
In A Deadly Forest With A Mansion

"Go- erh, Shitsuke! We finish house!"

One of the goblins called out. The hob-goblin general came running towards the goblins, then looked at what they had made. A bunch of sticks and leaves, bound by thick vines to create a tent of sorts.

"What is this? It doesn't even pass to be called a hut. You want our leader sleeping in that?"

Gorm showed his open displeasure at the sight.

"I-it that, we don’ know build houses. This too hard!"

"Oh come on you lot. I gave you instructions."

"We don’ read."

"Ah, but..."

While the goblinoids were arguing, a sprout of darkness emerged from where the tent was. At first, none noticed this, but then the sprout became a tentacle that erupted like a volcanic explosion, which blasted everything away from it.

The goblins barley landed safely and were surprised by the massive building that appeared before them.

"We tell boss that magic destroy beautiful house we build?"
