
Chapter 113

The majority of the remaining soldiers were elite knights representing the various kingdoms. Each order marched with their respective banners held high, all led, of course, by the Temple Knights. Behind them were the Wedonian and Livadonian royal knights, followed by the knights of Arex and Balto.

Though the army was nearly a quarter of its original size, they still made an awe-inspiring sight. Colorful banners danced in the wind, armed soldiers marched onward by the thousands, and hundreds of wagons laden with spoils of war rolled along the path.

A throng of eager spectators, hundreds strong, gathered to witness the triumphant army's journey southeastward. Among them were merchants, courtesans, beggars, and petty thieves, all drawn to the camp under the cover of night. To Maxi, the scene resembled one long boisterous parade.
