

Angel coughed and slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a dark place and before he could say wtf he was sucked in by a blinding light.

Angel then woke up in a strange environment, he felt as if he was being lifted up and then he heard " daebi-mama it is a boy" a boy wtf did they mean and why did he feel so strange plus everything felt so familiar.

he opened his mouth to speak but as he opened his mouth what came out was the cry of a baby, oh no he thought am I dreaming,in a coma or am I dead and in hell.

just before he could continue thinking he heard a soft voice say "please bring him here, let me feel him" just as he heard those words angel felt as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightening he didnt need a soothsayer to tell him that he had been reborn "is this the great rebirth" he wondered. as if on cue he heard someone burst through the door and then he felt himself being lifted in the air " haha for this child of mine I shall call him " byeol dae-hyun"

byeol as in star he shall shine above others and dae-hyun as in great and honor. angel found himself reciting after the strange man but then it hit him "how do I know this line, it sounds so familiar" "omg Is this the princes but this is impossible right" "if this is possible why am i reborn as the second prince" before he could even continue thinking he felt himself faint.

he woke up in a traditional cot, he noticed his mother cooing around him. "if I am right about being reborn as the second prince then this is the scene where the queen walks in" as if on cue the queen bursts through the door.


Byeol noticed how his mother bent down to greet the queen just like in the book and how the queen walks up to his cot just to glance at him and then stalk off not after muttering under her breath "so it is true a son".

"so let me get this right byeol thought I died while saving a kid and then got reborn as the second freaking prince, why the second prince? why not the first or even the third aish this is too troublesome he thought.

you there yes you!!

add this to your library if you don't I'll be sad (╯︵╰,)

writerstar0creators' thoughts