
Chapter 110

"That child appears to take pleasure in sticking her nose in everything," said Calto. "A true mage of Sigrew in every way."

"I see you've… grown quite close," Maxi muttered, slightly bewildered.

It was strange to see a newly conferred mage and an elder of Urd interacting without the usual formalities. Calto shrugged, unbothered by Maxi's shock.

"While you and the others were fighting in the campaign, the rest of us spent our days deciphering these records. Once you are forced to work in close quarters from dusk till dawn, it is only natural that you become familiar. Though," the elder added with a low grumble, "in the case of your friend, excessively so."

Maxi pulled a chair closer to the warmth, sat down, and regarded Calto inquiringly. The elder tossed a piece of kindling into the fireplace and wordlessly stared into the flames.
