
How complex is the dreamscape

( this is where some more of my own ideas will come into play relating to the world of bloodborne might also help with some future events including semi world travelling :) )

Damien found himself in the dream once more yet it was slightly different there were many different structures with foggy entrances that his mother couldn't enter same with the old man though he seemed to understand what these strange structures meant all he said was " more dreams " his mother then could understand what the old man was referring too " I'm sorry my child but it seems that those are things that you alone must figure out we only have vague understanding of those structures " with that Damien began to do as much research on the structures as humanly possible

He figured out little with his research which had at some point extended to the waking world then one night he decided to enter one that called to him more than the other's especially when he trained with the Rakuyo when he entered he found himself in a completely alien place to him it seemed very gothic to didn't help that he could find the remains of the amygdala spread out across the landscape his animalistic senses felt vastly increased his will no NEED to hunt though with shear will power Damien was able to over come this affect

It was then he found his adversary's in the form of fellow hunters that gave into the feeling and madness that a hunt entails all of them where quite strong for Damien they all seemed equal in skill when it came to a equal overall fight though with the addition of the arcane and control over the beasts he was able to overcome the mad hunters

Then he found a church one he hoped would be a place of rest and recuperation oh how wrong Damien was what he found left a mark on his mind the scene of it all the blood red corpses that still lived the other corpses and bones piles of flesh it was all scarring then came the best within this one was pale with a somewhat horse like body and head it did have more human like appendages on it it seemed to even have a sword on its back

When the beast noticed Damien he screamed and charged at him Damien was able to jump away only to be hit by one of its flailing humanoid arms he fell straight onto the flesh piles Damien quickly pulled out his pistol and shot the beast in its legs making it stagger and fall over giving Damien enough time to get up and jump at it cutting and slashing continuously until he was nearly hit dodging a slash from the creature getting back up it screeched again jumping into the air forcing Damien to continually dodge only getting a few slashes and gunshots into the beast

This continued between both Damien and the beast a endless dance of death both getting injured from each other's attacks with the beast being vastly more injured than Damien until Damien finally got the beast down once again feeling that this was the end Damien aimed to chop its head clean off but just before Damien seen the beasts eyes gain a clarity which caused it to throw Damien away from it and reach for the sword grabbing it then glowed an ominous blue" ah there you are…..my guiding moonlight "

Both the beast and Damien prepared themselves knowing this fight was reaching its final act the beast swung and arcane slashes flew out towards Damien who was beginning to falter and tire but let none of the flying slashes hit him instead both him and the beast clashed blades which had caused his Rakuyo to crack noticeably the battle continued as Damien became even more cautious when it came to his attacks and blocks not wanting to lose his only weapon that could do serious damage

But then it came an attack that Damien could not dodge one that he could only block he held up his transformed Rakuyo and felt as the blade shattered and felt his own bones crack and skin being cut open under the arcane blade of the beast he then felt his spine being rattled from his crash into the wall he stared at his broken Rakuyo and gripped its remains tightly he then untransformed the broken blade and pulled out his pistol

He quickly shot a bullet towards the creatures eyes which it had easily blocked and Damien fired another bullet at the blade keeping it in front of the creatures view slowly walking towards the beast until finally he was close enough to jump and cut the creatures arm off quite haphazardly

It screamed in agony dropping its sword as it held the quite gruesome stump Damien then picked up the oversized blade causing the arcane's light turquoise glow into a crimson red and with rage and hate clear in his glowing red eyes he leaped forwards roaring and then


Cut the beast head clean off a mad look in his eye ( think a certain black swordsman and not the basic baby one no the REAL black swordsman ;) )as he turned to face the corpse to ensure the creatures death Damien then began to cough up blood but put the sword into the ground to keep himself up he watched as the corpse turned to dust only the head stayed muttering incoherently he quickly pulled out his pistol and fully ended the twisted creatures miserable existence somehow some of the blood red corpse beast where still alive and seemingly in a twisted way cheered for Damiens hard earned victory

Decided to use the old hunters to start and bring in some more bloodborney things

Anyways Hoped you enjoyed cya all next chap:)

TheDragonKing32creators' thoughts