
Chapter 162

Maxi stopped on the steps and carefully studied their faces. While Riftan looked thoroughly irritated, the princess had a pleased smile on her lips like a cat that had just feasted on cream. It was impossible to hear what they were saying, but whatever it was, Riftan did not have the upper hand.

"This way, my lady," Elliot said.

Maxi tentatively made her way to the seats of honor. All eyes in the room turned to her.

Fighting the urge to retreat, Maxi stood tall, her head tilted at a proud angle. She waited for Elliot to pull the chair beside Riftan for her and gracefully lowered herself into it.

Turning to her husband, she said with deliberate concern, "I was waiting for you in our room. I worry you haven't had time to rest after our tiring journey."

As if sensing the subtle criticism, a derisive smile curled the princess's lips as she lazily swirled the golden goblet in her hand. "Fret not. Sir Riftan and I enjoyed a pleasant time together, did we not?"
