
Dear Adam : You are

Ify began to stare at the ceiling of her room when she remembered what happened a few hours ago, a sign she saw the two men starting to act strangely to her. She even tried to guess. Was her hunch right if they were really in trouble?

Still in the city of Yogyakarta. Ify still wants to spend a moment in the city of Jogja that she hasn't had the chance to have so far. Chances are she'll be back next week because he still wants to stay there.

"I'll stay here until next week then I'll take care of some things related to lectures after that."

At 4 pm ago, Ify also whined Satria to take her to a temple and Angkasa also came with her, but unfortunately, the tickets were already closed there. She started to snort very annoyed but Satria managed to persuade her by taking her to a place to just take a walk.
