
An Uchiha Prodigy

'After the light flashed we woke up, everything was sort of hazy, but somehow, I remembered everything that happened.'

"Minato, did we complete the mission?" Choza asked.

"Judging by the looks of things, I think we did it, although my memory is hazy, I can't seem to remember a thing."

"Anyway, let's go back home," Ryuu said.

'Minato nodded, he took Shibi and Choza while I took Kakashi and we teleported back to the Hokage's office.'

"Back already?" They nodded.

"Hokage-sama, I can't remember the details of this mission clearly, but I can confirm we accomplished our goal by destroying the ley line."

The Hokage nodded.

"You are all dismissed, except for Ryuu, stay behind. I want to have a word with you." Ryuu nodded.

'Minato and the others left the two of us alone.'

"Good to see you here, Ryuu."

He said with a smile on his face.

Ryuu didn't respond.

"I see…" His smile dispersed, and he took his pipe.

"Anbu!" His Anbu members came into the office and stood beside Ryuu, they bowed down awaiting their orders.

"Summon the young candidate."

They nodded and disappeared.

"What is going on?" Ryuu asked.

"I have someone who I think you'd be interested in teaching."

Ryuu's eyes widened.

"But I'm not looking to become a sensei just yet, I'm not even a chunin yet."

Ryuu replied.

"Just wait and see the boy, he's talented just like you, he's currently sitting at first place in every lesson in the academy, if he learns from you, he could graduate early just like you and for your other problem take this."

He took a box from underneath his table and gave it to Ryuu.

"open it."

Ryuu opened the box, and his eyes widened.

"A chunin jacket." He nodded.

"I promote you to the level of chunin, your performance at the chunin exams had already surpassed everyone I've ever seen.

You were precise and calm the whole time, I was going to promote you and Kakashi Hatake, but that accident involving you happened."

Ryuu nodded.

"Knock Knock knock!"

"Come in!" He said.

"You summoned me, Hokage-sama?"

A familiar voice spoke behind Ryuu.

"Thanks for being here, Shisui."

Ryuu's eyes widened.

"I've been seeing your grades lately, and I came up with an idea which I'm sure you'd like."

"I'm going to be your sensei." Shisui's eyes widened.

"Is this true, Hokage-sama?" He nodded.

A wide smile appeared on Shisui's face.

"Thank you for accepting my request, Ryuu." Ryuu nodded.

"Before we begin our training, I'm starving. Let's go have some Ichiraku ramen."

He smiled and nodded.

Ryuu took Shisui and they teleported to Ichiraku Ramen.

"Order whatever you want, I'll pay."

He smiled and nodded.

"Three extra-large bowls of miso ramen please," Ryuu ordered.

"I'll have one large miso ramen please."

"Three extra-large bowls of miso ramen and one large miso ramen coming right up!" Teuchi said.

While they were waiting, Ryuu wanted to know more about Shisui, so they began talking.

"So, how are you doing in the academy?" Ryuu asked.

"Well, some lessons there are too easy for me.

I get bored too much.

Everything we're learning is easy for me.

Hokage-sama said I can graduate early like you."

Ryuu smiled.

"I see..." Ryuu said.

"Here ya go." Teuchi gave them their ramen.

"Thanks for the food!" They said.

Ryuu finished the first bowl of Ramen quickly and shocked Shisui.

He shyly smiled back at Shisui and gave him a slice of pork.

"You'll need energy for the training I'm about to put you through."

He nodded.

'Shisui and I finished our food quickly and left for training.'

"How can you eat so much so fast?!"

Ryuu chuckled a little.

"Well, to put it simply, I love Ramen, you know." He nodded.

They got to the training area.

"Now that we're here, I want you to show me what you've got, give it your best, I'll hold back because I'm just testing your abilities, I'll only use my hands when necessary."

He nodded, he took a tanto from his harness and activated his Sharingan.

Ryuu put his hands in his pocket.

"One tomoe Sharingan at such a young age? Impressive."

He attacked Ryuu, but Ryuu dodged his attacks.

'His attacks are quick, he's much better than Kakashi when we were that age.' He said to himself.

Shisui backed away and made hand signs.

"Fireball Jutsu!"

Ryuu quickly sliced the fireball in half with his sword.

Shisui disappeared from his sight.

"You're trying to hide from me? Shisui, aren't you supposed to be an Uchiha prodigy? A genius, so why is a genius doing something so foolish?"

Ryuu threw a kunai toward Shisui's head and it passed straight through.

'Oh, a basic clone jutsu?'

Shisui came from right behind him and grabbed his hands.

"What are you doing with that child?"

A familiar voice spoke behind him.


"Your chakra isn't even close to Kakashi's." Ryuu easily broke free and punched him in the gut.

*Poof* Shisui turned into a cloud of white smoke.

Ryuu threw Kunai towards Kakashi.

"You can't fool me with a transformation jutsu." Kakashi turned into a log of wood.

"Not bad Shisui, you are good."

As Kakashi disappeared, Shisui appeared from the smoke.

"It's not over yet," Shisui said as he dispersed into another cloud of smoke.

"He's low on chakra."

Shisui was observing Ryuu from afar, and Ryuu knew what he was doing.

"Whoosh!" multiple Kunai came toward Ryuu.

He blocked them using his own Kunai.

Shisui appeared on the left and launched a kick toward Ryuu's gut.

He blocked it and pushed him back.

He brought out his tanto and laced it with wind chakra.

He threw it towards Ryuu and used the shadow clone jutsu.

Ryuu's eyes widened, then he dodged the swords.

'So fast.' He said.

A sword was about to cut him, but Phoenix Flame burned it just when it was getting close to his skin.

But then more Kunai's came from behind him and Shisui grabbed his tanto.

"You really are as talented as they say."

"Looks like I didn't disappoint you."

Shisui said.

He deactivated his Sharingan.

Ryuu walked towards Shisui.

"Yeah, you didn't."

As Ryuu got closer, Shisui did a hand seal.


A massive explosion happened, leaving an enormous crater on the ground below.

"Whew, I'd hate to be that guy, am I right?" Ryuu did a sweep kick and held a kunai towards Shisui's throat.

"That's enough for now." Ryuu put his Kunai back and held his hand out for Shisui.

Sweat dripped from his head as he accepted his hand.

Ryuu and Shisui put their blades back into their harness.

"Well, first things first, I like your spirit, Shisui. Even when odds are against you, you still always want to fight back, if it were Kakashi, I'm sure he'd be reading his books and lecturing me on how the shinobi rules are to be followed." Shisui smiled.

"Speaking of Kakashi, you must've dug me up, you used my weakness against me."

He nodded.

"Well, I heard my teachers talk about how you two are as close as brothers."

Ryuu nodded.

"That's good, facing your enemy with Intel will help you, especially if you exploit their weaknesses that'll increase your chances of winning.

You could be an excellent spy too, especially the fact that you are an Uchiha."

Shisui nodded.

"Now areas of improvement, you used up too much of your chakra for that Fireball, of course, that made it larger and more deadly than normal ones but unless you're sure you will hit your opponent, you shouldn't waste all that chakra."

Shisui frowned and nodded.

"But you did well, from the looks of it, you could hold your own against a low chunin.

Anyway, from the looks of it, you're a speed-type ninja, in that case, may I suggest a jutsu for you to learn?"

He nodded.

"Use your Sharingan to copy me, this jutsu is in your academy but not yet since you're still a year one student."

Shisui nodded and activated his Sharingan

Ryuu used the body flicker jutsu to get behind him.

"Woah." His eyes widened.

"It's called the body flicker jutsu, it's a D-rank jutsu, but with enough practice and mastery, anyone can make this a deadly jutsu."

He nodded and attempted it.

In the flick of an eye, he appeared behind Ryuu.

"I'll teach you other Fire techniques some other time. After today, come to me after one month of training with that jutsu, but till then you're stuck with me here, alright?"

He nodded.

"Now, attack me with everything you got ok?" He nodded and launched another attack at Ryuu.

Ryuu dodged all his attacks and kicked him in the gut, making Shisui cough out in pain.

"Sheesh, is this you holding back?"

He slowly got up.

"I'm not even using my hands yet. But if it helps."

Ryuu slid his forehead protector in front of his eyes.

"I don't think I can hold back further from here."

Shisui swung his blade at Ryuu.

Ryuu dodged it and hit his hand with his knee, making the blade launch in the air.

He caught it using Phoenix Flame and threw it back to Shisui.

Shisui dodged it, but it ended up stuck on a log.

"Woah." He said as he picked it up from the log.

'He's cooler than they say he is.'

A small smirk appeared on Ryuu's face.

He threw multiple shurikens infused with wind chakra at Ryuu, but Ryuu's flames melted all, leaving Shisui speechless.

'I'm almost out of chakra.'

Shisui said to himself.

Sensing Shisui's depleting chakra, Ryuu took his hands from his pocket and removed his forehead protector from his eyes.

"Come here." Shisui ran to Ryuu.

"Here, let me heal you." Ryuu used his flames and healed Shisui while recovering his chakra.

"Woah, I feel so much better now, thanks sensei."

"Sensei?" Shisui nodded.

"Is it strange to call you that?"

Ryuu nodded.

"Well, it makes me feel older than I am, you know." Ryuu scratched his head shyly.

Shisui smiled.

"Well, what should I call you?"

Ryuu placed his finger on his chin and thought of another name.

"Come to think of it, I guess it doesn't matter what you call me."

Shisui nodded.

After that small break, the two continued training.

"Your skills with the tanto are already great, you've made a style of your own, that's why you were able to nearly hit me, your moves are unorthodox so I'm going to further improve your skills."

Shisui nodded.

Each time Shisui's chakra depleted, Ryuu healed him. They continued for 5 more hours, then it got dark and then they left.

Ryuu teleported him back to the Uchiha grounds and walked back home.

While he was walking back home, he stopped by Orochimaru's lab.

"You've returned," Orochimaru said.

"Yeah, last time I was here I found you doing some experiment, do you mind me asking what it was?" He nodded.

"Come with me."

Ryuu nodded and followed Orochimaru.

'He led me to another room, where we held the Hashirama cells last time.

This time it was different, there were a lot of Sharingan's instead.'

"Orochimaru-sama, where did you get all these?" Ryuu asked as he continued looking at the Sharingan's.

"As you know, someone has recently attacked Danzo, underneath that bandage he wears, there are multiple Sharingan's just like this, he used all of them and now needs more.

I knew where Sarutobi-sensei hid these, and so I borrowed these from him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he looks for them soon, after all, they're his old friends Kagami Uchiha."

Ryuu's eyes widened.

"Orochimaru-sama, could you give me these eyes in exchange if I help you find another Mangekyou or something more valuable than that?"

He licked his lips.

"Of all the things I thought you would say, that wasn't even the last thing I thought you would say, something is different about you, you didn't even react when I told you about Danzo's secret."

Ryuu nodded.

"That's because I've always known, I can sense the different chakra on his hand."

He nodded.

"You said you had something more valuable than these eyes?"

Ryuu nodded.

"The last time I came here, I wanted to show this to you, it's not as valuable as a Mangekyou Sharingan, especially to those who don't know how to use it, but you'll like it, it aligns with what you're looking for."

He nodded.

"Follow me to the table over there."

He nodded and followed Ryuu

'Once we got there, I unsealed the white Zetsu body from earlier.'

Orochimaru licked his lips while inspecting it.

"Fascinating, even I can feel the incredible vitality coming from this body, take the Sharingan."

Ryuu nodded, took the Sharingan pair and sealed them away, then left.

"I'm Home!" He shouted as he entered.

"Oh, there you are, I've been wondering where you've been all this time."

"Well, it's a long story but I'll start by saying, I have a young shinobi training under me now, he's an Uchiha just like me, Sarutobi-sensei recommended him to me after he gave me a promotion to chunin."

His eyes widened.

"You're a chunin?!" Ryuu nodded.

"Well, my lead didn't last for long, I'll have to find something else that I'm better than you at again."

Ryuu smiled.

"Who's your student?" Sakumo asked.

"His name is Shisui Uchiha."

"I know him, he's all anyone from the Uchiha clan talks about these days, they say he's the most talented kid in the clan, even by their standards he stands out." Ryuu nodded.

"I agree, Shisui is great, he reminds me of you Kakashi, he uses a tanto and is really skilled with it, he already knows Fireball jutsu and if it weren't for me being me, I would've had a severe injury."

Kakashi's eyes widened.

"He's that good?" Ryuu nodded.

"Anyway, I already had three extra-large bowls of Ichiraku ramen so I'm full, I'm going to sleep early, see you all tomorrow."

They nodded, then Ryuu left to his room.

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Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

The_Hollowcreators' thoughts