
CHAPTER 97 Eliana

So the effect will be the same if you use magic or science or strength if she wants to break in she needs to let loose her demons which will she never without life-threatening situation and who can come in is without legs as legs are still healing. I thought.

I then take out a blade made out of Proto- Adamantium and Carbonadium then I applied my strength to it and cut my finger as I knew even Proto- Adamantium will break after contacting to my skin as its too tough and Carbonadium posing will not able to stop my healing factor to heal the wound even before the blood come out from the wound that's why I am using my strength and speed as anything can be dangerous if it has enough strength and speed in it.

As I thought it It's only able to cut a small part so I grab the wound so it's don't heal then force my blood to come out. I then store that bood in a small glass tube and then let my wound which healed in a second even Carbonadium isn't able to much slow my regeneration. I thought.

I then look at Jor-El and said.

Zeus: Take this blood and scan it to see if can decode it.

As the robot arm grabs the blood and places it in front of the scanner and Jor-El started to scan it.

As he scans my blood only an error comes on the screen he tries once again but the error ones again he tries 5 more times with different machines but the result is the same Error. So he looked at me and said.

Jor-El: My machines are not advanced enough to decode your DNA.

I nodded while taking my DNA in my hand. As though even Krypton's tech is not advanced enough to decode a God's DNA but I know who has that level of technology, after all, they have created fake Gods who can work with the power of faith, in the universe and they are Maltusians also known as Guardians of the Universe they themselves we called half-gods as what they have achieved by possibly the first intelligent life forms in the Universe but they still are not born from Gods wave. So I have to visit them. I thought.

After some thought, I looked at her and thought I need a good name her Eliana yea it sounds good Eliana daughter of Zeus I thought.

I then waited for 1 hour more as after 1 hour later DNA has enough energy to survive my DNA and even if not I have placed, my daughter in the purest form of Dionesium which will never let her DNA die.

So I take out a very small needle made out of Kryptonite so her skin can be pierced without any harm then pick up the syringe gun from the operation table chance its needle with mine. Pour my DNA into the counter then I walk toward her tube.

When I am in front of it I look at her beautiful and cute face and smile then I looked at Jor-El and said.

Zeus: Now scan her DNA analysis every second and show me the data.

He nodded as Small robots come flying and started to scan her and their data comes on the screen seeing the data I nodded as her cells are now full of energy I then open a small part of the tube and place my hand on her very small head and pat her haad. Then Inject her with my DNA. I then close the tube.

Then I started to look at the screen which is showing my DNA division itself and then create more cells as her Cells saw this and started to attack as her cells attack my cells but it was useless as my cells easily defeated her cells and killed them. her cells and seeing this her cells summons more cells and in some seconds her body becomes a battleground as to cells fight for domains which my cells were winning as time pass a half-hour later her last remaining cells were now trying to run from my cells as her body started to die Dionesium takes its effects and intently started to revive dead cells with more power and the battle of dominance ones aging started as time pass they fought but this time some of my cells lose and devour by her cells for energy but still her cells lose and same happened as last remaining cells run her body started dying Dionesium takes its effect and they ones again become alive. This battle continues for the next 1 hour as her cells started to become stronger from every battle as they absorbed my cells but still not winning but my cells also lost their energy.

And seeing this my cells also started to devour her Cells as they are out of my body so they only have limited a moot of energy. And this is my plan as no matter whether her cells devour my cells or my cells devour her cells as now inside her body 3 types of cells exist one mine one her and one her and a perfect combination of mine and her cells which are much stronger.

As the battle continues more and more new cells started to appear seeing these new cells mine and her cells started to attack newly created cells but it was as useless as my cells already lost too much energy, and her cells were never enough so they both started to lose and seeing the downfall my cells tried there last-ditch of efforts with even realizing just completely devour her cells and create more cells Demi-God cells this happend all over her body as new cells started to devour all the remaining hiding cells.

As this happend a ne connection is formed which was similar to my connection with Athena proof that she is now my daughter.

As this happened her new cells started to release energy and in just some seconds the tube broke with loud.


As all the Dionesium fell all over my force field, her eyes were closed and her body is in the air hovering in the air. in the pool of Dionesium. As visual changes started to happen her body mess and size increased from a human to a baby goddess her hair color changed from black to white with tips of blue hair just like me. As her face becomes more clear her skin becomes whiter and smoother her lips turn light blue her eyes also change even if they are closed eyes also are light blue.

As now the new cells are remarking her body better. This will go to take a long time as her body will be remaking itself from new bone marrow which will only going to create/generate Demi Goddess types cells for her brian as her DNA just changed. So this was a long process.

So I walk towards the force field I smiled and said.

Zeus: Sleep Well little one as next time you will open your eyes you will be with your new mothers and a new sister.

When I said this she smiled proof her mind is adapting and remaking like a god she can feel our connection. I thought.

After I said this as I place the force field In a room where I also placed many small MARs inside the force field So her cells also absorb Mana. inside GOB.

I then look at Jor-El and said.

Zeus: Copy everything that is in your system and give me that copy.

He nodded and in just thirty seconds his arm give a crystal so after checking it I also place her inside GOB. As I already knew how to build something that can read this crystal.

I then look at Lois Martha and Jonathan and said in a commanding voice.

Zeus: Well your Son and husband waiting outside with all the super friends let's give him a surprise.

As they started to fellow me fearfully

Now I need to solve a problem which is how Wonder Woman is born. I thought

Long chapter

Some Rules

He will take one version per girl as there are unlimited our there but there are expectations out there like Power Girl and Super Girl Wonder woman Power Woman so you commend if you know more like these characters as I don't remember or even know more similar characters with different personalities please, please


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Some Call it Detective Comics Comics

When it first appeared in 1939, DC was known as "Detective Comics" and that name still holds up to this day. This would be shortened to DC for brevity, but "DC Comics" was devised to clarify you weren't talking about the district of Columbia. That made things awkward,d however, as that extended the acronym to the tongue-twister of "Detective Comics Comics."


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Some Rules

He will take one version per girl as there are unlimited our there but there are expectations out there like Power Girl and Super Girl Wonder woman Power Woman so you commend if you know more like these characters as I don't remember or even know more similar characters with different personalities please, please


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thank

GodOfGreedAscreators' thoughts