
Chapter 63 : Prince Gareth

Nathan walked towards his father's chambers and knocked lightly at his door. The poor man had been cooped up in there for days on end, drowning himself in wine surrounded by his late wife's clothing, jewelry pieces and paintings. Nathan did feel bad for the man, but this wasn't the time to get sentimental, he had bigger agendas to tend to. He wasn't about to let anything delay or distract him.

After the third knock Nathaniel decided to let himself in, and as usual the king was sitting at his table, a picture of his wife in one hand and a cup of wine in the other. He looked ten years older and drained of all emotion.

"Father," Nathaniel spoke softly as he put a gentle hand on his father's shoulder, " I know you're not feeling quite like yourself right now, but the coronation is supposed to take place today."

The silver haired prince pulled a chair and sat next to his father, "the kingdom needs a leader father, lest anarchy falls upon us."
