
The Burden of Secret

A silence fell again. Li Caiyi felt bad for using a dirty trick like this, but she suppressed the urge to take back her words and persisted. In the end, she could hear a defeated sigh from the other side.

"Fine. I only have to go there, right?"

"Really? Do you mean it?"

"Yeah. Let's try this, just like you said. I don't trust myself, but I trust you, Caiyi."

Li Caiyi sighed in relief. "Shenqiang, I'm so glad to hear that. Do you want me to tell Shao Jingfei about this?"

Dai Shenqiang chuckled. "You don't have to be extra considerate of me like that. I will tell him myself."

"I see. Then I will tell Jingfei if I can tag along too." Li Caiyi smiled. "Shenqiang, everything will be fine. Don't suffer alone in a place where people can't see you. Your family, and also me, will feel heartache."

"Yeah, I feel much better now that I have talked to you. I don't want to look uncool, but in the end, I depend on you again."
