
Children of Hecate

He was wide-eyed and puzzled. Her skin was scarred. They were deep grooves made by the whip.

She lowered her head in mortification. Maybe it was much better that way. And Michael hadn't even seen the rest of the work Valerius had done.

-Those are whip marks. – he was perplexed and without action. His anger was beginning to surface. 'That wretched bastard... Did he whip you?' Do you want to tell me where was your bastard father who did nothing?

He was trying to force himself to breathe. The ground seemed to have disappeared under his feet. His world crumbled imagining the sweet girl suffering under Valerius' domination. He twitched stiffly and was horrified.

-Scars are just imperfections on the skin of a woman who doesn't know how to respect herself. Christina shrugged her shoulders, repeating the words her father spoke while he was alive.

She was trying too fast and too blandly to put on her clothes so she could hide her body from his eyes. Embarrassed.

-No. I want to see it!

-Which? No! No way. – She exclaimed in horror.

She had never imagined that Michael would react this way. He was far stronger than she was to resist his determination to see how her body had been bruised by Valerius's constant beatings.

-Mike, please don't.

-I'm your husband. I want to know what that bastard did to you because I swear I'm going to kill him.

Desperate not to imagine what Michael would see, she closed her eyes as his gentle hands removed her shirt, exposing her skin goosebumps from the late afternoon air. The thin skirt of the petticoat met the same fate. With light fingers, he slid his hand up to her thighs, following her buttocks to her slim waist. She was aware that the scars were deep and had turned ugly.

Slowly Christina felt his large, warm hand slide down her back, where the deeper grooves were most marked. She heard a faint whisper of him in astonishment, wanting to die.

-Me... me...

Michael had seen in his life, first on the battlefield and then on the high seas, various forms of cruelty, but nothing had left him as revolted and perplexed as to the marks and scars that marred the once satiny smooth skin. No wonder the woman recoiled every time she approached.

This was your fault. Every visible mark, small or large, revealed deep wounds to him, wounds that could have ruthlessly killed the woman. Hell, it was incomprehensible that her father would have consented to this. He could have disowned the girl. Let her go. It was clear his people would welcome Christina.

She tried to look nonchalant under his gaze as she realized that he was carefully putting the shirt back over her shoulders and breathed a sigh of relief. The man at least that way wouldn't look for her anymore. It was exactly what he wanted. She never again intended to let any man touch her.

-They're healed. - Her voice was low. Even the recent bruises were lightening and no longer displayed the deep, purplish hue of her skin.

- Why didn't you tell me? - Michael looked at her perplexed. - God! I could have sought refuge with my people.

Christina swallowed hard. He didn't even know about her pregnancy and that she had lost the baby. He didn't have the slightest heart to say that. For nearly a week, she thought she might die. The midwife had been paid handsomely to keep quiet while she attended to her at Valerius's behest. That was in the past. He wasn't going to think about it anymore. He didn't want or couldn't think about it.

-I... I didn't mean to scare you. – Michael was careful.

He cursed under his breath, his mouth tight and tortured. The girl avoided looking at him, but the low sob she let out felt like a stab, ripping through her flesh. He tried to get closer and his eyes widened as he watched her walk away.


-Your Highness, I would never hurt you. Interest. Her voice was a desperate plea.

It was clear that she had fears of any intimacy after that experience. Even worse. She wasn't ready to share his bed. The realization made the blood run cold in her veins.

-I know. Her voice was very low. – I… I'm sorry.

Did you feel sorry? Michael burned with rage. He wanted to scream and fight and destroy. It was more than he could certainly imagine. He had never imagined that when he left that day his life would take such a different course than expected. He should have taken Christina along indifferent to his refusals. He imagined and made plans for a grand wedding celebration in the Scarlet Courtyards. He couldn't wait for the chance to have Christina all to himself in the privacy of their intimacy. Everything had gone wrong. Did she still apologize? She was going to kill Valerius.

-I couldn't imagine... You make me forget everything. – the explanation was loaded with guilt.

Oh, it was hell. He should have been suspicious. Valerius had a terrible reputation for wielding the whip. He was very fond of inflicting physical punishment on prisoners with violent and cruel torture. Only he had never considered that the unfortunate would have the courage to do that with the woman who would be his wife. A wife who had once belonged to another man. Michael ground his teeth in anger. There was something wrong with that little girl's lovers story. Curse! Curse! How could he be so stupid as not to notice?

Christina sighed as she wiped her face with shaking hands.

-I thought... I thought it would be different... - She stuttered.

With him? The words hit him like a punch. He didn't like being compared to Valerius. He wanted to tell her that he was different. Only he had forced the woman to kiss him. He had only managed to show that he could be equal to the wretch.

-When? he asked lividly. He arched an eyebrow in irritation. And without realizing it he was screaming furiously. - God! His goddamn father had me killed while he handed his only daughter to an animal like Valerius? Is anything better than a wolf?

The revelation of events tore at him. During the three weeks, he had been between life and death, the woman he loved had suffered at the hands of a pervert like this mercenary. He had found the girl again with recent marks from the beatings, some visible on her pretty face and arms. Madame Lili had said nothing about the rest. She well remembered Christina saying she'd been spanked for refusing to share the bastard's bed. She saw the woman try to hide her bleak emotions. She was speechless. She knew she shouldn't have screamed. , but anger made him burn.

Slowly, he reached out, his fingers touching a strand of wet hair. A small gesture, but still the anguish clouded the features of her lovely eyes. Michael was realizing with horror that the woman was afraid of him. He sighed. He could and did intend to teach her not to fear a man's touch.

-Your Highness.

Christina shook her head in silent denial. I couldn't bear his pitying look. She was suffocating. In the past, that man was everything she wanted. Even so, she stared at the man in front of her, absurdly charming, handsome and determined. His fiery gaze was hot and seemed to burn inside. But it was all over. No man would want a woman with such ugly scars. That had been Valerius' punishment. Anguished, he turned to put on the rest of his clothes, wondering what to do. It was slowly getting dark around them, the cloud-laden sky lit by lightning in the distance.

"What the hell, Chris!" Michael grumbled.

Her gaze was so bleak it made him groan. What was going through that fool's head? With agility he approached her by hugging her from behind, his hands sliding around her waist until they intertwined her fingers. He tried not to notice her rigidity against him. He would take it easy. All the calm in the world.

- Mike, no...

-You are my wife. My vows spoke of joy and sadness. In health or sickness. Do you think that would change anything for me? You should have told me. I'm your husband. I will always listen when you need to talk to me. I just need you to trust me, your highness.

Christina closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. He didn't know what he was talking about. They were horrible scar marks.


- I love you. – The words were low and ignited a hope that the girl thought she would never be able to feel again. "You remember what it's like to wait for the hours to pass, to know that I was waiting for you. Can you remember how you liked being in my arms, feeling my mouth on your body, my kisses... Can you remember that, Your Highness? Just need time.

"Mike..." Christina tried to control her panic at his proximity. Legally he was her husband. He had every right to demand that she fulfil her obligations in bed.

-Come on, love. You better get dressed. A storm is coming. - Michael tried to appear calm. "I still need to check on the men before my day is over. Richard will not leave Kassuim alone while the girl recovers.

Christina nodded in relief.

"Didn't you tell your brother that Cassie... You'll have to tell him soon another one of Philip's plots." She spoke slowly. She couldn't understand why. Wolves and sorcerers were enemies. James was an enemy of the family. - Because?

Michael shook his head thoughtfully.

-No, I didn't. The girl when she finds the right moment will tell. This is an issue between Morgan and Cassie. Padraic is already making their lives hell. Let Rick and the woman get along.

Christina bit her lip quietly. She wasn't a sorceress even though she was part of their clan. She had been born without the gift of magic. Yet his family had been radically displeased with their relationship.

-It was because of me, wasn't it? she asked curiously.

For years she had believed the man had simply abandoned her. Suddenly, everything changed unexpectedly. It was scary.

Michael let the air out of his lungs slowly. The girl was very observant.

- I always regretted it. I should have ignored your complaints and taken you to Scarlet even without your father's consent. Our life would have been easier.

She cringed. Michael didn't even know how right he was.

-Your brother better watch out. My godfather. James doesn't usually take no for an answer. If he can't bring Kassuim to her side, he will kill her. You won't care if she's her daughter. - Christina lamented distressed.

Michael sighed. He had already realized that. The whole situation had been complicated by the pregnancy. And the children... Rick walked tense and worried around the corners.

The family... went through difficult times without the command of the Armada. Muir's attack through the Successrium... Gather the wolves and keep them all together in those times even more with the plague...

-I'm going to reinforce the security of the camp, but you and she don't go alone without security, love. This is an order. I don't even like to think if Thalagar or Valerius can find either of you. I will be much calmer. And Rick too. Madame must be arriving with my nephews. Can you imagine Rick's face? Laughing even at babies drooling and mumbling about teething? I can't believe he held a sword in combat before... Do you think Cassie is pregnant? Again? I think it's good that he takes care of more diapers...
