eyes.

I had hurried to get ready. It was already dawn, the birds chirping, already going about their day getting food for their young.

The child helped me brush my hair into a long braid, which I thanked her for, giving her a gold coin.

The child didn't accept the gift, pushing it back in my hand. She had shyly left the room, as I finished getting ready.

Soon, I had entered the carriage without saying goodbye to Achlys. I mean, why would I? he could get to me in an instant, coming out of nowhere half the time, so he could today.

The carriage ride was going smoothly. My thought had turned to my dream, I shivered to clutch my arms.

Was that my mother?

drip. I had felt Something wet on my hands. Rain? no, it felt warm, and I was in a carriage.

I wiped it off my hand. Drip. I then felt wetness on my cheeks. Tears. I frowned wiping them away hastily,

"Why...wh.." I tried to muster up a sentence. "Wife." I squeaked in surprise, turning away. It was Achlys' shadowy form.

Its hand slithered around my body before moving to my arm. My hand was covering my face, salty tears falling on them. "wife, look at me."

I managed to wipe away all the tears, although my eyes were puffy. I uncovered my eyes gazing at the strange figure with many eyes.

They had widened simultaneously, The figure had then turned into, Achlys' human form after reconstructing after some while.

His long fingers reached out to grab my face and turned it towards him.

His calm demeanor stayed the same although I could see the rage in his maroon eyes.

"You're.. hurting.. me.." I tried to speak.. he hurriedly let go. I held my cheeks from the slight sting.

His voice had changed. It wasn't the teasing, irritating, and cunning Achlys I knew, it was the voice of the devil.

"Arya." his low modulated voice called out to me. But I couldn't. After I dreamed of him— or someone who appeared to be him, I couldn't look him in the eye.

He called out my name once more, which I did not acknowledge. His hand had reached out to my face which I flinched at slapping his hand away, the loud sound filling the carriage, with his surprised face, and my stinging hand.

I didn't say anything only trying to hide my uneasiness in my face. I was going to apologize, but why should I?

My heart clenched, a weird feeling filled my chest. "I see you need some space, wife. I will leave you be." I couldn't pinpoint agitation or anger in his voice. It was flat, devoided of any emotion.

His figure had faded to black mist. I burst out crying.


"Is it true his majesty found his bride?" A man— a boy— youth had said fiddling with the dagger in his hand with sharp nails similar to Achlys.

His skin was pale, his auburn hair put into a ponytail, which went down to his neck. His eyes were grey, and eyelashes long like a girl.

His two-leg was upon the stone table, his chair leaning backward as he held a lazy smile on his face, his jagged long canines showing.

"That's what he says." An older boy said who looked in his early twenties said.

His body was large and well built, with the same color as the others.

They seemed to be twins, but his hair was let down, all the way to his upper back. He held a glass of wi— blood, spinning it around his cup before taking a sip. Both of them wore suits similar to Achlys, only pure black.

"She's heard to be beautiful, just like the legend." the other continued, still fiddling with the small sharp knife.

The double doors at the end of the long table opened showing two other more men.

One with fiery red hair, a smiley look on his face, the other with grey hair and a nonchalant look. They were both just as pale as the others, eyes grey with slits.

"His majesty isn't here yet?"

" Probably goofing off with his—"

"Watch your mouth, Glatt." His brother glared, finishing his glass of blood.

"I'm just saying, He—" His brother, Clever, had cut him off with a glare. Glatt had whistled. Making their way to their seats, Achlys had come almost immediately after.

The other two, Glatt, taking down his feet in an instant, acknowledging him with a curt nod.

Achlys had pulled his black gloves over his slender fingers.

"Now. Let's start, shall we?"
