It's not time to cash out. In fact, it's time to sell all your assets and dump them into Elliot. But of course very few had the foresight and the mental fortitude (read: greed) to do that.
Because apparently, he had some sort of mysterious power that made him able to kill Emperors very easily!
His "stock price" shot up once more to 10 dollars.
1000% increase! Incredible! Ridiculous, even!
Many of those who wanted to jump on the Elliot Musk bandwagon hesitated. It seemed improbable that he could still rise higher.
It's a thousand percent! He should be done right? I mean, everything that goes up must come down… Right?
Very soon after that, for reasons completely unknown, he was soon able to cause a Hegemon to run away from him in fear!
What? No way! Does it mean that he has the power to contend with Hegemons now, and even threaten their lives? That's crazy! Crazy!!
His stock price shot up beyond reason.
Fifteen dollars. Twenty dollars. Fifty dollars!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: