
Necessary Hatred?

Austria, July 3rd 1803

7:46 AM

After Elias asked Lukas his question, he just waited for the blonde boy to answer.

Lukas, however, didn't quite know what to say. Should he say what he truly thought? Or just say something reassuring to Elias so he wouldn't worry about it?

After a while, however, Lukas took a deep breath. "I don't know what you mean with "normal," but... I think that does happen to a lot of people," he said. "After all, why do you hate someone if that hatred won't bring anything to you?" the blonde boy asked.

Lukas decided to lie in this case, he absolutely didn't think this way.

For Lukas, you should hate everybody who deserves it, who did something bad to you or someone you loved. And also, if that person didn't apologize, then you should definitely hate them.

Lukas didn't think that you should hate everyone who does something bad to you, though. Like that, you would hate almost every person you know.
