
➵ One ➵

HENDRICK WAS STARTING TO FEEL a headache the moment he entered through the door of his house, where he lived since two years ago with his girlfriend, Abby Van Dalen. He had finally decided on what to do about his relationship with the girl he met in high school and moved in with him right when they started dating. But he was still trying to figure out how to deliver it to her.

"Hendry, where were you until now?" And that was literally what he needed. "Why are you here so late? Who were you with?"

"Stop it, Abby! STOP IT!" He yelled, startling her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Hendry? Why are you yelling at me? Are you high or drunk?" A frustrated growled came out of him, confusing her.

"No, Abby! I am not high even less drunk! I'm just tired of you doing this to me," he spoke, passing both of his hands through his shoulder-length straight golden hair.

"What's with you now, Hendrick? What am I doing to you? Why are you even saying that to me? I'm the one who should say that!" He stared at her and she felt goosebumps at how disgusted his gaze was. "And why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why can't you fucking shut up? Why can't you leave me the fuck alone? Why can't you stop trying to control me? Why can't you stop demanding that I do things for you or give you attention all the time? Why can't you be more kind to me? Why can't you act more docile?" Those questions caught the dyed-blondie so off guard that she fell on the couch.

"Are you serious?" She asked, not being able to believe what was happening in front of her and her voice was shaking.

"I've never been so serious in my life!" She wanted to puke.

"Do you know what hour is now, Hendrick?" Her eyes teary, she held the urge not to cry in front of him in such a humiliating situation.

"Does it even matter?" He sounded unbothered.

"It's 4 in the morning! FOUR IN THE FUCKING MORNING," Abby yelled, her voice still shaken. "You went out at 1 pm saying you were going to take a walk, and then you came back in the middle of the night, Hendrick! And you dare to say I'm being a control freak by asking you where the fuck you were all this time?"

"THAT IS NOT THE POINT, ABBY! IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME YOU HAVE ACTED LIKE THIS!" He couldn't believe how she even dared to fight back.

"Because it's not the first time you do this either, Hendrick! I'm your girlfriend, not a random acquaintance of yours. We should be together, stick with one another, be an inseparable duo. You should listen to what I say and tell me what you think, because-"

"NO!" This time Hendrick seemed angry, and the fact that he didn't even let her finish made her even sadder. "This is a toxic relationship, Abby! You are fucking toxic. I shouldn't listen to you, neither should I do what you want me to! You are not my mother. I hate this, ugh! And this is all your parent's fault," which made her clench her teeth. "You have this fucked up template of what a relationship should be like because of your toxic parents. Especially when talking about Abelona Van Dalen, that antichrist in woman form who only knows how to order people around and put her nose where she isn't welcomed!"

Abby heard the sound of a slap, and when she realized it, she saw both her right palm and the left side of his cheek red. He held her wrist in a strong grip, to the point that hurt and this time she was startled.

"Eline," her best friend, "was right! She said you were strange and different from before, but I blindly denied that! I should have listened to her!" A bitter laugh came from him.

"Oh, of course, you should listen to her. Let me tell you something, Abby Van Dalen, I've been listening to her a lot. Her moan when I bit her lips and when I suck her breast. Her sweet scream when she's cumming... ah, Abby, your best friend's so amazing," she felt her vision blurry. "More, you don't have any idea of how boring she says you are. It's our inside joke. She hates you, and I don't blame her. You are the epitome of a controlling freak and boring human. Even your body is strange compared to her, your personality... your low IQ can't even compare to Eline."

Abby wanted to scream so bad but didn't find the strength to do that. She had never been so scrutinized. And to think that the person she cared the most besides her family and Hendrick was betraying her in such a heartless way like that.

"And she's so attractive and sexy in a way you will never be. Oh, and she's naturally blonde and thinner, too," tears rolled down her face like a waterfall.

"Why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong?"

"You've never done anything for me, Abby! That's the problem," she couldn't even believe the bitter laugh that came out of her mouth.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Hendrick Mertens? Did you, truly, say I've never done anything to you?" He gulped. "I've left my home to live with you because you didn't like my parents. I gave up college to be here to you all the time. I dye my hair every time just because you like it this way, even though I don't. I became bulimic just to have a thinner body because you liked it that way. Six months ago I cut all contact with my family because you asked. I didn't have any other friends but Eline because you only sympathized with her. I don't even go out because you don't like it. AND I AM THE TOXIC? YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHAT HAVE YOU EVER DONE FOR ME?" She took her wrist that he was still holding back and pushed him with all her strength.

"How do you even dare to have the audacity to ask me that, you toxic little slut? You did the duty of a girlfriend. I tolerated you and you aren't even good at neither kissing nor at fucking. You are useless, Abby. You don't even know how to cook an egg at 20! No one would ever date such a lowly whore like you. I was amazing to you and you can't even say thank you? Why do you insist on turning this situation around you, when it isn't?" If she wasn't afraid of jail, she would have beaten the shit out of him, just like her father and grandfather taught her.

"You are unbelievable, Hendrick Mertens. Disgusting," he laughed again.

"If I'm as disgusting as you said, why did you suck my dick in the morning as if I was the most delicious lollipop in the world?"

"Good comparison, Hendrick. Because your dick is just as little as a lollipop. And I was with you because I love you, asshole!" She only felt her cheek hot, after he slapped her in the face.

"Dirty slut. Get your things out of my house! You have fifteen minutes! I don't wanna see your face ever again," she felt stupid because of it, but she still couldn't stop her damn tears.

"You will pay. I won't forget this. I'll make sure karma gets back at you!" She ran towards their room, took a big bag out of the wardrobe, put all her electronics, her three favorite books, and two pairs of clothes with a pair of shoes. In less than ten minutes she was out of there.

And at the time her father's driver came after she called him, she still wasn't able to wipe all of her tears.
