
Acting Award

"What do you think?" Wu Kong asked Jul'Taras seriously.

"He's exhibiting abnormally high levels of combat strength. The benefits brought about by the Sentient Weapon should not be this powerful. There is something that's boosting his power on a very fundamental level." Jul'Taras analyzed Elliot's situation calmly.

"And so far, the only strange things that were quite inexplicable were his search for moles and the round seeds that he consumed before being attacked by Autumn Rosenbloom. If I have to wager a guess, the two events were connected. The moles brought the seeds to him, and those seeds gave him that ridiculous power boost.

However, without being there, I have no way of confirming it."

Jul'Taras glanced at Wu Kong and Jessica Sands after she ended her statement.

Her subtle invitation was as clear as day. A Saharan Desert day.

"Should we go and visit Earth?" Were her hidden words.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
