
WORTHY CAPTAIN AMERICA (Avengers Endgame) vs GLADIATOR HULK (Thor Ragnarok): Info

Worthy Captain America

Captain Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers is a World War II veteran, a founding member of the Avengers, and Earth's first known superhero. Rogers grew up suffering from numerous health problems, and upon America's entry into World War II, he was rejected from serving in the United States Army despite several attempts to enlist. Rogers ultimately volunteered for Project Rebirth, where he was the only recipient of the Super Soldier Serum developed by Abraham Erskine under the Strategic Scientific Reserve. The serum greatly enhanced Rogers' physical abilities to superhuman levels. Five years after the Snap, Captain America and his fellow Avengers eventually found a way to safely travel through time using a modified Quantum Tunnel, returning to various points in the past to amass all six Infinity Stones, which Thanos had destroyed before the Avengers found and killed him. The stones were used to resurrect all the lives taken by the Snap, and Captain America participated in the Battle of Earth, where he was deemed worthy of Mjølnir and wielded it in combat against Thanos and his army, who had followed the Avengers forward to the present through the Quantum Tunnel.

Gladiator Hulk

Robert Bruce Banner, M.D., Ph.D., is a renowned scientist and a founding member of the Avengers. As someone who was highly respected for his work regarding biochemistry, nuclear physics, and gamma radiation, he was commissioned by Thaddeus Ross to recreate the Super Soldier Serum which created Captain America, although Ross elected not to inform Banner what he was creating. However, when an exposure to high levels of gamma radiation instead of vita radiation went awry, the mild-mannered scientist had found that when angered, provoked or excited, he would transform into the huge, rage-fueled, nearly mindless creature known as Hulk. Following Ultron's defeat, Hulk commandeered a Quinjet and left Earth, flying into space and coming across a wormhole that caused the Quinjet to crash on the planet Sakaar, where the stressful environment prevented him from regressing back into Banner, causing him to remain in Hulk form for two years. On Sakaar, he became a gladiator for Grandmaster and was soon revered as a beloved champion, choosing to turn his back on Earth and enjoy the life of an admired warrior.


Powers and Abilities

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: The Super Soldier Serum enhanced all of Rogers' bodily functions, such as his strength, speed, senses, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes, and healing. The Super-Soldier Serum also healed all of his ailments, physical and genetic imperfections instantly, giving him a perfect body better than that of a man in his physical prime.

Enhanced Intelligence: Rogers' mental performance has been greatly enhanced to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. Some manifestations of this are his exceptionally perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. Rogers has demonstrated the ability to quickly process multiple information streams and rapidly respond to any changing tactical situations by creating perfect winning strategies rapidly.

Enhanced Strength: Rogers' physical strength is enhanced to superhuman levels. His strength allows him to physically overpower elite-trained humans, extraterrestrial troops, and robot sentries. Rogers' strength combined with his astonishingly effective muscle control can enhance his profound fighting skills. Rogers' experience as an unarmed and armed combatant allows him to subdue those of equal strength.

Enhanced Durability: Rogers' bones and muscles are denser and much harder than average humans, which makes him incredibly durable. Though he is not bulletproof, he can survive extreme blunt force trauma, such as being hit with solid objects like his own shield, or contact with superhuman opponents like Loki, the Winter Soldier, and the Red Skull.

Master Tactician: Rogers is an excellent strategist. He can formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter near any strategy to fit the changing needs of the situation.

Master Martial Artist: Rogers is a master hand-to-hand combat, having extensive levels of knowledge of melee combat as well as being considerably experienced in combat operations. He has mastered several martial arts such as muay Thai, boxing, Krav Maga, Taekwondo, savate, wushu, judo, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Shield Mastery: Rogers' years of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item.

Enhanced Speed: Rogers can run and move at speeds beyond the peak of human potential. He can catch up to or outrun speeding vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks in seconds as well.

Enhanced Agility: Rogers' agility is far greater than that of an Olympic-gold medalist. He can coordinate his body with perfect balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity. Rogers can use his enhanced agility to perform amazing parkour and gymnastic moves that would be truly difficult for a normal human to accomplish.

Enhanced Stamina: Rogers' body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-inducing lactic acid in his muscles and his musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. Rogers could exert himself at peak capacity for several hours without showing any sign of fatigue, allowing him to fight for long periods of time.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The Super-Soldier Serum granted Steve Rogers' physiology an accelerated rate of healing and regeneration. Rogers is capable of healing large cuts and bruises within hours and fatal gunshot wounds and fractures within several days.

Powers via Mjølnir: Due to the enchantments placed on the mystic hammer, Rogers was given the ability to focus on Thor's abilities and take advantage of them to considerably increase his abilities. The hammer also allowed him to easily take advantage of the weather elements.

Lightning Manipulation: While using Mjølnir, Rogers gained the ability to summon bolts of lightning from the surrounding horizon. In addition to being able to channel electricity on its own, Mjølnir can draw environmental electricity from the surrounding atmosphere and redirect it towards a specific goal.

Physical Augmentation: After becoming worthy of Mjølnir, all of Rogers' physical attributes such as his strength, speed and durability were increased to incredible superhuman levels.


In The First Avenger, after thwarting Red Skull's plan in 1945, Rogers takes command of the Valkyrie, with his only choice being to crash it into the Arctic. Rogers' body was later found in 2011 by S.H.I.E.L.D meaning his body survived frozen for over 60+ years.

In The Winter Soldier, after taking out a small squadron of HYDRA Agents, Cap leaps roughly 75 feet from an elevator and takes little to no damage. (Although the shield absorbed a decent amount of the impact.)

In The Winter Soldier, after Bucky gets trapped under a beam, Cap manages to lift it long enough for Bucky to escape. The beam itself weighed around 34.61 tons and to add, Cap had been shot multiple times and was bleeding out before pulling off this feat.

In Age Of Ultron, in the opening Sokovia battle, manages to flip and throw a 2014 Harley Davidson Motorcycle into an oncoming HYDRA truck making it come to a complete stop requiring at least 480 lbs of force.

In Age Of Ultron, Rogers and Stark get into an argument whilst chopping wood on Clint Barton's farm, Cap ends the argument by ripping a log in half with his bare hands which would take around 7-10 tons of force.

In Civil War, Rogers stops Bucky from escaping the Holding Facility in an Airbus AS350 Helicopter which has a maximum lift of around 3,000 lbs meaning Rogers would have to be able to at least lift around 1,360 kg.

In Infinity War, When Thanos arrives on Earth, he quickly dispatches the Avengers using the Infinity Stones. After being knocked away by the Power Stone, Cap still manages to get back up and briefly hold off the Mad Titan in an impressive showcase of Cap's will.

GLADIATOR HULK (Thor Ragnarok)

Powers and Abilities

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Bruce Banner subjected himself to a recreated version of the Super Soldier Serum in an attempt to develop a result similar to the original Project Rebirth from World War II, albeit substituting vita radiation with gamma radiation. As a result, Banner is able to transform into Hulk when his heart rate increases to high levels or when he loses control of his emotions. And as Hulk, Banner is a giant green-skinned humanoid with immense strength fueled by his rage, meaning the angrier he gets the stronger he becomes, and is one of the most powerful beings on Earth.

Superhuman Strength: Hulk's primary power is his immense superhuman strength. His incredible high-level of superhuman strength allows him to rip steel apart as if it were made of paper, to break vehicles with a single punch, even injure and halt a massive Leviathan with a single punch. Overall, few individuals have been able to match or surpass Hulk's strength, such as the Abomination, who despite his greater base level of strength ultimately succumbed to Hulk's when he endangered the life of Betty Ross, angering him enough to overpower the gamma monster.

Superhuman Durability: Hulk is able to withstand blows and attacks of considerable force; even high caliber bullets bounce off him and flames cause him no damage whatsoever. His bone, skin, and muscles have an extreme density and he possesses a high degree of resistance to injury, pain, and disease.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Should he receive damage that penetrates his extreme durability, his biology has a very high rate of cellular regeneration. Grievous bodily harm has also proven to be a trigger for Banner's transformations, and he has recovered from otherwise fatal injuries sustained in his normal form.

Superhuman Speed: Regardless of his size, Hulk's superhuman strength of his legs allow him to run at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of a human being. He also possesses enhanced reflexes and agility proportionate to his size, but his large size can still be exploited by smaller foes to use to their advantage.

Superhuman Stamina: Hulk has substantially greater endurance than a normal human, allowing him to run and fight for extremely long periods of time. His enraged state, during a fight, allows him to maintain peak output for several days on end and still continue to become even stronger as his anger escalates.

Expert Combatant: As Hulk, while having no formal training from the beginning, he is a formidable and experienced hand-to-hand combatant simply due to his great physical attributes. Hulk often engages his enemies using brawling techniques and street fighting skills that make full use of his incredible strength and also employs pieces of his immediate environment to fight with, often using them as range projectiles to strike distant targets, while sometimes for melee attacks or protection. While training and fighting in the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions, however, Hulk demonstrated much more combat skill than before, as he wielded a huge hammer and battle-axe like a common gladiator in the arena and his prowess allowed him to kill all of his competitors.


In the Incredible Hulk, In an alternate opening (which in The Avengers is revealed to be canon) a depressed Bruce Banner arrives at the Arctic to shoot himself, but transforms into the Hulk and proceeds to collapse a 360,000 ton glacier in doing so.

In the Incredible Hulk, Within one night, Hulk travels from Rocinha Favela to Guatemala. That's a distance of 6,681 Kilometers. Hulk would be traveling on average of 556.75 KPH, although this was likely achieved by leaping the majority of that distance.

In the Incredible Hulk, after being beaten into submission by the Abomination (Blonsky after being injected with a Super Soldier Serum variant and Hulk's blood, and is speculated to be even stronger than the Hulk) manages to overpower and defeat the villain.

In the Avengers, after battling Thor on S.H.I.E.L.Ds Helicarrier, a Jet attempts to lead the Hulk away so as to not destroy the aircraft, however Hulk attacks the Jet, making it explode and proceeds to fall over 30,000 meters (this did not kill Hulk).

In the Avengers, during the final battle, Hulk manages to kill a Chitauri Leviathan with a single punch. A fully armoured Leviathan weighs around 1,584 tons meaning Hulk's punch would've had an output of 9,340,374 newtons equivalent to 1,049 tons of force.

In Avengers Age Of Ultron, after going on a rampage in South Africa, Tony Stark dons the Hulkbuster armor to battle the Hulk. In an effort to end the fight, he rams Hulk through a 50 story building, in response, this just enrages the Hulk.

In Thor Ragnarok, during the final battle, Hulk saves the Asgardians from Fenris, Hela's giant Asgardian Wolf. During their confrontation, Hulk manages to suplex the 23ft, 35 ton Wolf with relative ease.
