
Primal Dul'Akharat

It was a barbarian.

He stood tall at a respectable three meters, and his perfectly chiseled upper body, which was left bare, was covered with numerous scars.

His hair was cropped short and spiked upwards neatly, and his deep set eyes felt like it could penetrate through all veils to see the truth within.

A greatsword with a deeply terrifying aura which was as big and as tall as him hung vertically behind his back and completed his godlike look.

He was the epitome of male sexuality, and all the female Primals found themselves swallowing their saliva as they fought to regain control of their emotions.

"So it's Primal Dul'Akharat! It has been awhile. You look as hot and as sexy as ever! Wahahaha! How many of these female Primals just swallowed their salivas when they saw you? I heard three! Primal Li Xia, Primal Theodora and Primal Veranas! Hahaha!" Old Wabetto laughed out loudly as he greeted the godly Barbarian.


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