
Abusing Cheats

The train went on in a tense silence as Abel drank his wine. The train bumped once and the wine was spilled on his long white beard. Abel's face turned dark as he looked at the driver. Abel took a long breath and spoke with a soothing voice.

'' Look. I put the sword away. Relax a bit. Do you want to crash the train!?''

The driver looked at Abel with teary eyes.

'' P-Please. I-I want to live... Old man, please...''

Abel sighed as he took out the mp-3.

'' Here. Music will make you relax. Don't worry too much. Even if you die, you will reincarnate as a more handsome person. İt is nothing to be afraid. I will put in some good words for you in front of God Usopp. He is a forgiving person...''

The driver's face went blank in confusion as he looked at the mp-3.

'' How does this work-''

The train shook once again as Abel's wine spilled everywhere.

'' LOOK, at the road! Give it to me, I will play something good.'' Abel took the mp-3 and played some music.

'' Do you like this?''

'' I- I don't mind really...''

''No, no. I insist you choose, it might be your last after all.''


[New World, World Economics Main Office]

Big News Morgans had an interested look on his face. He pointed a journalist with his right wing.

'' Abel told you... The protests of Water-7 will disappear in a few days!? Does he even have enough influence to convince them!?''

The journalist gulped as he spoke.

'' He also said another thing. He said there is a possibility that...''

Morgans's eyes brightened after he heard the second part.

'' İf what he says is true, I don't mind cooperating with him to publish such a big news in the future!''

Morgans laughed as he expectantly waited for the den den mushi on his office to rang for further news in Water-7.

[Water 7]

Bonney was pouting as she went to the fridge to get some food. She frowned after she tried yet failed to open it after a few tries.

' That fucking bastard. How does he know so much about me!? He even guesses my habits.'

Bonney sat down in resignation as she remembered what happened 6 hours ago.

6 hours ago...

'' What do you want!?'' Bonney spat when she was alone with Abel. Abel sighed as he sat in front of her.

'' You are not very obedient. Sigh, since you are going to be like this I decided to gift you to Kuma. I was planning to meet with revolutionaries anyway. İt is a good opportunity.''

Bonney's face went pale as she shook Abel's arm.

'' Wait, wait! What do you know about me? I don't want to meet with him right now.''

Abel looked at her as he smiled inside.

'' Well, I just know you are from the same country's royalty. I don't know your bond with him but I doubt he lets his country's princess fool around voluntarily. Well, we will see once you two meet up anyway.''

Abel was casual. Even though he wanted to recruit Bonney, he didn't need a disobedient crewmate. He could instead farm relationships with Kuma and Dragon by sending her to them. He also didn't care what sort of relationship Bonney and Kuma had.

Bonney glared at Abel furiously who was still drinking wine as if he just didn't banish her.

'' F-fine. I will be obedient and join you for real. Don't tell Kuma, I am here. Or, else...''

'' Deal! I am giving you, your first order! Make me an old man.''

Bonney who was resigned looked at Abel dumbly for 3 whole seconds.

[Sea Train, Night]

Abel finally saw Enies Lobby on sight and couldn't help but look for a full 10 seconds. 'İt's really beautiful. Especially in night, where everyone is dark except for here.'

The driver once again became restless and got out of his relaxed state. The train got slower and slower and was about to stop.

'' O-Old mister, please...''

Abel raised his hand as he asked relaxedly.

'' İf you live today, who should you feel grateful to?''

The driver immediately started blabbering.

'' I-I know! God Usoland, right? I really know!''

'' Good! Turn around!''

The driver turned around confusedly as Abel slapped the back of his head, making him faint. Abel thought for a while and realised the driver didn't know anything, his den den mushi was killed and his soul was worthless according to the goddess, since he was very weak. Abel didn't have any pity against government officals that was doing things under the name of world government. But he realised this driver was just a civilian, just like Kokoro who was once a driver for sea train. Thus naturally Abel didn't feel like killing him anymore. He imparted the driver with some knowledge about Usopp's adventures by changing his name a little bit. Abel sighed and readied his old muscles. The reason Abel turned himself old instead of just picking a mask was because there was a possiblity of him exposed, if his mask cracked or Norris and Blueno might recognize his voice. There was no need to risk it. Abel didn't know how many agents were here today and how many of them were away on a mission.

The train stopped as Abel saw a few government officals rushing at the train while shouting.

'' HEY! There is only one vagon!? Where are the other ones-''

' Ghost Steps'

Before the government officals could react they were killed by Abel who blurred around using Ghost Steps. Abel looked around a bit and saw the main gate.

' They will find out about the anomaly here in a few minutes. Hmm, this island is afloat in the sky.'

Abel closed his eyes as he used his obvervation haki.

' 8 guards on top of the main gate. I can't jump and kill them before alarming them.'

Abel sighed.

' Well, let's do it like this then.'

White flames appeared on Abel's hands and was sent towards the main gate. The main gate exploded in flames as guards on top shouted in panic. Abel immediately jumped down from the island. Abel didn't let himself fall for a long time.

' Seimei Kikan.'

Abel's nail got 10 times longer in an instant as he stuck his hardened nails inside the rocks surrounding the island from below. With Abel's strength stat, carrying his weight against gravity while climbing with his nails wasn't hard. As people gathered at the main gate and investigated. Abel kept moving towards the tower of justice while climbing the island from below.

' I feel like I am an old lizard... How disgusting. I hope İceberg is alive like the government claims.'

İceberg's location was top secret. No one even know if he was death or alive. Even Dragon hasn't managed to find out yet. As for why Dragon cared, it was mostly because of Franky. And Dragon cared a lot about Franky because of the blueprints he possesed. Abel was sure that Franky still hasn't given the blueprints to even Dragon. But as long as Franky stayed with revolutionaries, there was a possibility Dragon would posses an ancient weapon in the future. Just this possibility was enough to invest in Franky. Abel also understood this thought, but if he stole Franky openly, Dragon might get mad at him.

' Sigh, I will steal him when I am stronger.'

Abel mumbled at himself as he kept moving from below the island like a lizard.

Meanwhile Spandam in his office was freaking out.

'' Jabra, Kaku! Haven't you found out what is going on? What happened there?''

'' Chief, we are still investigating... But this idiot Jabra is not helpful at al-

''Oi! Who are you calling an idiot!? Chief leave it to me, this dumbass Kaku is useless!''

Spandam's face went red and was about to curse at them when he accidently spilt hot coffee on himself as always.

'' AHHHH! Damn it! Kaku, stop fighting amongst each other! Find the culprit! Where is Kumadori and Chapapa?''

'' Chapapa is guarding İceberg, As for Kumadori, well...''

While nearly whole island was awake and searching for him at the main gate and first gate Abel was nearly at the bridge that connects the island to the tower of justice. After Abel reached the bridge he went on top of it and readied himself to rush at the tower to speak with Spandam. But a figure was blocking his way. The person was sitting on the bridge while speaking to himself.

'' YOYOİ! I... I... Didn't die again! YOYOİ!'' Kumadori dropped a broken knife next to a pile of him and closed his eyes as if he is in deep meditation. Abel looked at him speechlessly. Abel was thinking if he should sneak away or fight when Kumadori spoke again.

'' YOYOİ! Old friend, w-what -aare you d-d-do-o-o-ing heeeeeereeeeee?'' Abel's face cringed from his slow and weird speaking pattern.

'I don't have time to waste with him.'

Abel used Ghost Steps and appeared right in front of him.

'Eye of Revelation'

'Ultimate punch'

'' Tekkai''

Abel's punch crashed into Kumadori's stomach.

[Double damage dealed]

Kumadori crushed into the floor as if his Tekkai was completely useless and coughed blood after blood. İn canon Kumadori's doriki was even weaker than Blueno. Now 6 years before the canon... he was obviously not a match for Abel.

[Relationship formed with Kumadori(minor character). Current relationship -20.]

Abel ignored him as he went towards the tower of justice.

'' YOYOİ! İt is not over yet. Old... Old... Man...''

Abel looked at Kumadori's hair that was trying to put him in his place. And spoke wisely as he carresed his beard.

'' Young man. Sometimes a person should know his limitations.''

'İmperial Flame'

Flames exploded out of Abel's body burning Kumadori's hair and reaching his head and spreading at his upper body.

'' YOYOYOYOYOYOİİİİ!'' Kumadori screamed as he tried to put out the fire. Unfortunately he tripped at the side of the bridge and fell towards the hole in the middle of Enies Lobby. Abel didn't care much and went towards the tower of justice. Abel saw that people heard the chaos and government officals came out in droves as they shouted.

'' Who is that old man!?''

'' Catch him! Don't let him enter the tower of justice!''

Abel spammed Ghost Steps for a few seconds as he gained speed. Afterwards he jumped with all his power, upwards towards the tower of justice. Abel who managed to reach halfway dug his longened nails at the tower and climbed upwards towards the tower.


Abel sighed as he kicked a window and went inside as gunshots flew over him. The officals inside looked at him with pale faces.

'İmperial Flame''

Abel made his flames took the shape of a pillar and melted the ceiling as he kept going towards the peak while either jumping or climbing. Abel was a little tired. İmperial Flame was Abel's strongest ability right now, but his bloodline wasn't pure and his stats were low. Thus it took a lot of stamina when used continously. Abel didn't want to waste time and fight cp-9 1v2 or 1v3 though so he just used all his abilities to reach the peak faster.

3 minutes later Abel appeared in front of Spandam whose back was turned at him and was shouting at the den den mushi vividly.

'' İmmediately come back! There is an invader! Protect me! PROTECT MEE!''

Abel patted Spandam on the back causing Spandam to turn around furiously.

'' WHAT!? AH!'' Spandam was scared and fell to the floor. Abel made a silence gesture and covered the den den mushi with his hand. Abel whispered at Spandam.

'' Tell your subordinates to do what they are doing. Assure them you are fine, or else...'' Abel ordered immediately as white flames appeared on his hands.

Spandam's face turned pale as he took the den den mushi.

'' Kaku, J-Jabra, I am fine! Go, investigate the train and the main gate!'' Spandam ordered in shaky voice as Abel kept the flame close to him. Abel nodded satisfied as he played with his beard.

'' Young Spandam, we finally met. I am a messenger from God Usoland''

Spandam looked at the old man and spoke nerveously.

'' H-How do you know my name? W-What does your god want from me? W-Why are you here!?''

Abel frowned as he looked at him with a dark face.

'' Spandam. Usoland is very dissatisfied with you. Can't you feel it? Don't you have nightmares at nights, you also cough blood every time after a meal. You also have pain episodes each afternoon...''

Abel clearly laid these out. This was not nonsense. Abel was cursing Spandam whenever he had free time. This was just some of the symphtomes.

Spandam's eyes widened in fear as he shook.

'' U-Usoland? İ-İs he the one doing all these to me?''

'Mortal, I appreciate that you are creating a religion for me! However my name is not Usoland-'

'Be silent! I am talking about a real god here! Not a one stuffed inside a book like you!'


Abel frowned as if he was dissatisfied.

'' Usoland is a merciful god. I am the one who is doing all these to you! Spandam, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. Tell me İceberg's situation and location, give me your golden den den mushi and ask forgiveness from Usoland. Otherwise you will live with those symptoms for the rest of your life!''

Spandam looked at the old man in front of him with fear and hatred. ' İt was him... Making my life a living hell! Damn you!'

[ Relationship updated with Spandam(minor character). Current Relationship -70(hatred)]

' Sign in'

Abel signed in with Spandam satisfiedly. Abel also signed in on Enies Lobby yet didn't check the rewards yet since he was in a hurry. After farming Spandam Abel immediately ordered him.

'' Spandam! Will you see the true way from now on!? Tell me!''

Spandam shivered on the floor with tears on his eyes. '' İf-İf I do what you say, will the symphtoms go away?''

Abel carresed his beard as he nodded.

'' Of course. Usoland is merciful after all.''

Spandam was stupid and had weak willpower, after all. After Abel cursed him from afar for days his mind was already full of cracks. Abel quickly stored all classified documents but unfortunately Spandam didn't have the golden den den mushi this time yet.

Abel sighed as he nodded at Spandam.

'' Spandam... I want you to cover up today's incident. Remember well, I can always hurt you whenever I want, wherever I want. You understand this, right?''

One of the reasons for Abel invading Enies Lobby other than signing in and confirming İceberg's status was to make Spandam his puppet. Abel would only kill troublesome opponents but weak-minded enemies that are in good position was better of being controlled.

'Thankfully, cp-9 has such a useless leader.'

'' Do you have the Rokushiki techniques here? Detailed training manuals?'' Abel asked Spandam and Spandam hurriedly gave him some documents. Abel examined them and was satisfied. After Abel confirmed that İceberg was here and alive there was no need to stay here anymore.

'' Make sure İceberg is kept here and alive. İf you can't ensure that you will live under Usoland's fury for the rest of your life!''

Abel then ignored the shivering Spandam and took out his spatial book.

' Teleport'

Next second Abel appeared on a chair at their ship as if he never left. Bonney who was still trying to figure out ways to open the fridge was scared by the sudden appearence of an elderly man as she screamed and fell to the floor. Bonney looked at Abel with a stunned face.

'' W-Where the hell did you popped out of!?''

Abel just carressed his beard as he looked at his rewards with bright eyes.

'This time they are good!'

He was in a happy mood so he spoke some nonsense to Bonney.

'' A wise man once said...''

'' What?'' Bonney looked at Abel who was speaking while looking at a blank space which was his system interference.

''İf you have cheats, abuse them.''


I hope you liked the chapter :d

Abel is mainly focused on raising his influence,strength and safety for now. Arcs after Skypiea will be more action-packed :d

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts