
Coming of Black Sun(One Piece/WC)-1

"It's over." Nico Robin, also known as Miss All Sunday and the Devil Child of Ohara, sighed as the tomb around her started to fall apart. It would likely take about five minutes till she was completely buried under stone. She wondered whether she would die from being crushed into a red smear on the ground or having one of her internal organs getting pierced by a sharp piece of debris or from suffocating under the rocks. She hoped it wouldn't be the last one, that one sounded far too tedious for her tastes.

A few years ago she might have been horrified if she had found herself in a situation like this but after her latest hint for the true history her people had been searching for in twenty years, twenty years of running and fearing for her life in a world that wished her death simply for wanting to know the truth, it was over. She just didn't have it in her to go any further.

Shame too, it might have been fun to see what that straw hat girl and her crew might do next now that they had defeated Crocodile but it just wasn't worth dealing with more pain of living.

None of it was worth it.

"That expression does not suit you." Her head snapped up as she heard an unfamiliar voice; which was ridiculous since there shouldn't be anyone in this tom other than her, straw hat girl and king Cobra since the straw hat girl had punched Crocodile out of the ceiling. Yet the sight before her challenged that fact as a man with black hair and red horns stared down at her amber colored eyes.

For a moment she wondered if this was a subordinate of the emperor Kaido, the Strongest Creature, but then threw that idea out. The members of the Beasts Pirates went around with horns on their head but as far as she was aware their horns were supposed to be cursed like those of a bull, the horns of the man before her were straight.

"Who are you?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

"Irrelevant." Only for the man to say that. "What is important right now is your state. Why do you look so defeated? It does not suit someone like you."

"...on contrary, I believe that it's a very suitable look for my current state." Robin said with a hollow smile. The man before her seemed unconcerned with the falling debris so she wouldn't be concerned for him either. "Twenty years of journey has just ended with a spectacular failure for the cause of my people. How else would I look?"

"A cause is over only when there is no one willing to fight for it anymore. All it needs is one fool for it to not have failed yet." The horned man said with a stern tone as he looked down at her and she could see his eyes soften slightly. "It would be a real waste, to let one such as you perish here; giving up on a goal that is completely possible to accomplish."

"When some of the answers you are looking for are right in front of you."

"...what?" Her voice was coarse as her head snapped upwards and looked at the man in the eye, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked down at her.

"There are currently at least one Poneglyph at Totto Land, one at a sky island above Jaya and one in the Fishman Island." The man said and her eyes widened further and further as he kept talking. "There is also one in Wano, as you have just found out, but I suspect that you are not exactly interested in that one."

"How?!" She yelled as she tried to get up, uncaring of the sharp pain that shot through her entire body, but fell down as her body just didn't have the strength to stand up. Yet she kept trying to get up, her need for the knowledge completely overpowering her common sense that was telling her to stop aggravating her injuries.

"If one knows where to look, then anything can be found. Even the final piece of the puzzle." The man said with a chuckle. "The real question is, what are you willing to do for the answers."

"Anything." She said and then flinched as black flames with purple outlines surrounded them.

"Then welcome to my crew, Nico Robin." The man said with a chuckle as he leaned down and scooped her up in his arms. And then they were swallowed up by the flames.


"What are we going to do?!" Usopp yelled as they all looked at the small armada of marine ships blocking their way.

Nami understood his reaction, the only man in the crew other than Chopper could be considered to be cowardly by some but as far as Nami was concerned; he was a breath of fresh air in form of common sense since without him, she would have been the only one with it in the crew.

"You think I can punch my way through them?"

"Nah, it would be better if I tried to cut them instead." Case in point, their captain and sword master.

Nami did not know what kind of deity she had angered in order to get Lucy and Zoro as her captain and first mate in her journey towards her dream. Seriously, there had to be a limit to how dumb one could be but Lucy surpassed that limit every time she opened her mouth while Zoro was basically her enabler even if the swordswoman would never accept such a title. Unfortunately she didn't have time to deal with their dumbassery.

Leaving Vivi behind was already bad enough but the small armada before them meant that they might be going to jail instead of their next adventure. At least Vivi wouldn't be going down with them?

"Fear not my friends!" And then there was her newest headache. Mister 2, or Bon Clay now that Baroque Works was disbanded, was on their ship. Something that should have led to them fighting, especially since the man had been an enemy that Sanji defeated less than a week ago, but instead had became something of an unlikely ally. One that they were reluctantly trusting right now for having protected their ship from the marines while they were recovering from their battles.

Well, most of them were reluctantly trusting him. Lucy and Chopper found the okama to be hilarious and already had declared him their newest friend.

"I shall take my candy boys with me and create a diversion for you all to escape!" And now he was offering to sacrifice himself for their sakes.

"Bon-chan, no!" When had her life became such an emotional rollercoaster?

"Do not cry my friends!" The okama yelled as he jumped to the railing of the ship. "One may stray from the path of a man. One may stray from the path of a woman. But there is no straying from the path of a human! If it means the safety of one's friends, then sacrifice is a small price to pay!" She would never admit it out loud, but even Nami was getting slightly emotional at Bon Clay's words. Though not as much as the rest of her crew, who were all looking at former Baroque Works agent with tears falling from their eyes, ready to jump towards the man(?) and hug him.

"How... noble." But before they could do that, a voice came from above and their heads snapped up at the source; where a man with horns were hovering above them with a very familiar, and unwelcome, woman hovering by his side. "But I think I can offer a better alternative."

"Miss All Sunday!" Former Baroque Works agent yelled as he(?) pointed at the other former Baroque Works agent.

"Hey, you're alive! Cool!" And so did their captain, though she had a very big smile on her face. "Who's the other guy?"

"I am Vritra Kokuyou." The man said as he slowly descended down. "Now then, Straw Hat Pirates, would you like for me to help you?"


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