

One Jessica Sands was already bad enough. But with a Jul'Taras with her? Only a fool seeking to commit suicide in a public and sensational way would dare to attack them.

Monkey King's sharp senses had caught the warrior's movements, his rise and subsequent fall, and was pretty amused by it all.

"That "boss" guy looks pretty powerful. But he seems really unwilling to do anything to Jessica Sands. One might think that he isn't as powerful as he looks. In fact, one might even think that he is… afraid." Monkey King remarked to Jul'Taras.

"Hegara Kinstan? Don't be fooled. He is beyond powerful. He alone is enough to kill every single person in this room, and have enough strength to run a Universe Grade Marathon after that." Jul'Taras told Monkey King without needing to look at who Monkey King was talking about.

Her own sharp ears had caught the exchange between Hegara, Revanos and Revania very clearly.

"Hooo. Even with you in the room?" Monkey King asked Jul'Taras seriously.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
