
BigJo 2

There was silence for a while between them when Haley dropped that bombshell. Pedro didn't look too surprise about the revelation but she could tell it came as a little shock to him.

"What do you mean specifically by two faced company?" Pedro inquired with a look that suggested he wanted to clear some doubts.

"In my case with the death of the chief judge I came to discover that BigJo could possibly be a company that trains assassins along with training security men. There major front job is training security men like you but I am very sure they also train assassins. The fact they came here for you or me confirms that. For me it could be they want me dead because I went looking into their secrets or for you because they consider you as a loose end. They want you dead so they can hang the death of the minister's daughter on you. After all dead men tell no tales" Haley explained to him carefully so he could get her point.

Pedro thought about what she has just said for while.

"Let me have a look" he said as he took her laptop to go over her files on the closed case.

'While you do that I will go in to take my bath " she informed him before moving inside the bathroom.

She went in with her phone in her hand. Yes she needed to take her bath but she also needed to make a secret call to Brain. Right now she was really out of options on whom to trust.

She had a good look at Pedro before she finally entered the bathroom. He was so engrossed in the details on her laptop that he didn't even notice when picked her phone or the new set clothes she intends to wear before coming out.

Immediately she entered she put on the shower and increased it to the highest to mask the call she was to make.

"Hello Brain listen to me carefully " she stated her voice almost in whispers immediately he picked the call.

"I can barely hear you. The sound of rushing water is too loud on your end" Brain replied her speaking loudly.

It occured to Haley that Brain would not be able to hear her in that condition hence she was forced to lower the rush of the shower.

"Is this better can you hear me now? She asked with hope that he would be able to hear her.

"Yes this is better now maam.

"So tell me what have you discovered so far? She asked curiously.

"Maam I believe we are being sabotaged. The phone of the minister's daughter cannot be found. I went through the report of the first team that were here. They made mention of taking a phone from her room but right now the phone is nowhere to be found. Someone has tempered with the evidence we have " Brain reported with pain in his voice.

Haley remembered what Pedro told her about getting that phone. For someone to take the phone it means something important must have been found in it.

"That phone is very important and we must look for it at all cost. When I come tomorrow I will start from there. For now I want you to help me find a connection between this case and BigJo. I believe BigJo have a hand somewhere in all of this" Haley ordered him.

"And yes the man who was in the cell that later escaped. His name is Pedro Torres. I want you to also see what you can find about him and his connection to BigJo. " Haley added to her instructions.
