
Grim revelations.

"…What about him?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"His parents came by a couple of weeks ago, apparently they had an important business trip to take care of so they left me in charge of Peter…"


May flinched at the serious tone of my voice as he used her tone and my face was more serious then she's ever seen me be.

"They said they'd be back in a week but never came," she continued, "A week passed, followed by two. I tried calling them with the phone but no one answered."

"May…why didn't you tell me this when this happened…" I said with a frown on my face.

"I…" she swallowed, "I thought they were fine…"

At my look she flinched again, "I thought that they just didn't use the phone properly…I didn't know what…"

"Mom…" I said softly, "your lying to me."

She flinched again for the third time, but this one was a lot more violent then the other times..

"Tell me the truth…" I said, "what happened?"

She swallowed, and began to tell me everything that happened, from my uncle and aunt working for the government, they discovered something that wasn't mean't to be discovered, something happened .

That's when they decided to leave, but before they did they decided bring their son Peter here, so May and uncle Ben can take care of it.

May and Ben was swore secrecy not to tell anyone…

I closed my eyes and searched for their signature across the world…

I could normally find them but I could not.

I opened my eyes…

"Could you find them?" She asked my grim-expression told her everything…

Her expression fell and she began to cry softly…

I hugged her tightly, Peter's Parents, I have grown to love over time, as they had me…

I wanted to save them, I had plans to save them, I even told my mother to tell me if a situation like this ever happens.

While I am disappointed that they didn't tell me, I understand why.

Hela frowned as she stared at what she was seeing in front of her, conflicting feelings that were always within her growing.

She knew a warrior when she see's one, how could a warrior with such strength be so…kind and caring…

She gazed upon him and watched as I consoled May and wrapped my arms around her.

Hela closed her eyes, she was a feared goddess of death, she was made to rule and to conquer, but deep down inside of her, she wondered if she'd ever find someone worthy enough…

As she looked up she saw it his arms wrapped around the Midgardian woman, she wondered what it would be like if she was in her place.

She shook her head out of her daze and scowled.

I broke the hug glanced up as I spotted a Ki signature coming down, I recognized this as Peter Parker…

"Hey pete…"

His eyes were watering, so he must have heard the whole thing…."

"My…." He swallowed, "are my parents really gone?"

"No." I smiled softly, "your parents are never gone, they live on."

He pointed at Peter's heart..

"in there," I told him, "always remember that."
