
Goku vs Aslan: Fight

God is a simple three-lettered word that has garnered many meanings in various eras and places. For some, it means a pantheon of superhuman deities all too human. In others, the word can refer to a supreme entity that rules over everything with an iron fist, inspiring dread or hope. Thankfully for Narnia, they had neither.

Instead, they had a paragon. A beast that gives people strength when they don't. A great lion that may need the strength of his people for once as "he" waited quietly for him to arrive. Through his deep green eyes, the creator of this grand world, Aslan, gazed upon his most incredible creation: The Silver Sea.

The vast body of water, decorated in silver lily pads, danced along with the wind, launching its shallow waves carelessly. Most would say that nothing was abnormal to the ordinary person, but they didn't have senses of the divine. Every ebb and flow carried a turbulent weight as if knowing the approaching feeling.

And approach it did as in an instant the atmosphere grew denser than a diamond, swirling the air with godly power. A power that soon gathered to form a singular man, Son Goku, the champion of Universe 7's Earth. While the veteran Sayian looked at his new surroundings in wonder, Aslan's eyes widened in a mix of awe and panic since all it took was one look to realize that his power got contested.

This interdimensional intruder could very well have his fangs reach the Emperor Beyond the Sea itself. For once, omniscience didn't have an answer to this pressing conundrum. Nevertheless, Aslan had faith in himself, deciding to forge ahead and do what must get done. So in growing resolve, Aslan whispered under his breath.

"Please guide me, father," the son of God said as he walked on water.

At once, all of Goku's attention focused intensely on the treading Aslan, shocked at what he was seeing. Legends say that Aslan appears in different sizes and shapes depending on the viewer's growth of wisdom and character. While Goku was never considered a genius in the traditional sense, his fighting intuition was second to none.

This is why he didn't see a mere lion, but more so a great deity, one whose power could barely get contained in this beautiful sea. The sight alone was enough to send shivers of fear across his body, a feat that few could ever do.

However, that alone made the fighter even more excited, casting a smile on his face as he soon descended until it looked like he was standing on the Silver Sea. Eventually, the two combatants stared face to face with each other, making Narnia stand still at their very presence.

"Tell me, traveler what brings you to Narnia? I didn't sense you enter the Wood of the Worlds."

Goku grew confused, completely unaware of what he was talking about.

"Um, I just used my instant transmission to get here. Though not going to lie, it took me quite a while together. I never tried crossing universes before, but ever since the Tournament of Power, I couldn't help but try. There are so many amazing opponents out there, and I want to fight them all! I heard you're some of the strongest guys around," he said excitedly.

The feline's face was perplexed. Of course, he had heard of other worlds before, but the existence of entire universes beyond his own was on the table, places that could potentially grant invaders stronger than this one. The thought filled with dread as he realized he had to take action.

"Fine, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you will get," he said as he started to get into a pouncing position.

Goku then gave a confident smile while entering a fighting pose.

"Good, I would hate to come all the way here without a proper fight."

The two warriors looked at each other for a tense few seconds, analyzing the other's stances deeply while gearing themselves up. The entire realm of Narnia seemed to tremble at their growing power as if it couldn't contain itself from asking the question.

"What's stronger, a god with humanity or a man who's achieved godhood?"

That question was about to be answered as the two gods started their massive battle. At the same time, they both approached at blinding speed, with Goku being the first to arrive with a valiant right hook. However, Aslan's omniscience made him faster, seeing the punch ahead of time and vanished before it connected. Confusion took over Goku's face for only a moment before Aslan counterattacked, revealing his giant paw right before it took Goku's head off.

Unfortunately for the lion, it wasn't that easy as the Sayain's limp body quickly vanished into an afterimage. He may not have godly sense but having multiple life or death battles with the multiverse greatest hitman gave him some advantages. Before he could make sense of it, all Aslan already looked towards the sky as Goku descended with a spinning axe kick. Instantly Aslan backed away as a large spout of water covered the battlefield.

The feline braced for the next attack, not realizing it was already here as Goku's instant transmission allowed him to land the first blow. While the Silver Sea remained still, a small chunk of Narnia's land got utterly eviscerated. Still, the punch did not affect Aslan's near invulnerable body, instead fueling a slash dug into Goku. Once again, the warrior's predictions saved him, turning a fatal blow into a shallow cut. Realizing the gravity of what just happened, Goku made his notes.

"He's strong, and he's willing to go for the kill. Gotta be careful and see just how powerful he is step by step."

Before Aslan could follow up another attack, he was stopped dead in his tracks, covered in orange energy. He tried his best to break out of it through sheer force, but all that did was make the cage of energy stronger. Goku then regained a more formal composure as he adopted a skinner frame and red hair, courtesy of Super Sayian God.

"Just because I can't hurt you doesn't mean I can't stop you," Goku said while struggling.

"And just because I can't move doesn't mean I'm powerless," the lion said while replying.

From there, the lion took a deep breath, entering a calmer state while creating a small gust. Initially, the z fighter didn't mind, instead focusing until he realized that his hold was slipping. The Great Lion's breath once broke through the white witches' enchantment, and the same can be done here. Realizing what was coming, he instantly let go of the god bind, avoiding a bite that ripped into his gi.

Not wanting to let him go, Aslan extended his tail, wrapping around the Super Sayain's arm. He tried to reel him in for a paw swipe, but Goku was one step ahead, calmly sliding upon the water and expanding the ki around his arm just enough to slide under the slash. He entered an artful backflip that had the two in CQC again.

Aslan went in for another potential mauling, but unfortunately, the fight got immensely more complicated for him. For the minute he sunk his teeth into Goku's shoulder, the lion only tasted a shockingly powerful blue aura. The Sayian's hair changed the second time, adopting light blue eyes with a fiery atmosphere to match. A lake of resilient tranquility was now replaced with a tsunami of pinpoint power. In two words, the change in the battle was obvious.

"My turn," he said solemnly.

Now that the change was power, Goku instantly lifted Aslan and raised his free hand towards his abdomen. In an instant, continent-destroying blasts got fired at the speed of a semi-automatic, throwing the large cat-back miles. Dozens of explosions ripped apart the giant sea, shaking the entire place to its core while sending the white lilies raining like confetti. Amongst the hellfire, Aslan persisted, more dizzy than hurt. A status that immediately changed as his all-seeing senses picked it up before he himself could, a large barrage of-

"Destructo Disc!"

Goku released a half dozen serrated discs that shredded Aslan to ribbons like a shotgun. Even invulnerability has no chance against Krillin's strongest technique. However, he still wasn't done as he hovered over the lion's remains with a giant ball of yellow energy while saying.

"Take this!"

He threw the giant orb at once, enveloping Narnia in a light that would make even the Star people jealous. The silver sea now had a miles-wide crater and deep in the aftermath. Still, the warrior stayed strong, knowing full well this battle still wasn't over.

"Stop hiding. I know that you're not beaten yet," Kakkarot said adamantly.

"I'm not hiding," Aslan quipped back in a very booming voice.

A primordial chill started to run up Goku's spine, forcing him to turn around to see Aslan better and, most importantly, bigger than ever. The grand lion was now as big as a mountain, perfectly filling the crater Goku had made. To add to that, the powerful deity also summoned giant portals behind him, keeping the battle perfectly contained, meaning that the two could stop holding back.

"I was preparing."

This time it was Aslan's turn starting things off with a gigantic roar that sent a gigantic gale of magic laded air straight at Goku! Instinctively he used instant transmission, avoiding the blast at the last possible moment. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Aslan expected, as with a single whim, the blast got redirected towards a portal right where Goku had just teleported.

A wind more forceful than any hurricane instantly got shot through with the force of a sniper bullet. Goku's foresight and precise ki control were the only things that saved him as he protected his vitals from winds that cut into his gi and skin. Still, that was the least of his problems as he got sent careening into the sea below like he was a fastball special.

The minute Goku gasped for breath, rivers of water guzzled into his lunges. Panic claimed the alien as he tried to escape, but the apex predator had a different idea. Instead, he took his humongous paw and stomped his prey like a flea. A geyser the size of a city block consumed both combatants as Aslan kept his eyes staring at his prey. However, Aslan's wisdom failed him for once because even the toughest fighters have realized this.

Never push a Sayian into a corner. Aslan's paw felt a growing pressure and power rising to the surface like a volcano. One that couldn't get stopped as before he could react, Goku broke out of Aslan's grip. The feat had no time even to register as instantly Goku gave a flying knee towards Aslan's face. Boulder-sized bones started to shake harder than tectonic plates, forcing Aslan off balance, which gave Goku the chance to play his ultimate assault. Goku placed his hands close to the center of his face while saying.

"Solar Flare."

Another light brighter than a supernova took place, blinding the lion's godly green eyes, thus giving Goku the chance to unleash hell, peppering the lion's body with heavy haymakers as numerous as a torrential downpour. Waves of pain started to escape the great lion's giant jaws, which is precisely what the z fighter wanted as he unleashed a hellish double axe handle to his nose.

The blow was enough to utterly cripple Aslan, forcing him to slump down into the Silver Sea. A chilling silence took over the entire field as both fighters started to pant, exhausted from all the taxing techniques thrown around. From there, a brief small talk happened.

"I have to say. This fight has been pretty fun so far. Can't believe it's already over," he said, panting.

"Yes, it seems this battle is over. For you," Aslan said with a predatory bloodlust.

A split second hesitation was all the great lion needed, as, without warning, he gave a roar that shook the heavens. Silver tsunami's completely covered Goku's eyesight, leaving him ready and waiting. However, before the water connected, the wave stopped as suddenly as it started. Instead, it rose upwards into the sky, leaving the Sayian confused about what was happening. He felt the answer before he saw it, though.

During the Age of Conquest, Aslan was capable of singing Narnia into existence and destroying the realm of Charn. So why would an entire solar system be different? Taking inspiration from his sister universe, a perfect replica of the solar system's planets appeared on a now fiery chain, all ready to touchdown on Narnia. Words failed Goku at the impressive sight, so he let his actions decide for him.

Goku's power increased twenty-fold in pure resolve with a scarlet aura overlaying over his blue one. At speeds beyond subliminal, he flew straight into the chain of colliding planets while cupping his hands together for his signature technique. As the former turtle school student stated, pulsating blue energy took over his body.


Planet-sized mass meets a laser of the same size, clashing together in a violent collision. The initial impact almost took out Goku right then and there but still, he pressed on. The sheer size and weight of the chain held strong against his ki, in fact even pushing Goku back harder than any attack thus far. Yet, every fiber of being didn't dare quit! Instead only dug in his heels and pushed past his limits.

Eventually, the unstoppable force and immovable object surrendered as soon enough, a massive explosion took place, engulfing Goku in white light. Using another portion of seemingly limitless power, Aslan protected Narnia from the blast, sending most of the explosion elsewhere. After that, his composure grew more relaxed. Aslan instantly repaired the damage to himself and the battlefield while shrinking to normal size.

With that all done, the great lion planned to leave through another portal. However, before he could enter, a mysterious attack sent him flying! Its power was far greater than any blow he felt before as he crashed into the bottom of the sea below. Aslan tried to heal himself immediately, but the second he tried, he got hit again, this time having him spiral into the air.

Blindly he tried to attack the force, but automatically the blows came up with nothing. Thus, the emperor's son could brave the assault until getting beat to the ground. Once he got out of the rubble, Aslan's omniscience finally answered.

"It seems you had another trump card of your sleeve," he said calmly.

Through his shining eyes, Aslan saw Goku in yet another form. This time being the pinnacle: Ultra Instinct Mastered. His ripped-up uniform, combined with his white hair and eyes, made him almost look like a battle-worn angel, one that still had some fight left in him. Aslan realized he was becoming more composed, stronger, and faster with every step.

Complete fear and panic sucked away all of Aslan's resolutely peaceful nature. For he was looking at the definition of limitless potential. This fight could be a perpetual stalemate. However, the longer this goes on, the more likely the warrior could overpower him, so he decided to rely on a gambit he thought he'd never have the desperation to use. As Goku started to go from a peaceful walk to a running start to a full-blown flight, Aslan spoke.

"Forgive me, father, for what I must do," he said remorsefully.

In the Winter Revolution, Aslan could undo the petrification of the White Witch. And those with enough power can freely take and give. So with a single breath, Aslan stopped Goku in his tracks, literally. Before his fist could even connect his punch, he found his hand covered in stone.

With UI in effect, he only responded with a blank stare as he realized the petrification was growing stronger, inching up across his body. He tried as he might to resist it, but that was about as hard as raindrop making itself known amongst a grand sea. Thus, the Sayain soon became a buoyant statue, staying afloat underneath the white lilies. Wistfully Aslan was disgusted for being pushed this far. As such, he decided to show mercy.

"You were a valiant warrior, the strongest I've faced so far. You've taught me that even my role as protector of all that is good might not be absolute. And I sense you're not evil, which is why I will send you back to your home. I hope we can meet again under different circumstances," he said solemnly as Goku's statue started to disappear, leaving Aslan all alone.
