
Chapter 160 : The little black raven

Melissa followed her mother down the hallway, through the palace parlor and out to the courtyard. "Mother, who exactly are we waiting for?"

Marceline smiled and looked towards the gate, "well for now, we're waiting for those two."

"For now?" The nosferatu princess looked towards the gate and saw a carriage approaching them. Melissa's heart leapt when she noticed that the carriage man was an elf, could that be him? Had Gareth come for her? She took two steps towards the approaching carriage but two lycan guards crossed their spears in front of her.

"What is this? Let me pass!" Melissa demanded.

"I'm sorry your highness," one of the guards responded, "as queen of Meria we are under direct orders to protect you at all times. We cannot just allow you to make contact with an unidentified guest.

"Did Elric tell you that? Is he trying to keep me prisoner here?!"
