

"Livell, you must have lost your mind. Do you plan to take us both on with that child by your side? He's only broke through days ago. You think he can match up against our combat experience?" Mulan spoke in ridicule, laughing all way.

"No, I think I can keep you both busy while my men slaughter both your clans, then come and help me kill the two of you." Livell's confident smile had everyone's expressions turning grave.

This elf was ruthless, and everyone realized the situation was fatal. Mulan, Low, and their teams all took a fighting stance. Xasha and his team, on the other hand, were eating meat and drinking juice as they watched everything unfold.

In a split second, the sky was filled with explosions and flashes of light. Instead of tossing around powerful vlasts, the group elected to engage in hand-to-hand combat. It did not take long for blood and body parts to rain from the sky.

Screams and shouts echoed for miles. The ocean's surface roared and rippled from the shock waves. Waves rose dozens of feet to slam against the golden beach. The atmosphere immediately became chaotic as the Imperium danced around the practitioners in the sky.

Giant craters formed one after the other, and dust scattered everywhere. Xasha and his team were behind a wind forcefield, protecting them from everything outside.

"Why are we just watching? Why don't we help those guys defeat the Elves?" Xero asked.

"Don't worry, our time to fight will come. Don't forget all these people here are our enemies and they are fighting for this place which we intend to make our new outpost. I wouldn't mind if they seriously injured or killed each other here, making our job a lot easier." Lisa spoke in an emotionless tone.

In response, everyone stared at the fight with expectant eyes. True to his word, Livell took on both Mulan and Low. He had the upper hand, not letting any of them interfere with the other battles.

He was moving much faster than the other two. Xasha had long noticed the compressed disk of Imperium under his feet.

"So they copied it, it's crude, but it works," Emily spoke through gritted teeth.

"Your anger is unwarranted. These people will all die today. The technique they stole was the basic version, nothing to write home about. This is also a good thing, we'll face one battle-ridden enemy instead of three." Xasha reassured.

"But our battle-worn enemy is much stronger than we are. How will we fill the strength gap between our groups?" Xero, again.

"We'll see," was Xasha's casual reply.

The golden beach turned red as Lovell, true to Livell's word, ripped through his weaker enemies in succession. The waves got more aggressive as the water burn red from the blood on the beach.

There was also truth in Mulan's words. Despite Lovell being stronger, he was still inexperienced against those fellows who had lived and fought for centuries. He'd injured a few but had not killed a single person. He also had to be engaged and had his defense up.

Unlike the way they fought back in Sutherland, this was no battle of attrition. Every single attack was full-powered and fatal. Nobody dared to hold back anything. If they did, it may cost their lives.

This was Xasha, and the other's first time seeing the way these people fought. They paid close attention as if in-class learning about a brand new world completely foreign to them. Especially Xasha, who was paying attention to all the fights and memorizing every one of their combat techniques.

The most interesting one amongst the group was the man called Low. His fighting technique was quite peculiar. He moved like a snake or maybe water, all his moves were counters or defensive. They were slow as he floated in suspense, waiting for an attack.

He would read his opponent's moves and pinpointed how and where they would attack, then met their attack with equal or overwhelming force. This would either dissuade, push back, or throw his opponent off balance. Leaving him open to a counterattack.

Mulan was on the attack. Each one was as powerful as the last, trying to end the fight as quickly as possible. Whenever Low created an opening, he would take full advantage of it. It was obvious they had fought together many times over the years.

The two fighting together had only afforded them a stalemate against Livell. He had fought together with them as well because he was expecting their moves like he had seen them a thousand times.

He would create fake openings and counters, so when Low created new ones, Mulan would hesitate.

This would buy him a few seconds to prepare for his attack. He was on the defensive the entire time, not even electing to counter. The only time he attacked was when one of them tried to break away to help their friends.

The battle went on like that until something changed. Lovell had finally killed one of Mulan's men. The battlefield paused as the giant man breathe his last breath, and Livell pulled his hand from his chest. In his palm, he held the man's heart, still beating and dripping with blood.

A gut-wrenching scream ricochet across the basin as Mulan saw who it was that died. "Mukan! My son. I will kill all of you. I will make your Elven race go extinct."
