
Chapter 20: Thus, the Ice Melts Away [3]


Shidou managed to voice out with a groan. His body was nothing but in a dangerous state. Cuts so deep caused by the shards of ice in the barrier, excessive bleeding from wounds ranging to mild and fatal, and so much more.

"Yo. It's been a while, Shidou Itsuka." Rei greeted with a somewhat weary expression as he looked at the boy in his hands. "Are you seriously trying to die there?"

Rei just got out from the Mirror dimension and what greeted him was the sight of Shidou rushing in the barrier of raging icy storm. He immediately took action. The device in his ear began to work, though the voice being transmitted was somewhat blurry, he recognized who was speaking through it.

It was Kotori's voice.

'Save her brother, she says,' Rei thought back then and quickly moved.

Shidou Itsuka should by no means die here. That was something he would never permit given his circumstances. The being called Shidou Itsuka still has some big roles to play.

Shidou then snapped Rei out of his thoughts as he muttered an answer to his question before.


"No?" Rei repeated.

"I don't have the intention of dying at all." Shidou answered. At the next second, blue flames started sprouting from the wounded areas of his body.

It was patching him up in recovery.

Even Shidou paused at the sight of the flames coming out from his body that was now healing him in the process.

"So that's how it works." Tenka chirped in as she approached Rei, clearly interested in what she is seeing.

"You will do everything you could to save another Spirit? Are you serious?" Taking a short glance at Tenka, Rei then repeated a somewhat similar question he asked Shidou before.

"I am dead serious. I will do no matter what it takes." Shidou answered resolutely as he looked at Rei in the eyes.

"'No matter what it takes' you say? Even if you'll die in the process?"

"I will." Shidou stubbornly answered. "And I already did so, almost dying trying to save Yoshino right now..." He added with a small smile. "...and I know I won't die."

"Hm. What did I expect anyways, of course you will." Rei smiled shortly before it disappeared as it was replaced with his normal expression. "Kotori would be sad if you get hurt any further. That's why I'll help you this time, Shidou Itsuka."

Rei then lifted his arm that was holding his Angel—<Raguel>. He then dropped Shidou to the ground seeing that Shidou was nearly healed already. Raising his sword, he did the exact same

It was then, a small gap occured in the barrier.

Space has been split. What was revealed inside that fierce barrier was that of a lone girl in the center on her knees visibly startled and frightened as for what is happening.

And now, a pathway was made for Shidou to travel and reach his goal.

Rei's domain was that of space, and severing space was a feat that Rei could achieve with his current capabilities.

"Go." Rei simply said as he released Shidou on his hold.


After saying his thanks, Shidou immediately got up on his feet and ran. He strode forward and never stopped until he reached where he was supposed to be as he didn't look back. It's time to go forward.

It was then a voice so loud echoed in his ears that he could swear anybody would be temporarily deaf if they heard it.

"Ainsworth! Rei! Are you hearing me?! Answer this if you do!"

"...that much loudness of your voice is unnecessary you know?" The man in question complained jokingly as he rubbed his ear. It seems that having higher sense sensitivity could bring some demerits as well.

Kotori realizing her mistake quickly apologized in the next second. "I-I am sorry! But Rei, is Shidou still there?! Did he go in? P-please help him if he—!"

Before she could finish her words however, he was cut off by Rei.

"I stopped him, Kotori. Don't worry. He still in good shape." Rei answered and that calmed Kotori, even slightly. "I sent him back there however...oh, and before you start screaming again, I did intervene and helped him out...on what he was supposed to do. That's why once again, you shouldn't worry, your brother is safe."


"Don't fret. I think he will achieve his objective there. He's too stubborn to give up. You know your brother could be."

"I see..." Kotori then heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you... thank you for helping him out."

Rei then laughed. "I'm just doing what anybody would do."

"You're not just anybody, Rei." Kotori noted, her voice somewhat low but Rei heard it nonetheless as she continued. "And 'anybody' couldn't do what you just did."

It was a compliment that was rare for Kotori to openly say specially to him.

"It seems that's the case." Rei replied. "Well, see you later, Kotori."


Rei then heard the device cut the communication between them. Rei then nodded to himself. Now, there's still other matters to take care off, such as...

"8 minutes and 23 seconds." Tenka uttered loud enough as she grabbed his attention. "That's how long you've left us, bastard. Any excuses?"

"None." He answered raising his arms in surrender.

"Did you purposely disappear and left us there? Me and Tohka? How long do you think you can keep playing around and do this to us...no, to Tohka?"

"I swear I didn't intentionally do that Tenka, and that's not an excuse even if it's sounds to be. There's no way we could've... I could've known what would happen next. However..." Rei then let out a genuine apologetic expression as he slightly bowed his head. "It was my fault for not getting back immediately. Sorry."

He expected a punch or slap considering who Tenka is, however, something unexpected happened.


He suddenly felt a warm sensation touch his cheek.

"You are...hurt." Tenka muttered, her eyes kind of blank and her voice cold while her hand was still caressing his cheek. "Who did this to you?"

"I don't have any wounds though..." Rei managed to say not completely understanding what Tenka was doing.

Tenka then held his chin gently moving it to the left and right as if she was searching for something.

"Don't lie to me, bastard. The wounds may heal on the outside, but that weary expression of yours made you look like you have gone in battle. It would be inevitable for you to sustain not a single injury." Tenka noted coldly as she stared right at his eyes. "So? Who did this?"

Well, Rei did sustain a wound or two but it wasn't anything notable damage or whatsoever. Besides, it healed immediately for all he knows.

"I did get a wound on the cheek perhaps." Rei admitted. "But don't worry, it wasn't anything dangerous."

"That doesn't answer my question..." she growled.

"An enemy. Should that suffice for now?" Rei replied. "I'll fill you out the details when Tohka is here."

"Alright. But bastard, remember this." Tenka then pulled him closer as she held his collar down in order for their eyes to be on the same level. "Hmph. I should be the only one to...hurt you. Nobody else. Remember that..."

"...got it?"

Rei was confused. Should he be relieved or be frightened by that statement?

Suddenly, Tenka hugged him and buried her face on his chest. "Ah... I need to recharge... let me be for a while..." she muttered after staying there for exactly 20 seconds. Rei just let her be and hugged her in the process.

Recharge she says. Rei then immediately thought of the special constitution Tenka was in. The continuous interval of giving her...well, kisses to stabilize her Reiryoku flow was something that Rei only knew little about.

When he asked Tenka if she wants a kiss right now, she surprisingly rejected it unbefitting of the 'recharge' that she was talking about. Tenka however said that it should be done later which Rei had no problems about.

She then turned away from him and looked at a distance. It was the place where Tohka was fighting at. Oh? It seems that she was finally done... incapacitating those humans huh. Impressive.

"Sis~! Ah! Rei! I am finally back!" A voice coming from midair

Rei then caught Tohka with a hug as she jumped to him. The impact of her landing would normally make any normal guy fall, but that's obviously not the case for Rei.

"Welcome back, Tohka." Rei greeted with her in his arms. "I'm sorry for being late and leaving you guys behind..."

"UmU... Be sure to fill us up the necessary details later, okay?" Tohka snuggled even further. Rei just agreed and nodded feeling her warmth and cheerfulness in her body.

The date in the park was finally over, sadly. However, Rei still hasn't given them his...well, gifts that he bought. A dinner this night would make a good way to finish the day and present both of the two his gifts.

Suddenly, the sky cleared and the barrier disappeared as a gush of cold...yet gentle winds gushed through the area. This effect then soon spread as the skies slowly began to clear out revealing the warmth of the sun and its light right after.

"It seems they are done."

"Mm... Hey, I think we should let that other Spirit's interference slide for today. Don't you think so, Sis?"

"Why change your mind about it?" Tenka asked curious as for what will Tohka say next.

"Ah... well. I think that could be done if she commits a second offence? Right?" Tohka explained which earned a deadpan look from Tenka. "U-Uhm, I mean spending the time we missed with Rei would be more important than that, right?"

"...very well." Tenka sighed. "I suppose that is more important after all."

"Umu umu, it is~" Tohka nodded proudly. She won this talk...! Not that it was anything notable in the first place and both of them knew that.

It was then their bodies were covered with a mysterious floating feeling.

"...I'll never get used to this..." Rei grumbled lowly.

"...how funny. You who uses a similar ability is uncomfortable about it. Are you joking with me?" Tenka inquired giving off a laugh at Rei's grumbling.

"Haha..." Rei weakly laughed. "It's just a matter of standards... I prefer natural than artificial..."

"Hmph. Is that so?" was her reply.

There was a memory about this feeling. It was <Fraxinus>'s transport device. Kotori must have, retrieved them after confirming the sealing was completed.

"Ah! We're back!" Tohka cheered.

After a moment, the trio's view was no longer of the city covered in ice, but instead it was the ship's interior of <Fraxinus> that the trio was familiar of.

And then, Rei turned to the other people that appeared at that area.

Over there was Shidou standing with his Raizen high school uniform which was severely damaged from many places. Right beside him was the Ice Spirit, Yoshino, who was currently...in her birthday suit. Noticing this, Shidou immediately took off his coat, as damaged as it may be, and covered Yoshino with it as he let out a apologetic smile.

It would seem that, together with the trio, Shidou and Yoshino were transported here after they managed to complete their objective.

Coming from the corridor, loud footsteps were echoing. Then the door of the transporter room opened, and Kotori entered with her breathing roughly.


After Shidou mouthed his surprise at the sudden intrusion, Kotori stared at Shidou's whole body as if she was examining it. Rei urged Tohka and Tenka to move away from them and observe in a distance. The two agreed seeing no problems with it.

And then...

"You stupid brother!"

The commander shouted out loud.


...Kotori held her fist aloft with all her strength and, let out a strong punch at Shidou's solar plexus. What's more, a miraculous twist was also added to the punch. It was an excellent cork screw.

"Guhaa...Wha...what the heck are you doing!?" Shidou gasped as he complained.

"Doing something so stupid...…! You should only listen to what I say!" Retorted Kotori as she looked at him like he was some idiot.

"Uh? What are you—?"

Shidou wanted to raise an accusing voice but—he was stopped half-way through. The reason is simple. It was because the sister that had just released a punch was now looking at him with intense worry in the eyes. Visible tears could be easily seen as well but she swiftly wiped them away.

It seems that she is really just that worried.

"...You have to properly, make proper calculations on the recovery limit beforehand.....! And move accordingly to what I say, it will definitely be safer..."


Shidou exhaled, and smiled softly.

"Sorry, for doing something rash."

"...You seriously were thoughtless. Even an amoeba is more prudent. You half-celled creature."

She then turned to Rei who was in the corner alongside Tohka and Tenka watching this scene unfold. She then walked briskly towards him and slammed herself on his chest much to Rei's surprise and the two Spirits' amusement.

"Thank you very much... I'm very grateful to you for helping my stupid brother out there, Rei..." Kotori sniffed as her hug tightened. "...I'll be sure to pay back the favor—"

"It's okay," Rei then patted her head. "Don't worry. There's no need for that."

Kotori then looked up to him, her eyes somewhat wet with tears, but the glint on it shows the emotions of joy.

"Yeah. No problems with that. So be at ease, Kotori." he comforted her.

"Mmm..." Kotori nodded slowly feeling the embrace she is on.

After a few more seconds realizing that Kotori was hugging Rei for quite some time already, she then pushed herself out and coughed awkwardly. However, Kotori was showing that she wasn't bothered about that...or at least, she was pretending to. Speaking of which the moment her face left Rei's chest, her usual addressing method of the cold-tongued Commander mode returned.

"...Once more, I give thanks to those who cooperated in this mission. Specially to Rei, Tohka, and...Tenka over there." Kotori recited, however, her voice seemed to be strained when she mentioned Tenka.

Noticing that, Rei was curious and asked Tenka who on the other hand just shrugged saying it was nothing, and Tohka is...well, being Tohka. Happy and jolly as always with her "UmU" on the mix.

After that, everything went to a flash. Kotori and Reine guided them to one fo the rooms for an examination to check their vitals and such. The three agreed seeing no problem about it. After that, they said their goodbyes and immediately went home.

To be honest, it was an exhausting yet wonderful day. Each for the three, namely Rei, Tohka and Tenka would think so. The day was enjoyable at best, but some bumps along the way that no one would've expected. But anyways, everything ended in a good note.

So the girls went to bed early. It was just around 4 or 5 or something when they got back. Rei didn't manage to check and neither did Tohka or Tenka did, they were to tired to do so. They said they would wake up in dinner. Rei himself also wanted to rest, he was even invited by Tohka to join them, meanwhile Tenka was just open to the offer.

Sadly, he refused. He needs to set up some things for dinner and such. Tohka and Tenka seemed convinced and happily left Rei to himself as they proceeded to their chambers.

"Rei~ If you changed your mind then the door is open." Tohka invited him once more.

Rei just nodded and showed a weak smile. "Mmm. Got it. I will sure to follow if the opportunity arises."

"Mou~" Tohka pouted. She seemed to interpret those words of Rei as a polite way to refuse. "Mmm. Be sure to wake us up in time then!"

Tenka then added. "Don't forget, clear?"

"I won't forget, Tohka, Tenka."

And so they left and Rei was now alone in the kitchen.

"Now... let's set this up shall we?"


[Rei PoV]

It's around 10 in the night. A few more hours and the day would reach its end. Currently, he is in the balcony of his own mansion with a glass of wine in his hand.

They had finished dinner quite some time already and ending the date with a home dinner could be more or less appealing in its own way. And well, it went good in Rei's opinion. Tohka and Tenka also seemed to be satisfied about it.

And that leads to the current situation.

His face was kind of flushed. Is the alcohol getting in his system? Surprising. It seems like being a Spirit won't prevent you from being somewhat drunk.

The moon was coincidentally shining bright tonight. Two silhouettes then appeared in a distance and Rei turned his eyes to those.

"Ne~ Rei it's cold. Let's go back in~..."

"Bastard... what did you us here for?"

It was Tohka and Tenka respectively. Hearing their voice, Rei could deduce that they had drunk the wine left from dinner. He didn't really expect them to try, but well, there is nothing he can do a bout spilled milk.

'Besides, it's not like it was something bad...' he thought. Yes. Drinking wine isn't exactly a sin...well, there are exceptions but most will get the point.

"Sorry for calling you two up here. It might be cold but there's something I want to give you guys before this day ends." He muttered as the sudden gust of winds blow through the area.

"Oh?" Both widened their eyes as curiosity sprouted within their chests.

What is he going to give them?

Rei then approach Tohka and Tenka. He pulled out a expensive looking box. The outer design of the box could be defined as exquisite as well. Rei then opened it and revealed the contents to the Spirits.

"Beautiful..." Tohka complimented in daze as a smile appeared in her face.

"Amazing..." Tenka herself couldn't help but also say.

The box contained two glistening pendants. The chains have this exquisite craftsmanship that even those who doesn't know a thing about it could not possibly help but say that it is amazingly well made. The chains were also gold. Yes, not just it was colored gold, but that of real gold that signifies how much Rei spent on showing how sincere he was on picking these gifts. The most notable part was of course the jewels which were colored violet, and Tohka and Tenka could feel something imbued to it. Reiryoku. Rei's reiryoku to be exact. It gave the two the feeling of being connected with him more stronger. It also gave them some sort of invisible protection, a warm and comfortable one to add.

It was special.

Nobody could deny it.

Rei then began to speak catching the attention of the two.

"Both of you... I may be not the perfect man out there and I have many shortcomings as well. But if there's one thing I am sure about, if it comes about you two, both of you are the most important individuals in my life." He confessed with his face somewhat heating but he didn't stop.

"Tohka and Tenka. I, Rei Ainsworth, would say once more. I'm glad to meet you both in this life, I love you, and please continue to be with me for years to come."

To be honest, it was kind of awkward and embarrassing saying all of these words in the perspective of a normal person. However, Rei would disregard any outside comments that would demean his confession. He would admit, it might be lacking or excessive for some, but for him, it was enough.

"....Mmm. Of course..." Tohka muttered as she wore it around her neck. "How is it Rei? Your thoughts please~?"

"Not bad. Not at all...bastard—no, Rei... I... Mmm, this is hard..." Tenka mumbled as she wore her pendant as well. "Your thoughts?"

"Of course, you two both look wonderful." he complimented the two. "My dear princesses."

Cheesy, but well, he couldn't help it.

"Ah, as I thought. I can't hold back anymore..." Tohka muttered weakly as she licked her lips. "Rei. Everything should be paid back when it is due~ Now come and...take responsibility."

"Ah? Tohka...?"

Rei then asked feeling the shift in the atmosphere. To describe it, it became more... intense.

"Hehehe~ Well, Sis? Want to join as well? I think I showed you and taught you some of this a few days ago, right?" Tohka then turned to Tenka, her tone excited.

"Hmph. Sure, why not?" Tenka funnily answered. "I need to... recharge as well. And as for what Tohka had informed me... As they say, experience is the best teacher."

Tenka then blushed much to Rei's surprise. Though the area was dark, the few lampshades in the edges of the balcony alongside the bright moon, it could be said that it was enough to illuminate the pretty blushing face of the Spirit called Tenka.

They were drunk. In that current state, Tenka just agreed. Even so, being drunk doesn't necessarily mean that your brain doesn't function properly...well, to put it in another term, your mind alongside your is in a...well, vulnerable state if you somewhat get drunk in some cases.

Some say that a drunk person is more honest than his or her sober self would. After all, in occasions like these, emotions often take over that the mind when drunk.

"...Isn't this going a bit to fast?" Rei wondered since it was a fact.

"No no~! There's no refuse here, my love~" Tohka looked at him with eyes filled with mixed emotions. Intense, to correct it. In her eyes, there's only Rei in her sights. "No backing down. This night, you're mine. No... you are 'ours'."

"That's right...Bast—, Rei, try to run away and we'll drag you immediately to our embrace." Tenka stated putting a amused smile on her face.

Leaving no room for refusal—not that he was thinking of refusing them in the first place of course, Rei smiled in response. He will give what he was supposed to give. So be it then.

"I see. Lead the way." He said knowing that these two would be very eager to do that.

Tohka then grabbed Rei's hand and led him inside the room connected to the balcony. Tenka followed . Shutting the door, Rei couldn't help but be amazed and thankful.

'Everything should be paid when it is due,' she says,' Rei thought to himself.


If he wasn't wrong, then probably it would lead to 'that'. Knowing this, anybody else here would know that Rei had still so much to do. The night is still young after all.

And it would be a special night to be remembered in the following futures.









SEGG— Ehem. Anyways, we all know where this is going (•‿•)

This is late... okay. It's quite hard to write and put an ending to this chapter so yeah. Here am I with the late release.

And finally, next chap is the epilogue of this arc and the...well, lemon chapter as they say. Some of the readers here are eagerly waiting for that! And it took 85 chapters for one to be on production!


Thanks for the main supporters of this fic. I wouldn't have continued writing without your support guys!

To name some of the top, thanks to the following:

Lazyboi and Apocalypse for being the most active supporters throughout this fic. Thanks for all the numerous reviews, comments, and power stones up until now! I am grateful you two a lot since the start of this fic!

Ginnungagap, Monsieur_Anon, SithBestDaughter, Laplace_Scathach, AbsurdReader, and Argos7 for the daily power stones! You 6 are the ones I

always notice giving power stones nonstop without missing a day. Talk about a Powerstone Giving Streak for over 200+ days or something haha!

With that said, though there are some that I haven't mentioned their names, I know u guys are reading his as well, I am still thankful to you all!

As imperfect as this fic is compared to some, thanks for reading this far!

To conclude this, Happy New Year Guys! May you all have a prosperous and lucky start this year!

PS: I'll be back in a few weeks after New Year Guys!

With that said, Ciao~]

Be sure eto comment if there are errors. But yeah, last chap for the year.


Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts