
Walking the Trodden Path

The two 'lovers' went at it for the entire time, but I managed to ignore them by talking with Alex.

The Priest got way too excited about having someone listen to his stories, so he rambled on about various things. What to do, what not to do, useful cities, etc.

Time passed. Arriving at Zahrah, we took a brief stop at an inn where I had to deal with those two going at it *again* in the middle of the night. But thankfully, since I wasn't in public view, I managed to ignore them through some meditation and prepping my abilities.

We left again at dawn and headed out on the road again. It was light hearted at first, but as we drew nearer to Haramark, the mood shifted along with the environment. Rather than the reddish soil of the wasteland, we entered grassy areas that slowly transitioned into deep forests.

When we did, the axe warrior didn't flirt with the female archer anymore. As for that archer, she focused, her eyes staring out into the forest.

The road became rougher as well, but the air had become clean, fresher than anywhere on earth.

...And I also didn't have anything to do.

Seeing that there wasn't any immediate danger, I closed my eyes and decided to make the most of the time by doing some training.

My energy core was still continuously drawing in ambient energy and adding to the collection. At the same time, my body was being purified by the process, similar to the body tempering that those people in Wuxia novels went through.

But that wasn't too important. What mattered was preparing.

Let's see... From handling the money earlier, it seemed that coins here were strictly metal. Copper, nickel, silver, gold, platinum... there were a few minted with emblems, but most of them were just plain pressed metal.

That meant that I didn't have to worry about funding. Though, I suppose it would be a problem if I just showed up with tons of gold... In that case, should I make a reputation of going on treasure hunts and roaming the land?

And then there was the 'contribution' system I had to consider as well.

Would it be worth it attacking the parasite strongholds? Monsters? Maybe I should just make some offerings? Or-

"Seol? Are you awake?" A soft whisper.

I opened my eyes.

Alex was staring at me, the amiable priest's face unusually solemn.

I nodded.

He placed his finger against his lips and then pointed outside.

I frowned and saw that the warrior was fidgeting with his axe, an uneasy expression on his face. At the same time, the Archer lady was lying against the floor, ear pressed against it and sweating in concentration.

The pace of the wagon had picked up. Wind blew past from our speed.

As I was wondering what was going on, Maktan roared out. "This doesn't feel good, does it?"

"Tch." The warrior put on a battle helmet with a flat top, reminiscent of a bucket, and the shouted out, "Did you have to use this road through the forest?!"

"There wasn't a problem nine days ago!"

"How long have you been using this road then?"

"Three months!"

"Goddamn it!" The warrior cursed and then said, "You'd have spread lots of your trace around here in those three months!" He grumbled and then lowered his body.

Alex did the same, and I copied him. Looking at me, he said, "Listen to me, Seol. From now on, don't leave my side. Understand?"

I nodded and placed my hand on my sword, grabbing the hilt of the blade on my left side.

Glancing around the surroundings, I didn't see anything that could injure me. At least, not according to the Nine Eyes. However, that wasn't the same for the others.

The Warrior was glowing a faint yellow hue, along with Alex. As for the Archer woman and Maktan, both of them were a deep red.

My eyes widened. But before I could react to that, there was a faint whistle.

On instinct, I drew my blade. Soft emerald light filled the air as the sword clashed against the projectiles.

"Seol?!" Alex called out, but I didn't pay attention to it.

At the front of the wagon, I saw Maktan's body slide off. Not long after, the Archer's body fell as well and there was a loud 'thump' as the wagon rolled over them.

A tinge of regret. Two people I couldn't save... But two more would die if I didn't move.

More whistles, heading towards Alex.

"Duck, Alex!"

I didn't have time to stop to make sure he listened. Jumping up ahead to the front, I jumped on the driver's seat and tried to control the horse-like creatures guiding the wagon. But before I could, pained cries erupted from them and the pair collapsed.

"Fuck!" The warrior roared from behind and then there was the sound of fabric tearing. "Alex, stay close to me!"

"Thanks Hugo! But the kid-"

"He's fine! Worry about yourself first!"

The wagon careened, twisting as a result of losing both its horses and driver.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue and then jumped off, spinning to the ground. As I did, I caught sight of faint projectiles flying towards me again.

I slashed through the air, shattering them, and then landed on the ground. But as if expecting that, a pair of eerie white hands stuck out, armed with daggers. In an instant, they tried to stab me and pull me down. But-

"Annoying." I lowered my body and spun, slashing out parallel to the ground.

Those hands flew into the air, suddenly separated. At the same time, the daggers flew up, knocked away by my sword.

The earth rumbled and whatever attacked me vanished, plummeting deep underground.

Seeing that, I picked up the daggers.

"Huuugooo! Seeoool!"

Alex's panicked voice.

Looking up, I saw him bitterly struggling against a group of hands trying to pull him down. At the same time, daggers were stabbing towards him. He managed to avoid them for the moment, but it was only a matter of time.

"Fucking hell!" The warrior- No, Hugo roared and slammed his axe into the ground. With it, dirt and blood sprayed, marking the deaths of his assailants. But he was too far away from Alex. "That bitch! Tracer my ass!"

I didn't pay attention, instead focusing on Alex.

His color was shifting, turning from yellow, to orange, and swiftly staining red.

Before then, I sheathed my sword and ran forward. My right hand flew out, throwing the daggers at the ground, following my insight.

Rapid thuds, like machine gun fire. Blood and dirt sprayed into the air, followed by shrill screams.

I didn't stop there.

Making my way to Alex, I drew my sword once more and cleaved into the ground below him.

I felt something give as I did, the sensation of cutting into a turnip or some sort of vegetable. When I did, I pulled my sword out and grabbed onto Alex with my free hand. Spinning in the air, I tossed him to a space that was free of the attackers.

The moment I did, a flurry of movement occurred beneath me. As if sensing that I was the greater threat, the earth itself rumbled, trying to suck me in.


-Of course, that was a dumb move.

Picking up the discarded daggers from the ones attacking Alex, I kicked off the ground and flew towards a nearby tree. In the same act, I tossed the daggers straight down, plunging them deep into the Earth. Not stopping, I kicked off the tree trunk and flipped through the air, landing beside Alex. At the same time, I drew my sword again, eyes scanning the surroundings.

Hugo was the first to react to me. "The fuck...? Oi, Alex. You sure this kid's a Level 1?"

The priest pulled out a crucifix and said, "Is now the time for that? Seol gave us an opportunity, so we need to finish it. Luxu Lu Luxuria!" With a brief chant, he slammed his hand against the ground. When he did, a bright light exploded from the crucifix.

The ground trembled, and the few hands sticking out froze.

Hugo grinned and cracked his neck. "Got it. Time to pull out some weeds!" He ran forward, charging like he sprouted wings, and then wrenched one of the creatures out from the ground.

A strange monster with two arms and legs resembling the trunk of a tree, but with animal hide around its body.

That was all I caught before Hugo split it in half with his axe.

Seeing that, Alex let out a long sigh. "Phew. It should be over now." He looked at me and said, "Thanks for that, Seol."

"No problem... But are you sure it's over?" I stared at the ground and frowned.

Alex and Hugo weren't glowing anymore, but I found it hard to believe it was finished just like that.

"It's fine." Alex brushed himself off and said, "Hugo is a Level 4 Barbarian Warrior. Moles attacking from underground might have been an irritating nuisance, but fighting them above ground is like taking candy from a baby."

I nodded. "If you say so." Just in case though, I didn't sheath my sword just yet.

Alex nodded in approval and then looked around. "But this is strange. I haven't heard news that Moles have popped up near Haramark until now. They hate Mana, but even with so many Earthlings going back and forth, it shouldn't be enough to draw their presence..."

Hate mana?

Ah... That... made a lot of sense.

"Phew." Hugo slammed his axe into the ground one last time and then wrenched it out, walking over. "Got the last of the fuckers." He wiped his brow and said, "Should be in the clear."

Alex stuck up his thumb and said, "Nicely done, Hugo."

"Heh. Too easy. You okay though?" The towering warrior walked over, taking large strides while hanging his axe behind him.

Alex gave a weak smile. "Actually, I got hit once." He gestured towards a faint red spot near his legs.

"Then hurry up and heal yourself. I won't be able to thank you if you're dead."

"Pft. You're right." Alex smiled and then plopped down on the ground, pulling out a small vial.

After that, Hugo walked over to me, carefully eyeing me.

I met his gaze and nodded. "Good work."

"I could say the same to you, man. You sure you're only Level 1? That reaction speed and skill ain't normal."

Alex looked up and said, "I was wondering about that myself. It'd be easier to believe Seol was Level 3 and that Archer was Level 1."

Hugo nodded and frowned. "That damned bitch... I've never seen a Tracer like her before. Going out like that too..."

"Well obviously. At most she was a Level 2... Probably recently leveled up too." Alex shook his head and said, "It was just for a moment, but I saw her eyes shining, just like when Eagle Eye is activated."

Hugo paused. "Wait. But isn't Eagle Eye something you learn when-" His face distorted and then he stomped the ground. "That goddamned bitch! She was lying to us from the beginning!"

Alex let out a deep sigh. "Can't be helped. There are plenty of people like that out there lying about their levels and then making all sorts of excuses when you ask them to show you their Status Windows."

Seeing the exchange, I paused and said, "Oh right. I can show you guys my level from there, right?"

"Huh?" Alex blinked and then waved his hand. "Oh, that's alright, Seol. I wasn't talking about you-"

"No. It's only fair. I wouldn't want you guys to have the wrong expectations either. Show Alex and... Hugo?" I looked at the Warrior.

He nodded.

"Show them my Class and level."

The two paused, staring at something in space.

And then Hugo whistled. "I'll be damned. You're really a Level 1 Warrior?"

Alex frowned. "That's... I'd never believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes." He looked up at me and said, "Are you a 'returner'?"

"Hm? If you mean whether or not this is my first time in Paradise, then yes, it is. My Inviter made certain that was the case before inviting me."

Alex nodded. "Of course... That makes sense. With someone as skilled as you, the organization that lost you would make extra certain to bring you back in. But..."

Hugo laughed. "Does it matter?" He looked at me and said, "Mad respect, man. Being that skilled as a Level 1... You've got great times ahead of you. In fact, you'll probably be as strong as me in no time!" His booming laughter echoed through the dark forest.

"Right," Alex said. "Of course, that's considering we survive."

The atmosphere became solemn.

That was expected. Our wagon was ruined, our client dead, and our mode of transportation and supposed alert system destroyed.

"...Anyone with a bright idea?" Alex said.

I paused and then said, "If you guys trust me... I think I can get us safe to Haramark."

Hugo nodded and said, "You saved our asses once already. I think we can trust you a bit more... And it's not like we've got any other options."

Alex sighed. "As much as I hate to rely on a Level 1... Well, I'll hear you out at least."

I nodded and said, "You guys noticed how I reacted right away, right? The truth is... I have a certain skill that lets me see danger ahead of time."

"Hm?" Alex frowned. "Like precognition?"

Hugo hummed. "I see... I've got something like that too. A sixth sense, right?"

"Something like that. It's a bit hard to explain, but I can basically see if there's something immediately dangerous nearby. Of course, knowing it's coming and being able to do something about it is different. But I can guarantee that I have a hundred percent accuracy rate in that at least."

"...That sounds pretty unbelievable," Alex said. "But considering what just happened..." He glanced back at the ruined battlefield.

"Eh." Hugo shrugged. "Why not, Alex? Even if the kid's wrong, he's skilled enough to be able to handle himself. And with you here to heal us, we're good even if monsters ambush, right?"

"...I suppose so." Alex looked at me and said, "But Seol. Just how does this ability of yours work? Is it like precognition? A sixth sense?"

"Mm... I can sort of see what's approaching. But it's based on what I know, so at most I can only describe the threat. For something like what just happened." I gestured towards the moles. "I saw that the driver and Archer were in mortal danger and then you two were in a potentially dangerous position, but nothing that couldn't be avoided without caution. Something like... Making sure to not trip on the stairs?"

Alex frowned. "If it's like that... a sort of Danger Sense ability? No, it wouldn't be that detailed..."

I shrugged. "I don't know much about it, but it helped me get through the Tutorial without much effort."

"Alright." Hugo smacked his fist into his palm and said, "It's settled then. We'll march to Haramark with Seol and I keeping watch. We're already halfway there, so might as well go all the way, right?"

Alex sighed. "You're awfully eager about this, Hugo... But you're right. We might as well." He looked at me and said, "We're counting on you then, Seol."

"Yeah!" Hugo pumped a fist into the air and then paused. "But first... let's grab the loot."


After that, Alex and Hugo stripped the corpses of that Archer and whatever was left of the driver.

I felt a bit uneasy at that, but managed to rationalize it away as being similar to RPGs.

Of course, they offered some coins and a bit of the equipment to me, but I declined.

Even if it was 'free', it didn't settle right with me looting the dead like that. Furthermore, I didn't really need to considering I was self-sufficient.

When that was done, we set off.

Making our way through the forest, I noticed more than a few dangerous monsters running around. But because I saw them, I could also target them. It would be difficult answering questions if I used magic, but I had my [Impending Demise] ability to use.

Since I wasn't the one being attacked, using it preemptively was more than enough deterrent to avoid troublesome encounters.

And like that, we eventually made our way out of the forest, across the rolling hills... and then the the city of Haramark. A long, four day journey, but one that finally came to an end.

At the end of the road in front of us, bathed in the setting sun, was a city with stone walls.

Hugo pumped his fists in the air and said, "Finally! As soon as I arrive, I'm gonna go straight to 'Eat, Drink And Enjoy!'" He looked over and said, "What about you two? Up for some drinks?"

Alex shook his head. "I'd like to take a break. You two might have left over energy since you're Warriors, but I'm a priest. Besides, I have to stop by the temple and make a report."

"Eh?" Hugo frowned and said, "What for? It's not like we were on a expedition. Why a report?"

"Come on now, Hugo." Alex sighed and said, "Moles appeared in the vicinity of Haramark. Not only that, but there's increased monster activity overall... Or have you forgotten how we only managed to get here safely by following Seol's advice?"

"Ah, you're right. I forgot." Hugo massaged his forehead, as if trying to get rid of a headache and then turned to me. "Seol, what about-"

Alex interrupted and said, "It's your first time in Haramark, right?"

I nodded. "That's right. Why? Got any recommendations?"

Alex nodded and said, "I do. You probably want to rest up, so let me recommend you to an inn I know. It's a bit run down, but it should be quiet enough for you."

"Tch." Hugo shook his head, pouting, but then he nodded and said, "I suppose it's a bit much... But next time for sure, alright, Seol? I owe you some drinks, so don't be a stranger when we get there."

Some idle banter, last minute chatting... And then we arrived.

Hugo immediately went away, mixing into the inner depths of the city, while Alex led me to an inn as he said. After a brief "Welcome to Haramark" and then a promise to meet again in the future, I was alone.

I opened the door to the inn.

When I did, there was an elderly woman taking a nap behind the ground floor counter.

A bell chimed, and then the woman opened her eyes. "What brings you here?"

"A friend recommended this place to me." I walked inside and took a glance around.

Like Alex said, it was a bit run down, the walls and furnishings worn-out with time. But it was neat and tidy, showing care.


I turned my attention back to the elderly woman and nodded. "That's right."

"A single bedroom will cost ya 10 bronze coins for the night. If you want a better accommodation, we have special rooms. Those'll cost ya 20 bronze coins, however."

I pulled out a silver coin and placed it on the table. "I'll take the special room."

The old woman nodded and then counted out my change and handed me a key. After that, she led me to my room and then headed back downstairs.

I walked inside the room and then closed it behind me.

It was an ordinary room. A bit narrow, but clean and tidy. There was a closet next to the bed with a wooden desk and a window next to it. Finally, there were a pair of chairs nearby with a potted plant on one of them that increased recovery.

Not as great as the Neutral Zone, but decent enough.

I dropped both of my bags on the floor and then laid down on the bed. Just to be safe, though, I made a space barrier around them, preventing anyone but me from picking them up.

After that, I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Haramark, huh?"

Things didn't go quite as smoothly as I had liked... and so far, things were playing out like they did in my memories. But the slight changes... I had a feeling they would add up soon.

"Hm... I should prepare then." I sat back up.

Sleep wasn't necessary. My body no longer felt tired from missing a day's rest, and the constant influx of energy made sure I was alert as well. In that case...

I pulled out the coins from my bag and decided to do an experiment. After all, in any place, funding is important to begin projects...


Before I realized it, morning had come.

I stared at the sun's rays and then swept the pile of newly forged coins into my bag. The glimmer of gold and platinum shone, but they were quickly concealed by the folds of the bag.

That done, I grabbed my belongings and stared out the window. "Mm... I suppose I should go explore the city. No, the temple is probably a better stop."

I had a lot of valuables on me. While I was confident in keeping them safe, I was also confident that Murphy's law was a matter of fact in this world and I didn't want to tempt it.

After returning the key to the woman and setting off for the main plaza, it was time to explore.


Haramark was different from Scheherazade. If the latter was a fortress town emphasizing uniformity and order, this place was a frontier stronghold built up haphazardly and chaotically.

The streets were a mess, there wasn't a clear order to the avenues and ordering of buildings... If not for the fact that I had my insight skill, I might have gotten lost.

Not only that, but the atmosphere in the area was different as well. The people passing me by were all shady individuals and kept scoping me out. Of course, the fact that I left my [Impending Demise] on prevented people from probing too much, but it was definitely different from the liveliness in Scheherazade.

I shook my head and then made my way over to the central plaza, tracing out my steps with my insight.

When I arrived, the first thing I noticed was a notice board, just like the one in the Neutral Zone. It seemed like the design choice hadn't been on a whim.

There were a few people crowding around it, but most just flipped through and left.

Out of curiosity, I made my way over. And, as if reacting to my intention, I noticed a golden light... And a blue light as well on a pair of parchments.


I frowned and looked at the two papers.

The first was a tiny slip, tucked away in the corner. A small notice saying that Carpe Diem was seeking a new member. That one was shimmering with gold... and from what I remember, the notice that led Seol to those people.

But the other...

"A reconnaissance of the Forest of Denial?"

I muttered.

The moment I looked at that slip, a vision emerged.

[Thank you! Thank you!]

A beautiful woman with startling white hair and clear blue eyes. An ominous black aura drifted around her, but her smile was bright and clear in spite of it.

[To be able to live again...! To be able to have someone here, I-!]

Like that, the vision shattered.

I frowned, mulling over what that meant.

I didn't recognize the woman, obviously. And it also seemed like the situation wasn't bad.

But at the same time...

"Why do I feel like that's dangerous?"

It was a seemingly pleasant and simple exchange. But my intuition was telling me that abiding by that vision would cause something irreversible.

Unfortunately, my insight was staying silent on the matter.

After some thought, I sighed and shook my head before walking away.

"Carpe Diem, was it...?"
