
The war starts 

Soon the fleet arrived at the towns near the border of the Riga continent, everyone was prepared for the fight to start, but nothing happened, the scouts sent to investigate informed that there were no trace villagers, but all their belongings were all still there.

Mylene sighed.

"Don't waste time, there won't be any people in the whole continent besides the royal capital, where do you think the corrupted beasts come from… that guy probably gathered all the people from Riga and turned them into fearless soldiers for the upcoming war".

"That explains why there were so many corrupted attacking Hawthorn city before, still that makes things easier cause now I don't have to worry about collateral damage", thought Aster.

The fleet kept advancing and the same situation repeated in all the towns and cities along the way, Lilia saw that the girls taking it the whole situation with calm attitudes and she nodded.
