
Chapter Four

Aaron felt his rips starting to bruise as the pain only worsened as time began working against him. He felt another kick to the stomach. that sent him to the payment in seconds. Gripping onto his body as tightly as he could, the blood he felt coming up his throat and out in mouth was the hardest part to keep under control. The security guards had no desire to give mercy to the only gay in the realm. He figured that out the moment he was struck down, without even having a chance to explain. The security guards weren't in the mood to hear what he had to say. Even if it could judgetive his actions there, that midnight night.

Pieces of the broken statue were laid out on all sides of him, broken and frozen at the touch, Aaron couldn't help himself but to admire his work. A powerful most enchant statue, broken in under five minuets, because of a cold one's power? Surely the statue wouldn't been better protected. As the statue had been built in the honour of the first warm one and cold one, the two who put together the realm, hand by hand. Queen Jewel and husband King Clark. Accompanied by a daughter and a son. The only hybrids of their land, honoured and deemed worthy of anything they shall desire. Which in Aaron's eyes, only made them seem more braty.

Prince Edward and Princess Alice, weren't the nicest people in the realm, more the opposite. Aaron couldn't keep the blood down as another kick was sent to his ribs, coughing up a large amount, he was doubled over, onto his stomach, holding himself as tight as he could, thinking it'd keep him protected. With one thought as it passed, he smiled a small smile, as he felt his body start to lose all his body temperature. In another a few seconds, his skin had turned light blue, and he was starting to laugh a little, once the guard tried to hit him again. This time, it wasn't Aaron who felt the pain. It was the guard. Screaming in pain, gripping his wrist, as blood covered his entire hand.

As Aaron flipped himself onto his back, he stared up, looking right into the guards eyes. A few of the other guards, couldn't seem to keep their laughter inside, because Aaron could hear small whispers and cut off voices, followed by some spit as it escaped through their mouths. He could also see the hot temperature, and the raging anger as it formed on the guards face rather quickly.

Jumping to his feet as fast as he could, Aaron tried to get out of there. The realm was dark, but lit up with the tiny orange light of the lit up torches they had at night, to protect the houses near by, and as he and the guards were all standing in the middle of the town square, Aaron could see four different ways he could leave. The one closet to him, would lead him towards the castle. Which he had a great view of it, as it sat on the largest mountain in the entire realm. The castle had dark shadows casted over it, but he could make out a bit of light coming from it. The king and queen were still awake. And as he feared for his life, he knew what was coming.

As he thought about distracting the guards with his ice mist, he hadn't had the chance. He was grabbed almost immediately, before he could even being to act, and as he squirmed against the guards grip on him, he felt the pain in his back starting to act up again. He was forced to freeze up, as all he could muster was small deep breaths, from the paralyzing pain. At that moment, blood was trickling down Aaron's lips as it escaped down his bare neck. Leaving behind nothing but stains, as he was forced to his knees, by the heavy weight of the guards pushing down on him, from his shoulders.

He grunted once he hit the payment, staring up into the deep dark eyes of the first guard, who'd kicked and punched him repeatedly. How he wanted to kick and punch the guard, harder, then he ever wanted. If Alec could see him now, what would he say? Aaron feared his words.

''Bastard! Let go of me!'' Aaron shouted.

''You broke sacred property, young man! Do you have any idea what you've just done!?''

''I broke a statue! So what? Your the one standing here, beating a nineteen year old! Your breaking the rules, just like me. If your lucky, you'll be banished as well.''

''Highly unlikely son. I'm just doing my job, people will see it as such....Its you, you should be worried about. If your lucky you'll be sent to Earth alive...the last one was sent dead!'' The guard mustered through a disgusting amount of spit, as some escaped down his chin. He was quick to clean himself, before the orange oura of his fire lit up Aaron's face. Aaron who instantly felt the effects of the flames burning temperatures, tried to ignore the fact, that his ice skin was starting to melt.....Which only caused wet to form around every part of his face, his arms, and his legs. Leaving behind stains on his clothing where the water had been absorbed. Aaron tried to fight again, but he was forced to stop again, when the pain he felt along his spine only worsened the more he tried to fight off his stress and tension. The guard, Sergrent Roman, just seemed to enjoy his struggling, and fighting, he continued to get closer to Aaron, softly dragging his fingers along the wet spots on Aaron's clothing. As he did this, Aaron felt a sickening feeling, as the pit in his stomach dropped. Clenching his teeth, he formed a large amount of spit in his mouth, and got ready.

As Sergeant Roman got one more inch closer to Aaron, their eyes locking, Aaron spat. The liquid from his mouth flying right at Roman's face. ''That'll teach you to touch me again.'' He hissed through a disgusted expression.

''Why you-'' Aaron felt a shock then burning pain coursing through the left side of his face, as he was struck with Roman's flaming fist. As the fist made contact with his face, Aaron felt the last remains of his ice skin crack, as the pieces landed on the ground, making the sound of glass, as if the glass had just been broken. Aaron was sent down to the payment almost immediately, as his arms were free from the guards, who once restrained him. Groaning he was stuck laying on his back, as the shadow that was Sergeant Roman, came towards him.

''ENOUGH!'' Shouted a close male voice. The sergeant with frightened eyes, slowly moved away from where he stood, and kept still the entire time. Aaron felt the cooling touch of soft skin, as he felt stinging of his wounds, as light strokes of fingertips rubbed along them. He threw himself away from the person, and lightly head his head up. He was surprised when he saw who was standing there. Staring down at him, with confident faces.

''Are you all right young man?'' The voice belonged to the queen. Queen Jewel. She had a fair and beautiful face. White as winter, with light blonde hair. The color made Aaron think of white chocolate, which had been Alec's favorite kind. He remembered Alec and Lucifer sharing pieces of white chocolate, during the times, when Lucifers oldest sister, had snuck herself to Earth, nights when their father wasn't around. She'd return with so much candy, and snacks, Aaron could remember himself being overwhelmed at how much there was, since he didn't have an appetite for candy. However, Alec had convinced him to try the white chocolate, which he did....how he missed the sweet, melting, taste of it.

Queen Jewel was wearing a light blue and white dress, that resembled her favorite season, Winter. And long blue heels to match. Her white hair was done up in a well built braid, and as she spoke, her baby blue eyes, sparkeled. Her husband, the king was on her right, followed by their son and daughter. King Clark had Queen Jewel beat in the height department, but it was clear, Jewel made up with her powers. Rumors say, Jewel was always the number one, when the two would train. The cold ones, were always superior.

King Clark had dark black hair, and bright orange eyes. He was wearing a rather dark shade of orange amour, and a helmet that matched. He certainly had a less friendly expression on his face. One that wasn't as kind as his wives. On to their children. Seventeen year old, Edward, and eighteen year old, Alice. The only hybrids in the entire realm. capable of mastering both cold and warm powers. Aaron was sure of their magic capability, from the extra decorations they wore on their bodies. Edward had been able to create wings, made from his fire, that actually moved. Aaron wasn't sure how they'd work for flying, but the ability alone, was able to tell him, he was much stronger.

Alice on the other hand, had a pair of horns made from her ice, that sat on her head, that acted as a crown. They were curled at the ends, and very light blue. Aaron was sure, they looked like a pair of crystals. As a crystal statue would look. As Alice moved away from Aaron the minuet he did, she returned to the side with her parents. as Jewel was the one to step up, and approach Aaron. King Clark, was now approaching Sergeant Roman, a rather unhappy look on his face.

''You don't need to be afraid of me, I'm here to help you.'' Jewel said softly, as she reached to help Aaron up. Lightly touching the left side of his body, as Aaron finished the rest. Getting to his feet, but slouching, for the pain only grew worse.

''Are you feeling okay?''

''I'm fine. Thank you your highness.'' Aaron replied with a whisper.

''What're you doing out here? Especially at a time like this?'' Alice asked, leaving the side of her brothers, as she joined her mother.

''I was-'' Aaron moved his eyes from the both of them, to the side with King Clark, as he would seem he was giving a lecture to Roman. He wasn't sure at first if he should come clean. Here he was expecting to be banished on sight, but what he got, was completely different. He'd misjudged his rulers.

''I was committing a crime...'' He finally said. King Clark heard his words as he said them, and turned his attention away from Roman. Who once he heard Aaron's words, flashed Aaron a naughty but understanding smile.. Aware he was going to be in trouble.

''Commiting a crime? What kind of crime?'' King Clark questioned, his eyes never leaving the sight of Aaron. Aaron lightly motioned his arms into a circle, as he spread them out, at his sides. Showing that he was literally standing in his crime. The pieces of the statue were stacked all around him. The evidence, he was standing in the evidence. With dull eyes that had lost all their color, Aaron lightly got down onto his knees, as the expressions of King Clark and Queen Jewel changed. Prince Edward on the other hand, did something Aaron had never expected. Approaching the cold one, Edward approached him slowly at first, but as Aaron watched his speed increase, he lifted himself up, the two of them staring into each others eyes. Before either one could say a word, Edward lightly nodded, before he opened his mouth.

''There has to be a reason you'd destroy the statue? What was it?'' He asked in the softest voice Aaron had ever heard. Lightly shallowing the tightness and dryness he felt in his throat, he lightly opened his mouth to answer.

''Yesterday evening, my boyfriend, Alec, had his memory wiped and was banished to live his days on Earth. Leaving me here, without him....'' Aaron whispered. ''I thought if I could do something really bad, I'd get to go with him...''

''Who sentenced him to Earth?'' Edward asked, his tone sounding a little more angry now. Disappointed in fact.

''A man named Judge Payne. He's had it out for me ever since, I came here with my parents a couple years ago. I think he also hates the fact that I'm the only gay one living in this realm, aside from Alec.'' Aaron hissed, as he was forced to relive the memory of him and his parents coming to the realm. Their first home was dark, and dangerous. He couldn't blame his mother for packing up and moving them. His father, had no such say in the matter. Aaron had been three years old when they moved to Nation Valley. Aaron could remember his same reaction when he learned the name of his new home.

Nation Valley? Over time he'd gotten used to the strange name. Guessing that since nothing around him was considered ''normal'' Why should the name be the one thing that gets pointed out as strange. A world filled with all sorts of mythical creatures, and his nation. The cold and warm ones? Considered dead amongst vampires, and werewolves, who seek them out. Vampires not satisfied with the blood from the animals they all ready have, and eager to kill a cold or warm one, eager to seek out the healing properties the nation offers them. Only once had the vampires been able to track one of them down. And that was hundred of years ago. A young warm one. Around the age of sixteen, unaware of the true dangers that lurked around the dark forests at night. Aaron was sure to himself, that mistake would never be rewritten.

''You many think you two are the only gays in this realm. but I can promise you, that your wrong.'' Edward told him. Aaron replaying what he just heard, over and over in his mind, that the conclusion of the prince being gay? Hadn't been a conclusion he ever thought he'd make.

''If your this eager to reunite with your loved one, I'll take you to Earth myself. There's a passage way hidden away, in the castle. It's only used for safety? You know, If somehow the vampires really do declare war on us, our people will at least have some where to call home.'' Edward turned to stare at his family, eyeing them with such confidence, Aaron was still sure of himself, what he was hearing had to be a joke. The first conclusion of a member of the royal family being gay, still pounding through his head.

''Do I have your permission mother?''

Queen Jewel stared at her son with a worried expression. She was always so proud of Edward, there was no doubt in her mind he could ever commit wrong. But her only son, going to a magicless planet, filled with people who'd do everything they could to hurt him, shall they found out, kept pounding against the side of her head. Edward had had many changes to travel to Earth as a means of overservation with his father, many times, but refused to go, because of fear. But now, almost twenty years old, Edward was volunteering to take a nineteen year old cold one, to Earth to a means of reuniting two loved ones? Queen Jewel wiped the tears from her eyes almost instantly, as she turned so she could make out the eyes of her husband. Plus her daughter, Alice, who was standing next to him, overhearing the entire conversation. She didn't look all that impressed. But chose to keep her reasoning to why her brother shouldn't go, to herself.

''Seven days, son. I give you seven days to return. If you do not-'' King Clark took a long pained pause before continuing. ''If you do not return, there will be no one sent after you...we can't risk it.....''

''I understand, father.....I'll make sure we return in plenty of time.'' Edward nodded, the fire slowly going out that fed his wings. Once the fire went out, Edward's wings had completely vanished, and the dark. deep, colors of the cloak he wore, was better visible. The cloak covered the entire build of his body, as he hid his covered arms behind the windows of the cloak. Looking at Aaron with those bright orange eyes, he nodded. Aaron knew what that mean't right away. He was quick to follow the prince down the one path, leading to the castle, as he felt the pain in his back sharpen. He was in for a dangerous and rather painful adventure.....

But for Alec. He was ready to commit even the greatest of adventures.
