
Fate Reversal

Nothing eventful happened on the way back from Scheherazade. Ian managed to pick up a few useful reagents and minerals, but other than that, nothing too interesting.

After arriving back at Haramark, we parted ways with Carpe Diem and entered back into our base.

It was dusk when we arrived, the day about to end.

Ian let out a sigh and slumped on the couch. "This old body of mine really isn't used to travel..."

"Then make a rejuvenating elixir to fix it up. That's what an alchemist does, right Ian?"

Ian laughed. "Indeed. But not everyone is as talented as you are, Jihu."

I was sitting at a table on the first floor, writing out notes on a large piece of parchment. "True... Then do you want me to give you one?"

"Eh?" Ian blinked. "You have a rejuvenation elixir?" He quickly sat up and said, "You aren't joking around, are you?"

"What? Eager to get back into the field?" I glanced over at it.

"You know me too well, Jihu." He slid a chair over and sat down next to me. "But that can wait. I see that you're working on quite the peculiar project."

I nodded. "That's right."

A diagram of a human body. Anatomical structures, organs...

"What is it?"

"Well... You know how I have Prihi's Tears, right?"

"...This is the first I have heard you mention this fact, but it doesn't surprise me."

I blinked. "Right... I haven't mentioned it, huh? I have a few things from the VIP store with me. Various divine elixirs, a divine vestige, Miklya's branding iron or something- But anyway, not important." I looked at the diagram again and said, "I was thinking about how to connect the circuits with the body in a synergistic way."

"Mm? Do mana circuits not do it already?"

I shook my head. "They do, but... Well, I was wondering if it might be more efficient to do it through alternative means. Maybe direct conversion of nerves into mana lines..." I shook my head. "But I guess that's a project for another time. You wanted the rejuvenation potion, right?"

"...You were serious about that?"

"I'm always serious. There's a catch though."

Ian sighed. "There always is. And? What is it, Jihu?"

"You and me. We're going back to the Forest of Denial."



Dense forestry and a deep fog, filled with ominous magical intent.

Through it all, a rugged middle-aged man with a beard and fedora was staring at himself in a mirror. "Damn. I forgot how good I looked..."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Would you stop admiring yourself and be alert?"

"What? Can't a guy tell himself how sexy he looks?"

"Yes. But after the tenth time, it gets pretty annoying."

Ian shrugged and put his mirror away.

I scanned the surroundings. Thankfully, there wasn't a threat nearby.

There were monsters, but maybe since they could sense our presence and mana, they were staying away.

Ian looked around as well and said, "I've gotta say though, Jihu. This is a surreal experience."

"What, de-aging thirty years?"

"Well that, but also being here again with just the two of us. Not only that, but being completely at ease." He laughed and said, "Is this what the kids mean these days by being carried on a bus?"

I rolled my eyes.

Ian stretched and said, "I must admit. It's pleasant being able to just take trips like these. No worries, no nagging princess... Just a good friend, trekking through the woods, and then freedom to do magical research. And speaking of that... Are you certain this will work?" He glanced at me.

I nodded. "It should... And if it doesn't, at least the Saintess will be free."

"Mm. That's true. Though I have to say, your taste in woman is quite peculiar, Jihu. I didn't think your fetish was NTR."

"It's not. And even if it wasn't, can you really call what the Saintess went through a proper marriage?"

Ian gave me a sage nod. "Sure. Not a fetish. I absolutely believe you."

I sighed.

The tomb was in sight again. Like last time, it hadn't changed.

Well, there was a slight difference.

The moment we walked into the area, the iron doors opened.

Ian paused. "Well. It seems like Miss Saintess is looking forward to your visit." He paused and said, "Should I wait outside?"

"...That's probably for the best."

Ian shrugged and then sat down, making a small area for him to do research in.

Seeing that, I walked back inside the tomb.

It was the same as before. A bright white marble dome area with two sarcophagi. But if there was a difference, it would be that the bodies were gone. It seemed like she had moved them in the time being.

[You're back!]

A delightful voice.

I smiled and said, "I am indeed. Did you miss me?"

A black mist flew out from the sarcophagus. [Of course! It's the first time someone came to visit!]

I laughed and then walked inside, stopping in front of the sarcophagus. As I did, I noticed that the crystal flower I left had dimmed a bit, partially dissolved.

"Did you enjoy the gift I left behind?"

[I did! Even when I was alive, I didn't taste anything that sweet!] The mist flew over and sat on top of the sarcophagus. While her body was obscured, I had the sense that she was swinging her legs.

"I'm glad you did."

Happy whistling. But then the black mist shifted a bit. [Why did you come back so soon though? Did you need some more treasures?]

I laughed. "What you gave me last time was already enough to turn the kingdom upside down, Saintess."

[Was it? I'm glad! You have me such yummy food and gifts, so...]

"Speaking of that... Would you like it if I cooked something again?"

[!!! Will you?!] An excited and happy voice.

I smiled and pulled out some cooking equipment. A pot, some noodles, meat...

As I did, the black mist moved over next to me, as if standing beside me.

[That's amazing!]

"Mm? The food?"

[No- Well, yes! But you're making it from mana, right?]

I paused and looked at her. "You can tell?"

[Mmhm.] She flew back and sat back on her coffin. [I'm used to sensing mana because of... this. But I'm amazed. I think you're even better than that old coot that locked me here.]

I started boiling water and nodded. "I'm not surprised. I'm a bit of an... anomaly, so to speak."

A comfortable silence. But after a while...

[Um... Your name.]


[I never got your name, Mister.]

"It's Seol Jihu. Ah, Seol is my family name." I stirred in the ingredients and looked up at her. "What about you, Miss Saintess?"

[Me? Flonecia Lusignan La Rothschear]

"Hoh?" I stared at her and said, "That's an impressive name."

The Saintess giggled. [You can just call me Flone.]

"Flone it is. It's cuter anyway. And you can call me Jihu." I finished up the bowl of noodles and then held it out to her. "Here you go. It's not the best since I'm a bit rusty, but it should be good."

[Thank you!] She took it from me and then quickly began slurping it up.

Seeing that, I stared at her, pondering.

[Mm?] The black mist shifted a bit. [Is something wrong, Mister Jihu?]

"Just Jihu's fine. But Flone... Do you want to get out of here?"

[I do.]

"In that case... Should I help you?"

The black mist lowered and shook. [...That's impossible. I have tried thousands, no, tens of thousands of times. But no matter how much of a mess I made, the barrier didn't disappear.]

The air grew sharp and her voice echoed again. [Those goddamned sons of bitches were afraid of me that much that they engraved the spell onto my body to serve as a medium.]

"What?! That's..." My eyes narrowed and I said, "Then... Doesn't that mean they forcefully shackled your soul to your body? What kind of...?!"

I was mistaken. I thought that it was just a result of the barrier being placed over the tomb, but for it to be forcefully inscribed on her body...

Not being able to pass onto the next life. Not being able to even fade away. Forcibly persisting because of the spell's energy...

[I'm surprised.]

I blinked and looked up.

Her face was obscured, but for the briefest of moments, I thought I saw a smile. [You're really angry about it.]

"Of course I am. You didn't even get to start your life and then you were forcibly chained here and killed. Not only that, but even your afterlife...!"

My chest throbbed. My heart, and a searing fury.

[Thank you.]

I looked up again.

[It's the first, you know? Someone being upset for me... It's nice.]

I decided. "Alright. I can't accept this."


I stood up and stared at Flone. "...Tell me something, Flone. If you could get out of here. No, if you could live again, would you take it?"

Flone laughed, though a sad sound. [Of course. But something like that is impossible-]

"It's not." I nodded and then said, "Give me your hand."

[My... hand?]

"...It's a bit much to ask, but if you trust me... If you trust me, I can grant that wish."

Flone froze. [You... Do you mean it?]

I smiled. "I never go back on my word. Especially to pretty ladies, you know?"

A sweet giggle. But then she was still hesitant. [But... What if it doesn't work? I don't want you to waste your time and resources-]

"How could this be a waste?" Seeing her hesitate still, I stepped forward. "Despite everything that happened to you, Flone, you trusted in me enough to let me into your most private chambers. Not only that, but you gave me valuable artifacts without expecting anything in return. Such goodwill... Well, I'm not a person who just lets that slide."

[...You're a good man, Jihu. If I had met you when I was still alive-]

"Hey now, don't talk like something's impossible." I held out my hand. "Now, since nobody granted your wishes when you were alive... Since the gods themselves didn't hear your plea... Would you like to take the chance for this mere mortal to try and grant it?"

Flone stared at me. The black mist obscured her body... but I could see faint pinpoints of light staring at me. Her eyes. And then... [...I'll trust you.] She reached out her hand.

It was cold. As expected of a spirit, it was like holding an ice sculpture.

But I didn't shiver or back down. Instead, I focused.

At once, my awareness spread out. The various energies in the area, light, mana, matter, speed... All the sources possible blending in my mind's eye. But more importantly than that, I saw her.

A beautiful young woman with silver hair and azure eyes, standing within a cloud of black resentment, locked by shackles of mana.

Her body was long gone. Time had corroded it completely, leaving only her will behind.

But that will was enough.

The record of one's being was in the soul. Even if the body was different, the soul remembered it. One's own self-image persisted even beyond death.

So then...

[Restoration (Ungraded) is reacting to Synthesis]

Gathering the tangled pieces of a fragmented will.

[Synthesis is reacting to Energy Manipulation]

Binding them all into a physical form.

[Nine Eyes is reacting to Energy Manipulation]

A fate that I refused to allow. A tragedy I was determined to overturn.

[??? Insight is peering throughout existence]

And then, to save a single person...

[Synthesis Blade is reacting to ??? Insight]

I cleaved existence itself to force it to my will.

A gasp. The icy hand that I held slowly being filled with warmth. At the same time, the resentment in the air slowly fading away.

And when I opened my eyes...

[Restoration (Ungraded) has become Fate Reversal (Ungraded)]

...A beautiful young woman stood before me.

A pristine white gown. Elegant silver hair and glittering blue eyes. Refined facial features and lovely pink lips.

I released her hand with a smile, at the same time suddenly feeling woozy. As a result, I started to stagger, but before I could, a pair of delicate warm hands grabbed me.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

A lovely voice, like soft bells. Flone stared at me with watery eyes. Like before, an ominous black aura drifted around her, but rather than resentment, it was her mana. The aura from her own abilities... Her life.

"To be able to live again...! To be able to have someone here, I-!"

She sobbed and then pulled me in for a tight embrace. "Thank you! Thank you!"

I sighed and patted her back. "No need for thanks. I'm just glad to be of help."


It was a rosy moment. A happy and celebratory time. And then-

"Hoh? I thought you said you weren't into that sort of thing, Jihu?" Ian's sly smile and face peered in through the doorway.

"Eek!" Flone ducked behind me.

I sighed.


"So Miss Flone is the ghost Saintess buried in the tomb?" Ian glanced over to her and said, "To bury such a beautiful young woman... Those must have been some true bastards."

"Tell me about it!" Flone nodded and slammed down a cup of wine. "They shoved me into that sarcophagus and didn't care even when I kicked and screamed! And then when I died, they even wrote that damned spell onto my corpse!" She turned to me and said, "Ridiculous, right, Jihu?!"

"Definitely." I nodded in agreement. "Although... You seem to be enjoying your second chance at life quite a lot, Flone."

"Well obviously!" She gave me a radiant smile and then said, "I've been dead all this time! I'm going to enjoy the heck out of being alive!"

We were resting at a campsite at the northern edge of the Forest of Denial... Well, former Forest of Denial. Now that I had freed Flone, the spell overlaying the terrain was gone.

In short, this was just a nice trek in the countryside.

Flone smiled and then sidled over beside me. "Hey, hey!" She poked me and said, "Where are we going now?"

"I told you, didn't I? We're going to head to Haramark and then probably look for some missions to do... Maybe."

"Haramark?" Flone tilted her eyes and said, "Is that a city? A kingdom?"

"...Right. It's been a while since you were alive." I nodded and said, "Haramark is a Kingdom in the southern part of Paradise, near the warfront with the Parasites. Well, we're going to the city called Haramark though."

"Ooh. Is that your home?"

"No. It's... a bit more complicated than that. I'm not from this world originally, you see. Neither is my friend, Ian over there."

He nodded. "As he says."

"Wow!" Flone looked at me with sparkling eyes and said, "Then you really are like a magical hero! No wonder you could bring me back to life!"

I coughed. "Right. But um... Flone."

"Yes, Jihu?"

"When we head back, could you not advertise that fact? Let's just say that I saved your life, alright? Things would get... really troublesome if people found out I could bring others back to life."

"Oh!" Flone quickly nodded and made a zipping motion with her mouth. "You won't hear a word out of me about it, Jihu!"

Ian laughed. "My oh my. This old man's days are never going to get boring around you, are they Jihu?"

Flone perked up at that and said, "Old man?" She looked at Ian and frowned. "You don't look that old, Mister Ian."

He laughed. "Thanks for the compliment, Missy... Ah. I suppose you're technically older than all of-"

A blast of ominous killing intent.

Ian coughed and said, "I mean younger than all of us. After all, you became alive today."

"That's right!" Flone hugged my arm and said, "I'm younger than Jihu!"

I sighed.


"So this is your house here, Jihu?" Flone spun around and peered around every piece of furniture.

"Well, I guess you could call it that?" I tossed my bag on the floor and then stretched.

"Mm." Flone turned to look at me and said, "I thought that a sage magician like you would live in a better place than this."

Ian laughed and said, "Don't let appearances fool you. This friend here's only living like this because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself." The older magician walked over to the desk in the corner of the room and sat down, getting comfortable. "If he wanted to, he could shack up with the princess in the royal palace with how much money he has."

"Oh?" Flone tilted her head and said, "Are you that rich, Jihu?"

"I wouldn't call it being rich. More... being able to procure funds quickly?"

"Pft!" Ian shook his head and said, "That is indeed one way to phrase being capable of conjuring precious metals from thin air."

"Oooh!" Flone nodded and said, "That's right! You can make crystals and things too!"


It was early morning. We arrived back at Haramark after a few days travel.

The journey back was fairly uneventful... Except for the fact that Flone was exceptionally powerful.

Despite me turning her back into a human, she didn't become an 'ordinary' human. Instead, it seemed that my acts caused her to get the status like Earthlings did as well.

As for her actual stats... Well, her class was Saintess, as expected, and a level 6. Only, instead of being the expected priest based class, it was warrior based. And for her class abilities... Well, let's just say that being human didn't get rid of her traits as a vengeful spirit.

"Hey, Jihu!" Flone turned to me and said, "Can we go look around the city?"

I blinked. "'We'?"

She nodded. "It'll be fun, right? Besides! Since you made me like this, you have to take responsibility!"

Ian turned a page in his book and said, "She has a point, you know?"

"See?" Flone grabbed my hand and said, "Can we?"

"...I guess I'm not doing anything important."

I had been training for a while, and there wasn't much I could do right now while my body was slowly mending.


I walked out of the building and waved at Ian. "We'll be back later."

"Mm. You kids have fun. This old man will just be figuring out how this new sword and transmutation process works..."

I shook my head and then left with Flone.


As usual, Haramark was the chaotic and disorderly place it always was. The people were as shady as ever. But if there was one difference today, it would be that a lot of gazes were attracted my way. Well... More specifically towards my partner.

"Wow!" Flone peered into a clothing store and said, "The clothes here are so shabby!"

"Hah... Miss Saintess. Were you really a member of an esteemed family?"

She stuck her tongue out at me and then said, "Well I'm a Saintess, right? I can't tell a lie now, can I?"

"Yes. But you can also refrain from going out of your way to ruin someone's mood." I stepped away from the store, ignoring the pointed glare that the shopkeeper was sending me.

"Mmkay. I'll try not to cause too much trouble for you, Jihu." Although she said it calmly, the slight pout in her eyes showed that she wasn't too happy about it.

"Mm, as long as you're trying. It's better to not make too many enemies when you don't have to. After all, even if you're strong enough to rip apart a hundred men, you still have to waste the time and energy, you know?"

"Ah!" Flone nodded. "So that's what you mean!" She gave me a bright smile and said, "I'll remember that, Jihu! Though..." She frowned and said, "The goods in this city really aren't that great though. Are you sure this is a kingdom's capital?"

We walked down the streets of Haramark, touring the surroundings.

"Mm, it is. But since this is near the frontlines, there's not much room for luxury, you know? If you want that sort of stuff, we'd have to head to Scheherazade up north."

"Oh!" Flone nodded. "I remember that place. It's still around?"

"It is. But the situation there is... complicated." I gazed off in the distance and said, "There's someone there I would like to help out... But right now, I'm still a bit lacking."

"A great sage like you is lacking?" Flone frowned. "That must mean the enemy is really strong."

"Not so much as strong as annoying. It's like trying to get rid of a bunch of rats, you know? I have to set up the right places to close off their escape first."

"Ah... I got it." Flone looked around the area and then pointed to a stall. "Ooh! Can we grab some of those to eat? They look yummy!" She pointed at a stall selling fresh kebabs.

"Sure. I'm getting pretty hungry too."

We made our way over there, Flone lightly skipping at my right side and swinging my hand.

"Excuse me." I called out to the stall owner and said, "Could I get two-" When the person turned around, I froze.

The seller froze too.

"Eh?" Flone looked at me and said, "What's wrong, Jihu?"

A faint smile spread across my face as I stared at the blushing seller.

Milky skin. Long, black hair. Harsh eyes that went against her otherwise pretty features.

Chohong. Except, instead of her usual t-shirt and hot pants combo, she was wearing overalls and an apron.

"Heya, Chohong. Fancy seeing you here."

"H-Hmph." Chohong crossed her arms and said, "What are you doing here, Oppa?"

I shuddered at the way she addressed me.

Seeing that, the embarrassment on Chohong's face faded a bit and she turned towards Flone. "And who's your new lady friend?"

Flone tilted her head. "Oppa?"


[A new Alias has been obtained: Oppa]

I froze, staring at the air in shock.


I spluttered and then pointed at Chohong. "You!"

"What?" She frowned and crossed her arms. "Got a problem?"

"Yes! My Alias just got updated!"

Chohong blinked and then burst out laughing. "No way."

"Yes way! Arrrggghh! How? Why?!"

Flone frowned and then turned on Chohong. At the same time, dark aura started to flow from her. "What did you do to Jihu?"

Chohong flinched. "The hell...?!"

"Ah." I grabbed Flone's arm and shook my head. "It's fine."

"But you seemed upset..." Flone lowered her gaze.

"I am. But it's more because of a prank than anything."

"Oh. In that case." She turned to Chohong and lowered her head. "I'm sorry Miss Cho-hog."

"Kuh-!" Chohong's eyes widened. "N-No way!"

I realized what happened and laughed. "Karma works fast."

"You... Hah." Chohong shook her head. "But seriously. What brings you here?" Seeing that the previous conversation was pointless, she went back to tending to her kebabs.

"My dear friend Flone here wanted a tour of the city, so I was just taking her around. It's been a while since she got out anywhere, you see?"

Chohong scoffed and then said, "You and beautiful women..."

"Well, Jihu's pretty handsome, isn't he?" Flone turned to look at me and sincerely said, "I'm surprised he doesn't have more around him. Back in my time, most great men like him would have dozens of women around them."

"Hm?" Chohong looked up. "Back in my time...?"

Flone must have realized she slipped up as she let out a cute 'teehee' and covered her lips.

I shook my head and said, "It's a complicated story. Let's just say things happened and I saved her life from an expedition. As a result, she's joined our team."

"Oh." Chohong nodded. "So then there's three people in your team now, right? Did you come up with a name yet?"

"Yeah. Elysium... Ah, and how much for the kebabs by the way?"

Chohong stared at me and then said with a sly smile, "20 silvers."

"Mm... I don't have any silver on me right now."

"Well then, I guess that-"

"Here." I pulled out a gold coin and handed it to Chohong.

She took it and froze. "O-Oi. Are you sure?" She looked up at me and said, "This is a gold coin, you know?" She looked at Flone and said, "I get trying to look good in front of your lady friend, but-"

"Relax. I gotta help out a friend that's working hard on her part time job, right? I can't even imagine how hard it is to struggle so much for a little bit, so take it."

Chohong stared at me and blankly handed the kebabs over. I handed one to Flone and then took a bite from my own.

It was... pretty good. Lightly seasoned, but decent barbecue.

Flone took a bite as well and then frowned. "...It's not as tasty as your noodles."

"What?!" Chohong looked upset.

I laughed and said, "Don't mind her, Chohong. Flone has... fairly refined palates."

Chohong looked at me and said, "What, is she some royalty from Europe or something?"

"Me?" Flone shook her head. "I don't know about Europe, but I'm the Heiress to the Rothschear family."

"Rothschear?" Chohong looked confused.

"It's not that important." I waved my hand and said, "But how've you been, Chohong? It's been a couple of weeks, right?"

She sighed and then went back to tending her kebabs. "It has. And it's been boring." She frowned and said, "There haven't been any decent missions coming in, so we've all just been stuck doing odds and ends. Heck, I think Hugo's doing a bit running as a courier these past few days." She placed some meat onto skewers and stuck them over a grill.

Flone looked between me and Chohong, frowning. And then her eyes widened, as if remembering something. "Ah!" She pointed at Chohong and said, "You're that woman! The one with the mace!"

"Hm?" Chohong frowned. "Do I know you?"

Flone nodded. "You were with Jihu and the others in my tomb! I didn't get a chance to thank you for picking Jihu's side back then against those bad people."

I froze. "Um, Flone-"

"Wait." Chohong blinked and then held up her hand. "Wait, wait, wait." She looked at me and then said, "Seol. This lady... Don't tell me she's...?" She looked back at Flone and said, "But you're supposed to be a ghost!"

Flone shrugged. "I got better!"

Chohong let out a deep sigh and then shook her head. "You know what? Never mind. I won't even question it. Now could you get out of my hair? Some of us have actual work to do."

"Right." I waved and said, "I'll see you around, Chohong."

"...See you around, he says when we're neighbors. Tch." Chohong waved and then we walked off.


After walking around a bit longer and browsing various places, the sun was beginning to set. Seeing that, we started to head back to our building.

Flone stretched, tugging at a silk hat she bought earlier. "That was fun. I never realized how great it would be to just walk around in the day time and look around with someone else."

"Mmhm. It was pretty interesting too."

I experienced first hand what it was like to walk around with a beauty standing beside me. And the result of that? Pretty annoying.

"I'm surprised though, Jihu!"

"Mm?" I looked at Flone and said, "About what?"

"You're surprisingly popular with the ladies!"

"Huh?" I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see? Everywhere we went, people were staring at us!"

"...I think they were more staring at you than me, Flone. After all, your silver hair, elegant looks, and clear blue eyes practically scream royalty."

Flone laughed, a bright smile. "Thanks for the compliments, but I could say the same to you, you know?" She poked my chest and said, "Strong, firm muscles. A heroic face and steady gaze. A confident air and then that faint and mysterious smile paired with your wispy black hair... You're just like a mysterious dark knight!"

"Heh." I shook my head. "You're imagining things."

"Mm... If you say so."

"Anyway, we should get back... Hm?"

It was a strange sight.

The building across from Carpe Diem was old and rickety. Even so, it was still serviceable. Yet, now it was completely demolished, replaced with a brand new structure.

The fact that it was done so quickly meant that the person who did it had to have a lot of financial power. But... who?

"Jihu?" Flone turned to look at me. "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "Just curious about something. Now come on, let's head back."
