
10 Heading North

Atreus wakes the next day and upon seeing the sun slides his legs out from under the covers and put his new clothes and boots on while grabbing his bag and cloak by the door that aro had given him. As he pushed open the large doors to leave he bowed his a head towards the building , then setting off into a jog towards where he was told the northlands were.

1 Month Near Austria

Atreus is currently walking through a forest while listening to the birds sing while he eats fruit , which he found doesn't feed him but keeps the burning feeling away and when the burn becomes to much he usually eats a deer while burying the bones, organs and skin in a hole to at least give back what he took tho he did feel a little bad not using everything but he can't use it all because he is on the move basically all the time other than when he sleeps or carves wood or a nice bone in to flutes to distract him self from his boredom again. One of the nice things he found while being in the forest is that birds like to hang around him and sit on him when he is walking or carving much to his enjoyment but lately the animals that he attracts have become bigger to the point that deer now walk up to him or follow him while he walks.

2 Months In Germany

Atreus has been noticing the temperature dropping quickly ' It must mean I'm close ' atreus thinks while playing a tune on his bone flute while birds sing along. When there is a loud noise that startels them and cause atreus to flinch at the loud noise, putting away his flute and making his way to the noise. Finding a massive group of people fighting seeing this he sighs and looks at who they could be and notices that this is probably a territory battle. Atreus moves away from this because he has no way to communicate and most likely will get attacked before he can try.

Half a day of walking he comes across a destroyed village most likely what caused the battle back there , Atreus walks into the ruins to see if there could be anyone alive or maybe supplies they didn't find but not having high hopes. After searching for a while and getting a head ache from all the smoke be finnaly hears someone crying he the rushs towards it and finds a pair of siblings under the flooring one is sleeping while the other is crying. They notice atreus and try to move back away from him but atreus quickly takes out some fruit to show he means no harm, seeing this the awake one slowing moves forward and snatched the fruit out of his hand while atreus laughs at this and sittings down in a cleanish spot while he takes out more fruit and his book while placing the fruit near the kids and letting the come out at their own speed. After one hour they crawl out cautiously, atreus seeing this closes his book and puts it back then points to him self and says " Atreus " then points at them , they are a little confused at this but the older one steps forward and says " Adelmar" then points at his sister and says " Adelais" smiling atreus stands and holds his hand out to them. They look at his hand and they start talking to each other and after a small talk the oldest takes his hand and atreus then picks them up and walks out of the village while it's starts to snow.


Not the longest sorry I was having a hard time with my brain to think more and I was wondering if you guys would like atreus to have a family like Carlisle or no.
