
Chapter 30 - South beach Trip (2)

I made it to my hotel feeling pretty good. I had just spent a fun and sexy afternoon with Kiersey and would spend the evening dancing and partying with good friends.

I was waiting for the elevator when a group of people came up behind me. I thought about waiting for the next elevator until i realized the Olivia Munn was part of the group. Along with her boyfriend Aaron Rodgers and what looked to be a few of the players from his team. I had no idea if the elevator would be able to carry all of us.

Olivia smiled brightly when she saw me but didn't make conversation. I assumed since she was with Rodgers. We stepped into the elevator and i went all the way to the back. Olivia was standing right before me. I could not help but look down at her amazing ass. I must have been dreaming because less than a second later i felt her hand cupping my dick through my shorts.

I was feeling nervous being surrounded by her boyfriend and his football buddies. This may not end well for me if anyone noticed. That thought quickly went out of my head as Olivia's hand rubbed up and down the length of my dick.

We got to their floor and they all stepped out with Olivia in the rear. She turned around and smiled at me before the doors closed. i just shook my head and smiled. My life was fucking crazy sometimes.


I woke up a few hours later took a shower and got dressed to party. I got in my car and drove to pick up Kiersey. The entire drive i could do nothing but look out the window at all of the gorgeous women that flooded the streets of Miami.

Women of all shapes and sizes, the variety in ethnicity made everything that much more interesting. Once more the thought of moving to Miami seemed like a very enticing idea.

I arrived at Kiersey's condo and knocked on the door. She stepped out looking gorgeous in a silver sleeveless dress that went down to her thighs. She looked sexy as hell and i felt my dick grow hard as we kissed. She got in the car and we drove to the club, already dancing in the car.

We were able to find parking and get in with no trouble since we were on the guest list. The club was a surreal experience. It had a large dance floor and the lights were frenetic. The DJ was playing some great music and had everyone dancing. Kiersey and I made our way to the VIP section and found Kanye and Pharrell already there. Along with a large contingent of their friends.

"Hey Duncan! You made it!!" Yelled Kanye enthusiastically. He had clearly been drinking already and you could tell he was a little more than just tipsy. "Man so glad to see you." He introduced me to some of the people i hadn't met yet. "This dude knows sooo many words." I heard him say at some point. Michael B Jordan was there flirting with a black girl with a nice body.

"Sup MJ!. You good?" I screamed so he could hear me over the music. He gave me a high five and a hug before returning his attention to the sexy chick by his side. Kiersey and i made our way through the throng of people.

We finally found somewhere to sit and enjoyed a few drinks laughing at some of the more ridiculous outfits in the room. Kiersey asked me to dance so we wiggled our way until we found somewhere to be able to move. We were very close together, she had her arms around my neck and mine were around her waist.

She could really move and i had to do my best to keep up with her. She turned around and started grinding her sexy ass against my crotch. I pulled her in close against me. With the mixture of her hot body against mine and the wicked scent wafting off of her skin i had no other choice but to get turned on. My hands were now on her smooth thighs as she continued to drive me wild with her hip movements.

Across the floor i could see Kanye and his band of merry men causing quite the ruckus. It took my attention away from the gorgeous actress who was having her way with my hormones at the moment. I knew Kanye fairly well and was beginning to worry that things would get out of hand.

As i was trying to keep an eye on Kanye, Kiersey had faced me once more and was sucking on my earlobe. I looked down at her and she looked at me with those brown eyes of hers telling me to focus on her. I smiled at her and nodded letting her know i got the message.

She returned to sucking on my earlobe as i felt her hand rub up against my hard cock in the middle of the dance floor. This was definitely making me hot. I groped her lovely ass cheeks in my hands and kissed her hard pushing my tongue into her mouth.

She moaned into my mouth as she rubbed her pussy against my thigh. I had had some doubts up until that point, but was then sure that pretty little Kiersey came out tonight with no underwear on.

"You're a naughty one aren't you?" i whispered in her ear. She simply smiled back knowingly all the while continuing to rub up against my leg. She bit her lip as i kissed her neck.

The fact that we were surrounded by unsuspecting strangers made the whole ordeal that much hotter. I grabbed Kiersey and pulled her towards one of the darker corners of the VIP section.

She had her back against the wall and i kissed her again. She moaned softly as my hand made it's way up her dress and found her shaved snatch. I ran my fingers up and down her lips finding out she was dripping wet.

"Is this because of me?" I whispered into her ear as my fingers found her hard and throbbing clit.

"Damn straight it is!" She answered as my pussy juice coated fingers entered her ready and willing pussy. I added a second finger and started fucking her with them. Kiersey was lost to the feeling of my fingers deep within her. "Look behind you."

She was able to say through her moans. I looked over my left shoulder and to my surprise Rihanna was watching us. She had been the only one to notice what had been taking place between me and Kiersey and she could not draw her eyes away from my hand. I could tell she was picturing what i was doing.

I just smiled at her and winked before thrusting faster into my friend. I lowered my other hand and used it to rub her sexy clit. Just like that Kiersey came hard against me, holding on tightly against my arm. Thank god that the music was so loud or else anyone could have heard her, Kiersey was breathing heavily trying to regain her composure. She excused herself to the restroom to freshen up. I did the same to wash my hands.

When i came out of the restroom I found Kanye drunk as hell and staring lecherously into the cleavage of a buxom blonde. I went over to him and dragged him away. There were way too many people and you never knew when someone would take a picture that could embarrass him.

I brought him back to the VIP section and looked around for the remainder of his group. Only to find them all in some compromising situation with various women. I called Pharrell over and he told me he had a car in the back. Kanye was just spouting nonsense at this point.

I thought it would be better to get him back to his hotel right away before things got bad. I took him outside where the driver was waiting. He helped me get Kanye in the backseat and assured me he would make it to bed in one piece.

I went back inside looking for Kiersey. I found her in the VIP section dancing and messing around with a few girls that i had seen earlier with Pharrell. I smiled over to her and she returned it. I let her do her thing and went to sit with Pharrell.

"Is Kanye gone?" He asked me.

"Yeah i just put him in his limo. It'll come back to get the rest of his dudes in a bit."

"Love that dude, but sometimes he just gets too hyped."

"You sure everything alright with him? I mean i've seen him drink and have fun but tonight just seemed different."

"I don't know man. But you right. He really was not his better self tonight. Anyways i'm gonna dip need to put in some work at the studio tomorrow. You doing anything in the afternoon?"

"Nothing planned. Was just gonna chill." I told him.

"Why don't you come by the studio i want to pick your brain on some shit." He said as he got up and shook my hand.

"Yeah sure no problem."

"Cool see you tomorrow." He left with a pretty girl on his arm and a few other people. Kiersey made her way back to me.

"You having fun superstar?" She asked me obviously tipsy.

"Yeah this place is great."

"I can't believe Rihanna saw you fingering me! That was so fucking hot."

"I think she enjoyed the show. You got the cutest face when you cum!"

"Haha, you would know." She said kissing me. "You always make me cum!" Grabbing my dick through my pants. "Let's get out of here!" She whispered in my ear. I nodded and we got up ready to leave.

Kiersey grabbed my arm and i lead us through the crowd. I caught Rihanna giving us a knowing smile from the dance floor. We got in the car and i drove towards Kiersey's condo. She had definitely drank more than i had originally thought. She was moving and dancing all over her seat.

"WHOOOO. What an awesome night!" She let out at some point. I just laughed and shook my head trying to stay focused on the road ahead. When we got to her place she got out of the car and ran towards the beach. She had kicked off her shoes in the car and was running as free as could be.

I followed her obviously worried about her safety. She stopped at the edge of the water. She turned to look at me with a very naughty smile. She pulled her dress over her head and her stunning body was on full display. She looked even better in the moonlight.

"Get your clothes off and join me!" She laughed before jumping into the water. I not being an idiot did just that. I joined her as quickly as possible. We were now both naked making out in the water. We groped and touched each other all over. Kiersey jumped onto my body and we both crashed falling hard on the sand.

She stayed on top of me and buried her wet pussy on my dick. She was fucking me hard and i knew i would not last. All of the stimulation from earlier at the club had me already on edge. I grabbed her ass and drove her body harder and faster against me. She brought her face down next to mine and kissed me hard and passionately continuing to drive her pusy on my pulsating cock.

I pulled her off me and turned her towards the water on all fours. I kneeled behind her and started fucking her. I loved her soft ass bouncing off my dick whenever i pushed in. It was made all the more beautiful seeing the beautiful view in front of us. Kiersey rubbed her clit and i knew that she was close to cumming.

I was grateful because i wasn't too far off at that point. I gripped my hands on her hips and started just driving her harder and faster onto my cock. "OH FUCK DUNCAN SHIIIITT" Kiersey screamed out before she came in torrents all over my dick. I was quickly behind and felt my cock empty all it contained into her wonderful pussy.

We took a second to catch our breaths before heading back inside her place. We quickly showered, washing away all of the sand before i put Kiersey down for bed and heading back to my hotel. I got to my room and fell asleep right away. Today had been a long one after all.
