
Chapter 74

Maxi's acidic tone did not stop Sidina's cackling. She glared at her friend, then stomped on her boot under the desk.

"Ow! There's no need to get physical!"

"You never listen to me otherwise," Maxi shot back sullenly.

Feeling peeved, she plucked her quill from its ink pot to continue working. Ten minutes later, however, she had not written a thing. She blew away the strand of hair that had slipped onto her forehead, recalling this morning's mortification and sense of rejection.

The glass or two of wine she had downed to calm her nerves while waiting for Riftan had gone straight to her head. When she had come to her senses again, she was sprawled naked on the bed, bathed in the morning sun. Riftan had been getting ready to leave after having prepared a washbasin for her by the fireplace.
