Compared to Lucifer and Lilith, Elliot and the rest were extremely small.
If Planet Earth was a golf ball, the sun would be a school bus filled to the brim with golf balls.
And on that scale of comparison, if Earth was a golf ball, Lucifer would be Mount Everest.
It was a scale that blows the mind, considering that Magius took the form of a mere man.
On that scale of comparison, Magius was like the size of tiny mites on the golf ball compared to the entire Mount Everest!
He was so small that it was already a miracle of relatively epic proportions that he and his Staff of the Almighty could even deal so much damage to him.
The fact that merely five such Staffs could stop a desperately retreating Lucifer in his tracks spoke incredible volumes about the Staff's unreal power.
However, the universe was a massive place, and the multiverse was infinitely larger than the already near infinitely large universe.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: