

Since Haramark wasn't known as the City of Crime without reason, Ian and I decided to head to the temple to store our possessions first.

Well, *I* did.

Ian said that there were some things he had to do if we were going to settle in Haramark as our base. Not only that, but there were the issues of getting our rewards, etc.

Since that was the case, I handed him some gold coins to prepare things and then walked off to the Temple of Gula.

As soon as I entered, I walked over to the counter and entrusted my things in the storage. This time, instead of a key, all I did was register my name.

And then it was time.

A marbled main hall, and then a darkened hallway.

At the end of it, there was a massive ash-grew statue. About a dozen Earthlings were knelt down near it, heads lowered and eyes firmly shut.

As for the statue itself... It was a woman wearing a thin gown, with a deep hood covering her face.

I stood there for a bit, wondering about what to do. But then-

[Come closer, my child.]

A warm voice resounding in my head. A vaguely familiar one.

I nodded and approached the statue. Seeing everyone else kneeling in prayer with their eyes shut, I did the same. As I did, a faint chuckle resounded in my head.

[My. You are indeed a wild card. But I suppose you knew that.]

I'd be surprised if I wasn't, all things considered. But more importantly... You know, don't you?

[Yes. That you are 'he' but not he. It's something that the future 'him' discussed with me. An aberration in our agreement, but not an unwelcome one.]

Aberration... So I'm guessing you don't know how it happened either.

[I do not. But I will say that it is a most welcome event. Still... I would advise you to be cautious. Though you did not disrupt causality with your actions thus far, the ripples that such a large cast stone creates will spread far and wide.]

I understand.

[So long as you do. Ah, and it was wise to minimize your 'true' ability. The 'eyes' are enough to- Ah. It appears that is the limit of what I can say. Pity.]

It's fine. That's enough advice for me, Miss Gula.

[Miss Gula... How irreverent. Of course, with one like you... I suppose it will be fine. Then, let us begin.]

I nodded.

[Stopping Kang Seok and saving the Arden Fortress were the right decision to make. The ripples from those will not be insignificant in the long run. Furthermore, your actions to train your allies in the Neutral Zone... that seed will bloom into a towering tree in the future.]

That's great.

[Furthermore, motivating the princess and traveling with that magician... Again, it will pay off in the future. But I warn you, events will not unfold as you please.]

I figured that would be the case. I'm changing the script, so the wheels will turn faster in places and slower in others.

[Indeed. While the future appears bright... it is still a light that can dim at any time. Do not slack on your efforts, my child.]


[Mm... You are much more agreeable than 'he' is. If only he had half your sense... Although I suppose that is the difference between you two. In any case, have you any questions?]

I do. But you can't answer them now anyway, right?

[That is correct.]

Then let's just get on with it.

[Very well. Now, let us see what your new level will be...]

I waited. And waited. And-

[T-This is...?]

Gula's voice was shocked.

[You... Tell me now. Are you truly a mere human?]

You know? I'm honestly beginning to question that myself.

[Hm... Indeed, it is incorrect- No. It is a grave mistake to consider your current abilities as a Level 1 Warrior. As things stand, it would be possible to leap immediately to a High Ranker on capability alone.]

But that's bad.

[Yes. Such a path... While offering great strength, it restricts your potential. What a strange conundrum.]


I waited.

Finally, Gula spoke again.

[I cannot see your depths. Indeed, I believe that only you are capable of perceiving them. As such... Hm. Walking the same path as 'he' when you are so different will be disastrous. Such an incongruity may very well collapse our efforts.]

Right. Seol used a spear, first of all, and I use a sword.

[You are similar to my previous child... But he chose to dig two wells at once. You, however... It appears that you have seamlessly fused them.]

Sung Shihyun, right? Yeah, I heard he was a magic swordsman... I'm guessing I'm different though?

[Indeed. To begin with, your abilities far surpass his. But moreover... Though you wield mana, your nature is more fundamental than that, is it not? To have even assimilated the blessings we gave so thoroughly as your own... It is incredible.]

I coughed.

Ah, you saw that, did you?

[It is fine. The fact that you are able to do so is a boon rather than a bane as it does not break causality. However... we have a dilemma.]


[Indeed. Your experience and capabilities are enough to immediately grant you Level 5 as a Warrior. As a magic swordsman, it is still enough to be Level 4. However... I wonder.]

I heard the sound of light tapping, as if Gula was tapping her chin.

[You are special. I would not ordinarily recommend it... but would you like to attempt it?]

Attempt what?

[You have three fairly unique abilities with limitless potential. The energy core, the energy manipulation, and the synthesis. In any normal class, they would fail to be utilized as the primary energy of each is 'mana'. However, you are not so constrained.]

True. I can use waves and radiation as well. And considering I could manipulate divine energy, even if only a little...

[Yes. To restrict you so would be a great misdeed. However... Well, I will present your options. The first is to become a Level 5 Swordmaster.]

With that, she showed a scene in my mind's eye. Me, charging through a field of enemies and cutting them all down with a single blade.

[The next is to become a Level 4 Magic Knight.]

A different scene. Myself, still running through a battlefield. However, magic sigils floated around me, filling the air and attacking those far away while I used my sword to attack enemies nearby.

[And the last... is to become a Level 2 Synthesis Knight.]

Synthesis Knight?

[Indeed. As for what it is... Well, see for yourself.]

A vast battlefield. I was alone, standing off against a million enemies. No armor, no weapon. Even so... I didn't look afraid.

The enemies charged at me and I stepped forward. Space blurred and I stood in front of the group, a sword suddenly in my hand. The blade swept through the air and drew in even the light itself, causing the illusion that the sun fade.

When the light returned, a swath of enemies was gone. No, erased. At the same time, energy crackled all around me, a tangible aura.

Magic sigils splashed off in the distance and launched spells at me. But the I swept my blade, the spells changed, merging together and then flying back to the caster.

I took another step and swung my blade again. Where the blade pointed, a maelstrom of elements erupted, fire, ice, wind, lightning... every sort imaginable.

By that time, half of the enemies remained.

They roared and charged forward.

Another step, and another slash.

With it, the battlefield fell silent, the enemies collapsing to the ground, life extinguished without leaving a trace on the body.

Three steps, three slashes. Like that, everything died.

[Back in the Chamber of Awakening, you wished to tread on the Warrior's path.]

The image shattered, and then it was darkness once more. No, in my mind's eye, I could see a hooded woman looking at me.

[At the same time, you possess the ability to combine your talents as one. Thus... I have created this class. Putting everything into the sword to transcend being a simple 'swordsman'. However, this class will be infinitely harder to level up.]

But in the end, levels don't matter, do they? Not if the performance is the same.

[...It appears you made up your mind.]

Of course. Though to be honest, I kind of wish we didn't need classes... but I'll take what I can get.

Faint laughter. [Very well. Then, in the name of Gula, I shall henceforth bestow the title of Level 2 Synthesis Knight to Seol Jihu. I expect great feats befitting this one-of-a-kind class from you, my child.]


When I walked out of the temple, Ian was leaning against one of the pillars, flipping through a book. Seeing me walk out, he grinned and said, "You were in there a while. Have you finally join the ranks of the elites?"

I shook my head. "I could have. Gula said that it'd be possible to leapfrog to a Level 5 Swordmaster or a Level 4 Magic Knight."

Ian blinked. "Could have? Then I take it you didn't?"

"Here." I showed him my class.

"This... Synthesis Knight?" He frowned and said, "I've never heard of such a thing."

"You won't. And it's probably better that way too."

Ian looked up and said, "Is it bad?"

"No. It's just that I'm the only one who can take advantage of it. Apparently it reduces everything into the blade. A sort of extreme Swordsman class that takes all my experiences and forms a 'sword' from everything I have to attack."

"Hoh?" Ian looked impressed and said, "In that case, I can imagine why you would only be level 2 after all of that."

I nodded and then tilted my head. "Why are you here though? Didn't you have to go do things, Ian?"

He nodded. "I did. But I figured that I might as well drop by when I was finished. Besides, I couldn't leave my fancy leader alone by himself now, could I?"

"Ha, ha."

"Anyway," Ian said. "I have some news. Walk with me a bit."

I did.

The streets of Haramark were the usual group of shady individuals... but they kept to themselves as always.

"So what's going on, Ian?"

"First of all, I obtained the rewards from our missions. Of course, to a great man like yourself, some piddling silver wouldn't matter, would it?"

I nodded. "Yeah, funds won't be an issue."

"I thought as much. In that case, I hope you don't mind that I spent it on a valuable investment."

"Oh?" I glanced at Ian and said, "What might that be?"



"What a surprise." Dylan blinked and looked at us. "And here I was wondering who was moving into the building next door."

Ian chuckled and said, "Well, what better neighbors are there than Carpe Diem, am I right?"

I sighed.

Like Ian said, he invested in buying the building on the left side of Carpe Diem. Apparently Teresa tossed over the deed the moment he called. She was also tempted to just give us the entire plot, but Ian managed to convince her out of it.

"Seol!" Hugo walked out of the building and came over to shake my hand. "Looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot now, huh?" He looked behind him and said, "Aren't you happy about that, Chohong?"

"Shut up, idiot!"

Chohong's voice called out from inside.

Hugo laughed and then pulled me aside, whispering. "She puts on a tough exterior, but she really missed you, you know? She's probably thinking that she's the reason why you didn't join us."

"Ah... Thanks for the heads up."

Hugo grinned and stuck up his thumb.

Dylan waved us in and said, "It's convenient that you guys are here. We were just about to come look for you to divide up the goods."

"Well then, I hope you don't mind the intrusion." Ian walked inside before turning back to look at me. "Jihu?"

I walked in as well and glanced around.

It was the same as always. A bit rickety and rundown, with the training facility in the back and stairs leading up.

Chohong was sitting on the sofa like the last time I was here. The difference was that instead of calling me out when she met my gaze, she averted her eyes.

"Alright." Dylan unfurled a packaged that was on the coffee table and said, "Shall we get to the main topic then?"

The burial goods from the Saintess's tomb.

Dylan looked over and said, "Master Ian and Seol. Since you two contributed the most, it wouldn't be right for us to choose, so feel free to have first pick."

Ian shook his head. "I'm fine. Despite my recent unemployment, I have quite the considerable nest egg. I'll take whatever's left."

I nodded. "Same here. I don't really need anything in particular, so you guys can have first pick."

Chohong frowned and said, "Now listen, Oppa."

Hugo bit back a laugh.

Chohong glared at him and then looked back at me. "There's no need to be modest. I know you aren't part of Carpe Diem, but that doesn't mean you aren't our friend."

"I know. But honestly, I'm fine. Teresa- Ah, I mean the Princess gave me an additional reward for helping her out, you see."

Chohong looked at me suspiciously and then to Ian. "Is that true, Master Ian?"

Ian chuckled. "An additional reward... I suppose you could put it that way. But you don't need to worry about our friend here." He looked at me and said, "The day he has financial concerns is the day that Paradise is run over by the Parasite Queen."

Dylan frowned. "If that's what you two wish. Then..."

After some arguing, we finally divvied up the goods.

In the end, I got a small crystal sculpture in the shape of a rose and a decorative item shaped like a tree with gems as fruits.

That done, plans were made to head to the auction house in Scheherazade together. After that, Ian and I headed to our new base.


"Here we are. Our new home." Ian swept his arms out. "A bit dusty, but not too shabby, eh, Leader?" He spun back to look at me, a warm smile on his face.

I couldn't help but agree.

Unlike Carpe Diem's office, our base was only two floors. The first was an open area, like large living room. There was a partitioned area in the corner that could be used for an office, but the place was basically a waiting room.

Upstairs, there were three bedrooms and a bathroom. It was furnished, the result of Ian's work, and everything was squared away.

The interior was wooden, a bit worn-out at places, but there was a fireplace in the wall by a chimney, flickering with a welcoming light.

Ian walked over to a sofa nearby and sat down, letting out a sigh. "Phew. I'm pooped."

I sat down across from him and sighed too. "Tell me about it. Today- No, this past month has been all sorts of crazy."

Ian looked at me and said, "Quite ironic, coming from a man like you."

"It's *specifically* coming from a guy like me that it's crazy." I stretched, leaning back in the sofa.

It was a bit lumpy, but comfortable enough.

Ian hummed and then leaned forward. "So then Jihu. Since we're finally in a secure place... should we square things away?"


"Our team name! Although it's just the two of us right now, we aren't going to be small forever." He grinned and said, "It's important to get it right in the beginning, you know? Ah, I was thinking about 'Princess Lover' myself."

I snorted and said, "She's going to smack the both of us if she hears that. Besides, that's not something you can go around announcing without shame."

"But think of the shock value!" He straightened and said, "I'm Ian, Level 4 Alchemist from Princess Lover... Doesn't that seem funny?"

"Pft." I shook my head. "It is... but it's not that cool."

"Well then, leader. What about your ideas?"

"Well... I was thinking Elysium."

"Elysium, eh?" Ian rubbed his beard. "Hm... The blessed paradise for heroes and the final resting place. Doesn't that seem kind of morbid?"

"True. But do you think anybody's going to want to leave after joining us?"

Ian laughed. "That's true! Anyone who knew what you could do and want to leave afterwards would be an absolute fool. Though... there is that issue." He frowned and said, "What should we do about members? I take it you won't be taking any person off the street, especially not with how you are."

I nodded. "That is the issue... But it's fine. We can gradually scope things out and meet with people as we go. Though I do have a person in mind..."

"Oh?" Ian laced his fingers together. "Pray tell."

"Do you remember the Saintess?"

Ian blinked. "I do. But what of it? Do you intend to go back and ask for more items, or...?"

"I was thinking that we recruit her."


I nodded and said, "It should be possible now. I'm sure I can free her from the restrictive spell and furthermore, I think I can bring her back to life."

Ian was speechless and shook his head. "You truly continue to exceed my expectations, Jihu. Well, if you mentioned it, you must have a plan." He leaned forward and said, "Let's have it."

"Ah, before then... Ian. You're not very good in close range, right?"

He nodded. "Loathe as I am to admit it, that is indeed my bane."

"Then here." I held out my hand and focused. As I did...

[Synthesis Blade - Ungraded Skill]

Crystallize experiences into a blade and release it upon the world. Effect varies upon other skills available.

Current effects: Lightning, Ice, Metallize, Spatial rend (minor)

...A sword emerged in my hands. It was transparent, currently empty, but it wouldn't be that way for long.

Ian's eyes widened. "That is...?"

I handed the sword to him and said, "Inject some mana into it. You'll see what it is in a bit."

Ian nodded and did as I said. When he did, the sword twisted, becoming a stylish rapier. But as it did...

"Hoh?" Six shimmering lights emerged on the blade, like slots. Ian hummed and then waved his hand over it. As he did, the slots filled up. His eyes widened and he turned to look at me. "Jihu. Again, are you human? I've never even seen such a thing in my life nor the ancient records."

"I'm pretty sure I am."

"...Only pretty sure?"

I shrugged. "I've been able to sense and use mana most of my life even back on Earth so..."

Ian nodded and then froze. "Back on Earth? You mean you can do the same thing there?"

I shook my head. "Not quite the same. Mana is near nonexistent there, as you know. But in contrast, there's plenty of radiation from electricity, radio waves, etc. And you don't need to use mana to enact physical events, you know."

"...Alright." Ian set his new rapier aside and then leaned forward. "I can't hold back any longer. Jihu- No, Master Jihu. Teach me what you know about magic."

"Eh? S-Sure?"

I was taken aback by his burning eyes, but eventually started talking.


"What's up with Master Ian?" Chohong glanced at the older Magician and frowned.

As for the man in question, he had a book open and was furiously scribbling down notes.

I sighed and said, "Long story short, he mentioned something about being enlightened and having a Eureka moment. Before I knew it, he was like this."


We were on the road to Scheherazade in a carriage with the members of Carpe Diem.

At the moment, I was sitting across from Chohong, with Ian in the far corner to my left, Hugo next to Chohong, and Dylan to my right.

"Anyway," Chohong said. "Oppa, you leveled up yesterday, right?"

I shivered at that and then said, "Before I answer, could you stop that?"

Chohong tilted her head. "Stop what, Oppa?"

"That. Calling me Oppa. Heck, I'll even pay you to stop." I dug around my bag and pulled out a handful of silver coins. "Here. Please."

Chohong blinked and then laughed. "If I knew it was this easy to get under your skin, Oppa, I would have done it sooner."

Hugo shook his head. "This girl's really got no shame huh? Calling a guy younger than her Oppa when she's already-"

"What?! Wanna go at it right now, Hugo?" Chohong glared at him.

"Just saying, Chohong." Hugo held up his hands.

Chohong huffed and then turned to look at me. "Anyway, how did the trip go to the temple? You did level up, right?"

I nodded. "I did."

"And? What's your class? Magic Swordsman?"

I shook my head. "It's actually a unique one. Synthesis Knight. Gula mentioned me leap frogging to a High Ranker if I wanted to, but in the end we decided that developing my skills-"

"Wait." Dylan spoke up and looked at me. "You... Were offered to go straight to a High Ranker?"

I nodded. "That's right."

Dylan let out a long sigh filled with regret.

I shrugged.

"Synthesis Knight?" Chohong frowned. "What kind of class is that?"

"Sounds cool!" Hugo nodded and said, "Bet it's super strong too if you're only level 2 when you could have become a High Ranker."

Chohong paused. "That's right. Wait, so all the experience that could have brought you to a High Ranker Warrior is only enough for a level 2 Synthesis Knight?"

"Yep. As for what it does... Well- Ah, right." I liked at Chohong and said, "You're Chinese, right?"

"I mean, yeah? What of it?"

"Then you know about Wuxia novels and cultivation, right?"

Chohong frowned. "A little bit. Those flying immortals and seeking the dao, right?"

"My class is a bit like that. Gula said it's focused on drawing everything into the sword to forge my own path."

"Huh?" Chohong blinked.

I shrugged. "I'm still not too sure exactly how it works either. I'll get back to you on that when it does."

Hugo crossed his arms. "Still can't believe it though. A level two already in just a few months... I mean, it's Seol, so it makes sense. But still."

Dylan spoke up. "It's pretty rare, but there have been other cases. I recently heard from Sicilia that there's a brand new star rising up in Scheherazade. Signed up with Sinyoung and also a March graduate, just like Seol."

"Oh?" I went through the people in my head and frowned.

Chohong snorted. "If it's Sinyoung, then it's no surprise. They probably dumped a crap ton of support on that rookie, right? Completely different from Oppa here who's working from the ground up." She paused and gave me a sideways glance. "Though considering how ridiculous you are..."

Hugo nodded. "Seol is pretty awesome."

I ignored them and looked to Dylan. "Did you catch that person's name?"

Dylan shook his head. "I didn't get to hear the name. Apparently the public perception of the person isn't good though." He paused and said, "In fact, I heard that this rookie can be a bit psychotic at times. Her nickname is supposedly the Crimson-Eyed Amazoness or something like that."

I frowned.

Crimson-Eyed Amazoness, huh?

Chohong stretched and then leaned back. Looking at Dylan, she said, "Anyway, did you hear anything else from Noonim?"

Dylan hesitated and then nodded. "I can't confirm it... but Cinzia said that, just maybe, the Daughter of Luxuria is coming back."

Chohong shot straight up. "What did you say?!"

Ian stopped writing in his book and looked over. "So you heard it from her as well, Dylan?"

The leader of Carpe Diem nodded. "I did... But you said 'as well'. Did you hear it from someone else?"

Ian nodded. "A few contacts mentioned there was movement in the temple. Though the Daughter of Luxuria huh. Hehe." Ian held out his hands and said, "I wonder if the rumors are true that she's a 64g?"

I sighed. "You really love breasts that much, huh, Ian?"

"What? Don't tell me you don't, Jihu?"

"Of course I do. But it's more important to have a good face and personality don't you think? Well, unless you're planning to smash and dash." I placed my hand on my chin and said, "In that case, I suppose it doesn't matter..."


I blinked and saw that everyone was looking at me. "What?"

Hugo laughed. "So Seol's that type of guy, huh?" He grinned and then said, "Then what do you think about Chohong here?"

"H-Hugo!?" Chohong flushed. "Seol, don't-"

"Mm... 9/10 on the face. Personality... I guess the gap between rough and sweet is great. A bit airheaded though, so 8/10? Definite best friend category, but beyond that..."

Chohong froze and then glared at me. "What? 9/10 on the face? 8/10 on personality!?"

I kept a straight face and then said, "Right, I forgot about the violent outbursts... Let's say 7?"

"Why you...!" Chohong started to lunge at me. And then she paused, seemingly remembering my rating of her. And then she leaned back and glared at me instead.

Dylan sighed.


"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own, Jihu?" Ian looked at me, his face filled with concern.

I nodded and said, "I will. And if all else fails, you remember my contact information on Earth, right?"

"I do... But I'd much rather not have to resort to that." Ian frowned.

"It'll be fine. Now, I'm going to head off to meet someone. I'm trusting on you to get a fair price for things... Ah, and to pick up anything interesting. No budget, got it?"

Ian rustled his sack of coins and said, "I still think this is too much... But if that's what you insist, Jihu. Best of luck."

"See you later, pal."

I waved and then separated from him.

After entering Scheherazade, we parted with Carpe Diem.

Chohong and Hugo were thinking of going to the auction house while Dylan went to see his connections in the city for a private sale.

As for me and Ian, I left my partner with a sack of gold coins and one platinum to buy anything that caught his eye.

The plan was to get back together at a certain inn later that evening, but until then there was plenty of time.

In the meanwhile, I had a destination in mind.

Large crowds walking down the avenues. Tall buildings and straight roads... Compared the the haphazard Haramark, Scheherazade really had the feel of being a capital city.


"So this is their HQ, huh?"

A towering building with [Sinyoung HQ] in bold letters over the looming double door entrance.

Because of the massive size of the organization, there were plenty of people going in and out.

It didn't take much effort to mix in with them and walk inside.

And inside...


It was like a modern department store or corporation lobby. No, a top class one. A grand crimson carpet. A long reception desk up front. Glass windows on left and right, letting bright light get inside. And then various plants decorating the place.

There were tons of people inside milling about, but I had a single purpose in mind, so I went out to fulfill it and walked up to the reception desk.

A young woman in a tidy uniform greeted me with a smile as I approached. "How may I be of assistance?"

I nodded and said, "I'm here to see Director Kim Hannah. Tell her it's Partner Jihu."

"Partner Jihu...?" The receptionist looked doubtful, but on seeing my glowing emerald blade, she nodded. "Please wait for a moment." She took out a communication crystal from her desk and said, "It's Park Ahrah from reception. By any chance, is Director Kim in her office today? She is? Could you let her know that Partner Jihu is... Pardon?" She blinked and quickly looked behind me.

I followed her gaze and then saw a familiar woman walking over, dressed in a neat business suit and a small bag in her hand.

I nodded in thanks to the receptionist and then made my way over to Kim Hannah. "Partner Hannah. Long time no see."

She smiled, a genuine expression, and said, "Partner Jihu. It's been a while." She shook her head and said, "I wasn't expecting you. Ah, but this isn't the place to catch up." She turned away from the reception desk and walked towards the entrance. "Follow me."
