
Chapter 130 : We need to get her back

The Morrell brothers walked cautiously as they followed Theo up the grand staircase towards the library. They had the pressing feeling that this was some kind of trap but didn't know when the string would be pulled, so they had to be ready for anything. Theo halted at the entrance of the library and pointed them in, "please do make yourselves at home for the time being, if you need anything don't hesitate to call."

The tall slim man turned and left, and the four men entered the library. "Mother??" Jonathan and Alexander gasped in unison.

Emma Morrell rose to her feet and walked towards her sons, embracing them all in a bear hug. "Oh thank goodness you're all okay," she spoke, "I was so worried about you all." She released them and inspected their faces, "where are Klaryssa and Astrid? I thought you'd return here with them?"
