
Find A New Victim

The girl continued pestering me.

I figured that trying to reason with her would be pointless so I instead decided to just ignore her.

"Hey, say something."

I walked over to the cosmetics section and looked at some of the bottles of shampoo on offer. The brand I usually bought was out of stock so I just went with the next cheapest one. I didn't care that much about the scent or the brand, all shampoo was basically the same to me.

"Hey... Stop ignoring me."

I take my bottle of shampoo over to the counter. The cashier gave me an awkward look as he scanned the bottle of shampoo. He was glancing at the girl who had attached herself to me like some sort of remora fish. I tapped my phone and he handed me the shampoo with a receipt.

"Have I nice day?"

"You too."

I made my way out of the convenience store. The girl showed no signs of leaving me despite my lack of interaction.

"You really are bad at socialising, aren't you."

I guess she's not done just yet.

The dorms weren't that far away so I assumed that she would stop following me once I got to the dorms. The first-years (Year 10s), second-years (Year 11s) and third-years (Year 12s) all had different sections in the dorms and weren't supposed to intertwine. I wasn't exactly sure which year she was in but I could tell she wasn't from my year as she had a significantly large amount of badges and ribbons on her blazer.

It wasn't long before I was at the elevator in the reception of the dorm building.

"I'm going back to my room."


As I pressed the floor button in the elevator, she decided to enter.

The two of us stood opposite each other in the small elevator but I noticed that she didn't press any buttons on the keypad.

"I'm going to the first year's section of the dorm building."

"That's fine."

I don't think she recognised the important part of what I said.

"Are you going back to your room...?"

"Nope, I don't feel like it at the moment."

I guess she might've been a first-year who I've never met before.

I hesitated to ask my next question.

"So where are you going then...?"

"To your room, I guess."

Hm, this was quite the conundrum.

I assumed she knew the rules of the school, so why was she still here with me...

"Which year are you in?"

"Third year."

"They aren't allowed in the first years' section of the dorm."

"It's okay I'm the student council president."


Somewhat surprising but I guess someone had to be the student council president...

Still, does the student council president have powers like that?

Oh well, I guess there's no stopping it now.

The elevator eventually stopped at my floor and the two of us got out. As I made my way towards my room, she followed behind with no hesitation or intention of stopping. I arrived in front of my room and scanned my phone to unlock the door.

I walked inside and she followed behind me.

I guess this is what's happening now.

"So... what is it exactly that you want from me?"

"I just want you to listen to me."

"I guess that's fine."

Now that we've gone this far, I no longer cared enough to avoid it.

She pulled out her phone and scrolled up, showing me her text messages with the boy.


"Hii" It was her first message to the boy, nothing odd at the moment.

The two of them sent messages to each other, one after the other. The timestamps showed that the messages were sent pretty late into the night, around 11 pm.


"I heard you like playing video games. I like playing video games too."

"How do you know that..."

"One of my friends told me."


"By the way my favourite character in Dance of the Wizards is Elaine, I just love her time travelling ability!"

"That's also my favourite character..."

"What a coincidence!"

She scrolled down on the conversation.

"What's your favourite game at the moment?" She asked.

"I guess Rally is pretty fun."


After about thirty minutes, there were quite a few messages in a row sent by her.

"So you want to play with me?"

"What level are you?"

"What's your username?"


"Friend me on the game!"


"You still there?"

She scrolled down a bit further.

Eventually, after a few minutes, he replied.

"I guess I'll play a few rounds with you."

Not even five seconds later she responded.

"Yay! I'll be there in a second!"

"Wait you'll be where?"

It was now the boy's turn to text frantically.

"Hold on, where are you going?"


The conversation ended after that.

She pulled her phone back to herself and began speaking to me.

"And then I went to his room and asked him out."


"He said that I was being scary and asked me to leave."

Sounds reasonable...

"I even bought a gaming laptop, headset, mouse and the game at the game store that night just for him!"

I didn't even realise the stores were still open at that time.

"Then I woke up one of my assistants to make them teach me how to play the game."

Poor assistants.

This girl was beyond crazy.

I honestly had no idea what I was even meant to say to her.

"So why were you crying in the middle of the footpath?"

"I was walking to the convenience store and then I thought about what happened and then I started crying."

I have no words... This is our student council president.

"So was that it?" I asked her.


She walked around my room looking at all of my belongings.

"You're room is pretty miserable."

She opened my cupboard revealing my stockpile of instant noodles.

"Is this all you eat all day?"

"I usually just eat at the cafeteria."

She sighed and continued examining my room.

"Well, thank you for listening to me, it's made me feel a little bit better now."

Before she left, she pulled something out of her skirt pocket and passed it to me.

"Here's a gift, as thanks."

It was a little keychain with a tiny metal cat attached to it.

"An upperclassmen gave it to me a few years ago and said it would bring good luck or something like that. It's been grinding against my leg when I sit down the past few days though so you can have it."

"Thank you?"

With that, she left my room.

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Haobo_Zhangcreators' thoughts