
Chapter 10

(A/N: Hello guys, I just wanna ask if you guys can suggest to me Trevor, Tan and Dexter's appearance and also The guard which I plan to introduce next chapter.)

[1100 Words]


Feeling lucky, I continue analyzing every single Pokemon that are in the lake but found nothing valuable so I decided to go back home.

"Come back Turtwig" I stated as Turtwig entered into the Pokeball.

I continue exploring around the forest for a while before calling it a day and head on my way back home.

On my way, I encounter a Light green Caterpie and a green Weedle which I caught and stored in the Inventory.

Soon after, I finally arrive back at the library as I saw Trevor and the others were resting on the couch.

I walk toward them as I sit on the chair in front of them.

"How's the hunt?" I ask curiously with a hint of playful voice as I caught their attention.

All of them abruptly kneed down in front of me, not minding their exhaustion.

"It was a huge success master!" Trevor answered with his eyes on the ground while maintaining his posture.

"Hmm....show me" I state with a gentle tone as they release their pokemon one by one.

Their Pokemon stood in front of them while facing me with a confused face with a mix of anger.

I already expected such a result as they didn't possess a cheat skill like Mark of Trust.

I swept my eyes onto their pokemon as I scanned them starting from the left.

The person on the left was a fat fifteen years old man with a normal appeal while standing in front of him was a Pokemon with pink in color that look like a rat but with a little horn and big ears.

This Pokemon was a Nidoran♂️ which surprise me for a bit which instantly disappear as I saw its aptitude.

The Nidoran♂️ only possess a white aptitude which was a huge disappointment for me as I throw through the window the idea of robbing it.

"What's your name?" I ask toward the fat youngster as he swiftly answers.

"It's Tan master!" The fat youngster answer with great enthusiasm as he looks into my eyes as if saying 'praise me'.

"You're a disappointment." I said with a neutral voice which directly broke his fantasy of having my praise.

"Here, take this" I added as I throw a Pokeball from my Inventory toward the fat youngster.

This was a Pokeball which contains the Weedle I caught back in the forest and because the minimum requirements for my pokemon's aptitude were red above, I choose to give up training these two pokemon.

"Thank you master!" Tan answer happily as he caught the Pokeball and directly kowtow in front of me.

I nodded at his allegiance as I move my gaze toward the person on his right.

The second boy possesses a small stature, standing only 4'5 feet tall, but he possesses a cunning intellect that's not comparable to the people his age should have.

Standing in front of him was a cat that was standing at two feet with a gold-looking bar in the middle of its forehead as it also was wearing a cunning smile just like his trainer.

"What's your name?" I ask with interest toward the dwarf youngster as he releases a smile sly smile then stood up as he introduces himself.

"I am Dexter, my lord" He replied with a cunning tone but there is pure devotion and loyalty that could be seen in his eyes.

I just nodded weakly as I scanned the standing cat in front of him.

I easily recognize the pokemon's species even though it's not comparable in Nidoking compared to strength, even a not Pokemon fan would recognize this Pokemon is the second most popular Pokemon in the series just below Pikachu.

I scanned the Meowth with little to no expectation as even though it's one of the popular pokemon back on earth, in terms of strength, it's lacking.

But as I saw this Meowth's Aptitude, my face showed a little shocked expression seeing that this meowth possess a Deep Green Aptitude surpassing even Trevor's Mankey Aptitude.

"Not bad," I said with a satisfied look which makes the dwarf youngster release a shrewd smile as he knees back down.

"Thank you for your praise master" He replied with a mixture of determination and devotion tone.

I swept my eyes to the third person after giving him a contented nod.

The person next to him however possesses good looks that exclude a soothing aura around him.

This person caught my eyes more than the rest as he looks too kind to be part of a criminal syndicate which could be an advantage when you use it right.

I move my gaze to the pokemon in front of him and felt a little disappointed.

It has yellow skin all around his body with a duck beak and eyes that make you think it's dumb.

This Pokemon was Psyduck, even though it has paid in its name, Psyduck was a pure water type pokemon that could utilize Psychic just like other Psychic pokemon but the Pokemon the reason this pokemon was so popular because it was known for one of its traits, Dumb.

But my disappointment quickly turned into surprise as using my experience as a person who lurks and rules the underworld in my past life, I discover that this Psyduck possess an intelligence that surpassed the intelligence of a normal human.

And the shock didn't stop there because as soon as scan Psyduck's stats, I was dumbstruck to find out that this Psyduck possess a Deep Red aptitude directly surpassing Turtwig's aptitude!

It took me a while to convince myself not to steal the Psyduck as I'm more in need of a reliable subordinate than pokemon.

"What's your name?" I asked in embarrassment noticing that I was staring for too long which makes Psyduck's trainer embarrassed.

"My name is Nathaniel, Sir" He answered while maintaining his relaxed aura with a hint of embarrassment.

"Good good, I have some expectations for you, don't disappoint me." I praise him with a satisfied and delightful tone but he still manages to maintain his calm posture but in the corner of his eyes sparkle as he seems pleased.


A/N: If you guys have any suggestions and ideas to further improve the story and plot, please feel free to share.

If you liked the fanfic please drop some power stones and reviews to help me get more motivation.
