

Within a few minutes, every single Cultivator within the dome had collapsed on the ground.

They were affected by the spores, inducing dizziness, nausea, paralyzation and far more on them.

The overwhelming density and potency of the spores even put them to sleep as their immune system was unable to react and defend itself in time.

This allowed Kyle to end up as the only one being who was still standing on his feet.

He walked through the dome, and looked at the situation at hand, but quickly noticed that there was really nobody else who had been able to overcome the spores' attack.

'Why were the Aeroa unable to protect themselves? They have a wind affinity, after all?'

There were quite a few things that confused him, but while looking at the others' hues, Kyle realized that even their development paths were somewhat affected by the spores of the devouring tree seedling.
