
Chapter Nine

The inside of the building was one of those things Aaron knew he had to memorize. It wasn't so much that he was worried of forgetting, it was the fact that he was worried about never leaving. The building has this sort of dangerous factor to it, and Aaron thought to himself the minuet he entered, Edward glued to the side of him, as they entered, that both likely they weren't going to be able to leave. So as he memorized every bit of the inside, he managed to make sure everything was burned into his memory, right that second, before allowing himself to be completely suspicious. The boy had lead them to a strip club, that was clear.

Mostly confirmed by the rather inviting phrase printed on the sign outside, and the vibrant maturity colors, of the changing ceiling lights. The loud music and smell of drunks, was the first thing Aaron managed to capture, only a few seconds in. He felt suddenly sick as there didn't seem to be even a bit of clean air to breathe in the entire room. And the room was large. At least two stores, plus a basement, for he could see the set of stairs leading down somewhere, from the corner of his eye. Many older and young guys sat around at the bar, some sitting down, most were standing by themselves, drinks in their hands, as there were a few who had partners. Some were complained by woman, others had a male partner. Which Aaron didn't seem like he should care at all, for the memories of his past few teenage years, before he'd met Alec, still played on in the back of his mind.

How he allowed himself to waste away a few of the best years he'd ever had, simply to work nights and days in a strip club. And for what? Just for his self image to be ruined, and for the title that was given to him, as the teenage man hoe. How his blood still burns every time he thinks about it. He could tell that Edward was wondering what was going on with him, from the confused faces he kept making. But simply, Aaron didn't owe Edward a single thing. His past moments in life had no need to be shared. Especially not with the prince of his home. The embarrassment and laughter certainly wasn't necessary.

As Aaron made his way to the back of the club, which was surrounded by tons of tables and chairs, most of the tables still had half drunk beers and other drinks still on them, and to his surprise, had an awfully good view, of the giant stage that had been set up in the middle. Which as Aaron got a better look, noticed three kinds of different woman. All three of them wearing different outfits, most still very revealing. Aaron couldn't even pay them any attention, for he felt guilty for doing so. Never, would Alec forgive him for even looking at someone else, in that way. Female or male, it really didn't matter. And he was loyal, Aaron knew that, which only made him want to be just as loyal. As he went to take a seat in one of the chairs, accompanied by many cups of some strange liquid, he barely noticed the simple fact, that Edward had taken a seat next to him. Not across the table from him, exactly, in the seat next to him.

Aaron suddenly felt uncomfortable. A feeling he'd never gotten around another man before. And he could tell his faces, and body language were only causing discomfort for Edward, who probably, wasn't thinking the same thing as Aaron.

''May I ask what's wrong with you? And ask why your making those faces at me? Did I do something?'' He asked quietly. As he did, he couldn't help himself but to start playing with two strings attatched to the sweater he wore. Which was black, but not as big or baggy as Aaron's white one.

''I'm gay, you do know that right?'' Aaron questioned a little nervous. Edward nodded.

''Yes I do. And I told you I was as well, remember? Honestly, I thought me being here, would make you more comfortable.''

''What, did you know we'd be coming to a strip club, before you signed up to help me? Do you have some kind of power to see the future? Is that why you agreed to come to Earth with me?'' Aaron couldn't help getting that off his chest. If it were really true Edward could see into the future, that might explain a few things.

''That's stupid, I can't see the future, nor did I know we'd be coming here. I agreed to take you to Earth, because I've been to Earth before. And I knew you hadn't. Thought maybe it'd be easier finding Alec, had I come with? That's all.'' Edward paused before specking, taking a small breath, before he finished. ''Plus I wanted to see what's changed since I'd been here last...a few years can make you curious.'' He finally finished.

''So? You don't have a secret motive, I should know about? Nothing? Your just here to help?'' Aaron questioned, raising his brow, as he was still unsure.

''I wish you wouldn't judge me so hard, Aaron. I could've declined, and punished you instead. If I recall, you did break the only accident statue of my parents. I could've just allowed them to imprison you. Would you have liked that instead?'' He groaned, annoyed, but also a little hurt.

''Anything's better than this.'' Aaron hissed, as he fell back in his seat, pushing himself forwards, so his body was pressed against the edge of the table. At that moment, Aaron completely hated his existence. Everything he was witnessing, made him want to die so badly, it was unreal. Painful, and unreal. As time went by, and Aaron swore he was about to fall asleep, he was presented with an odd affair. Across from the stage, stood two guys. They looked close to their 30s and Aaron had the worst feeling in his stomach, he was quick to alert Edward. But as he just figured out, Edward had thought it to be a good idea, and try to finish the leftover drinks left on the table. To his surprise, the sweet smell that once belonged to Edward, had no disappeared. Leaving behind nothing but puke and sickness. The scent was strong as it made its way over to Aaron, who gagged and chocked the minuet the scent touched his nostrils.

''Bastard! Did you really have to drink all of that!'' He barked angrily. His eyes widened with anger, as he was quick to get out of his seat, once he realized what Edward was about to do. Grabbing him with one hand on his shoulder, and the other wrapped firmly around his waist, Aaron was quick to pull him back towards the table. Edward was clearly happy to be touched by Aaron in such a way, it was clear he wanted more. As he tried to wiggle away from Aaron, only to have himself pulled right back, Aaron had figured out Edward's plan. He wanted this. He always wanted this.

As Aaron cursed something under his breath, he quickly pushed Edward back down into his seat, making sure to press as hard as he could down onto his shoulders, as hard as he could to keep Edward in the seat. But Edward clearly didn't want to be there. He was drunk, and with the worst advantage ever. He was strong, and getting seriously pissed off. At any moment, Aaron feared what could happen if the anger could trigger Edward's powers.

As annoyed as he was with the blind boy, he did learn a few things. And that was emotions are tied to the powers. Which mean't, Aaron was going to get seriously burned, had he not let go soon. As he fought back his mom instincts to keep Edward close by, he gave up fighting, and watched as Edward left his side.

''Best decision you've made all night.....'' He could hear Edward shout, as he was presented with those guys he'd seen, across the stage. Aaron wasn't sure what to do. The person he'd come with was horribly drunk, and very pissed off, when told he couldn't do something. How was Aaron supposed to compete with that? That's just it? He couldn't. Not with his powers at the lowest they've been, and that person having to have very hot flames. He knew his ice would've been melted in seconds had he chose to get into a fight that night, not just that, but he wasn't to eager to be turned into a popsicle either.

So, as the music track switched songs for the third time that night, and the colors all around him, were staring to make him go colorblind, Aaron was getting seriously sick of everything. There was only so much a guy could take, of sitting alone by himself, with thoughts of hunger and thirst. So, even though he knew he'd regret it, he made the decision to ignore his pounding concerns, and walk up to the bar to order food and a drink. One drink, couldn't hurt him? Right?

As he made his way up to the bar, he chocked from the small pain of a tight presence pulling against his wrist. Blinking slowly, but only managing to be angered more, when he saw who it was, he tried to free himself. The man who had him locked tightly, appeared to be much older than any of the guys Aaron had seen, which only made him fight harder. The man was clearly very drunk, from how brain dead he appeared, and from the single expression he'd kept the entire time....Aaron swallowed whatever was in his throat, as he aimed his heel up, then brought it down on the man's foot.

Shouting in pain once he felt all of Aaron's weight come down on his feet, he instantly lost his grip, and Aaron took his chance to flee. However, he wasn't able to go without there being a problem. Unaware to the new source of pain, stabbing him in the back, he was quick to get his hand to the area that caused the most pain. He was stunned when his hand felt the heavy, cold medal, of the top of a dagger. He felt the blood roll down his back all most immediately, his blood was warm, but instantly froze in seconds, as his abilities activated. Fear, was the only emotion he was feeling. The blood was frozen solid, and as Aaron found his chance to search the croward for Edward, once he found him, a smile came to his face.

His eyes widened when his eyes found his face. Edward was over in seconds. His arms instantly wrapped around Aaron's entire body, as in seconds, the ice keeping the blood stable, broke. And in seconds, his entire back was covered with blood. The white sweater he'd been forced to wear by Edward, in hopes of blending in better, had been painted a whole different color.

All Aaron could hear in those few seconds he had, before unconsciousness came for him, was the sound of his own frantic pounding heart.And in another second as the light escaped his eyes, he could make out the color of a raven....
